Sunday, January 31, 2016

Seattle Bike Share Losing Money helmets, hills and weather are keeping people from participating in the bike share.  The non-profit is losing money and wants Seattle to buy the program out for $1.4M and to INCREASE spending in what doesn't work.  Yeah..this is what is going

Sniper Taking out ISIS Leaders
The Telegraph reports that 3 Daesh leaders have been killed in the Libyan city of Sarte by someone with Sniper level skills.  No one is sure whether or not the same shooter has taken down all 3 of these individuals but to whoever it is....GOOD START!!!!  KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!

Predicting Iowa

The Iowa caucus is an exercise in organization and commitment.  The people who come out to cast votes in the caucus are likely people most personally engaged and interested in the candidates.  Thusly, statewide polling and the coverage by the national punditocracy will likely be meaningless.  The winner will more likely be the candidate most able to get committed supporters out to vote. 

The candidate that has the largest most well organized team is Senator Cruz, therefor I expect that tomorrow night Ted Cruz will likely win the caucus.  Donald Trump leads statewide polling but does not have an organization covering the entire state the way Senator Cruz does.

Friday, January 29, 2016

GOP Debate on FOXNEWS Crushes CNN Trumpfest

Last night's debate on FOXNEWS drew four times the viewership of the Trump advertising fest on CNN and MSNBC.  The GOP debate drew higher ratings than the previous debate that included Donald Trump. 

It is clear that Mr. Trump's expected bombing of the ratings failed as viewers by the millions tuned in to see what the candidates had to say.  

Thursday, January 28, 2016

GOP Debate Notes: #29 Summary

Rand Paul in his return to the main stage for the first time in this campaign looked like a real statesmen.  He repeatedly articulated his liberty message and didn't resort to shouting matches.  Rand did really well in his performance and may have earned some relooks.

John Kasich consistently brought up his message of working together to get things done.  A lot of what he said probably drifted beyond the interest of Iowa voters.  I don't think he did anything that will move the needle for Monday.

Jeb Bush was able to go thru a debate without getting punked by Donald Trump.  He didn't get cutoff by other candidates as he spoke and he talked about serious issues.  I do think the odd back and forth he had with Marco Rubio did nothing at all to change the perception that he is a proponent of amnesty.

Chris Christie told us several times that his best qualification is that he happens to have been a Governor..of course there were two others on the stage with him tonight.  Oh and I was shocked to find out tonight that he was in New York on 9/11....oh wait.  Nevermind. 

Dr. Carson was soft spoken and stumbled in his comments about national security though he clearly intends to confront Putin.  He maintains high numbers in terms of voters having a positive impression of him yet he has floundered in the polling.  I noticed that he didn't veer into religious areas much at all tonight.  Without strong Evangelical support on Monday his campaign probably is over.

Marco Rubio did what he does.  He looked into the camera and spoke about serious issues with serious answers.  He came accross as solid strong on national defense but lost a lot of credibility in his answers regarding illegal immigration.  I think that Jeb stabbed him pretty hard saying that he was guilty of having "cut and run" when his Gang of Eight bill proved unpopular with Republicans.  Rubio could have really taken his campaign into surge mode tonight.  I don't think he did that.

Ted Cruz was treated more like a front runner in this debate and the most notable moments came when he argued fairness issues with the moderators.  He also stumbled when amnesty was brought up.  Senator Cruz may have gone in with expectations extremely high for tonight and might be victim of an ordinary performance not being viewed as good enough.

So there we go. 

GOP Debate Notes: #28

Closing statements

"I'm worried about the country and the debt we are adding.  I am the one true fiscal conservative"
- Rand Paul

John Kasich and Chris Christie said what they always say..Kasich wants to work together..Christie prosecuted terrorists in New York.

Jeb Bush will be proud to be the nominee as if there is any chance of that happening.

Dr. Carson quoted the preamble. 

"The Bible commands us to let our light shine upon the world."  - Marco Rubio

"93 hours.  The media noise will soon be over and the men and women of Iowa will decide."
"Examine our records and pray upon it."  - Ted Cruz

GOP Debate Notes: #27

About Hillary with Bill's behavior "She can't be a champion of women's rights at the same time she's got this that is always lurking out there..this type of behavior" of her husband's?  "But I combine this with the millions and millions of dollars that they've taken from regimes in the Middle East that treat women like cattle."  Rand Paul

GOP Debate Notes: #26

"Vladimir Putin is a bully and an opportunist.  We have to face him down."  Dr. Carson

GOP Debate Notes: #25

"We must have virtue.  We must a religious bearing as a nation.  But government is not always going to save us and it's not always going to come from government.  But if we don't know right from wrong I think we have lost our way, I think we come unmoored.  I think that without the religious foundation that guides us all I think we have a great risk of going horribly in the wrong direction."

Rand Paul

GOP Debate Notes: #24

"My goal is not simply to live my life for 80 years, but to live in eternity with my Creator.  I will always allow my faith to influence everything I do."  Marco Rubio

GOP Debate Notes: #23

"The Conservative message is economic growth.  And along with economic growth goes opportunity for everyone in America.  Everyone should be able to rise to their God given ability." John Kasich

GOP Debate Notes: #22

"There is only one Savior and that's not me.  It is Jesus Christ who came down and died for our sins."
"Bernie Sanders is a good candidate for President..of Sweden."
"One of Hillary Clinton's first acts as President might be to pardon..herself."
"Anyone who lies to Americans who have died for this country can never be Commander in Chief."

Marco Rubio

GOP Debate Notes: #21

"I am not the candidate of career politicians in Washington."
"If I am elected every single day I will do two things.  Tell the truth and do what I said I would do."

Ted Cruz

GOP Debate Notes: #20

"Stop the Washington bull and let's get things done!"  Chris Christie

GOP Debate Notes: #19

Megan shows videos of Ted Cruz' poison pill attempts in 2013 regarding legal status of illegal immigrants.

"Anyone here illegally is permanently ineligible for citizenship."

"If it wasn't for Ted Cruz the Gang of Eight bill would have passed."

Ted Cruz

GOP Debate Notes: #18

Video of Senator Rubio showing his previous position against amnesty vs. his change of positions two years after he was elected to the Senate.

"Securing our borders is not anti-immigrant.  We will hire 20,000 border security agents in stead of IRS agents."

Marco Rubio

"He was the sponsor of the Gang of Eight bill." 
"He led the charge to fix this immigration problem and then he cut and run because it wasn't popular."
"We should have a path for the 12million that are here illegally."

Jeb Bush

Neither of them lost points with me..Rubio lost more.  It is clear that Senator Rubio is on both sides of this issue and that Jeb "illegal immigration is an act of love" Bush is as well.

GOP Debate Notes: #17

"I do not believe that we have to destroy our economy in order to protect our environment."

Marco Rubio

GOP Debate Notes: #16

"Puerto Rico is going to have to deal with the structural problems in place."

Governor Bush

GOP Debate Notes: #15

"We have seen now under six years of Obamacare that it is a job killer."
"We will repeal every word of Obamacare." 

Ted Cruz

GOP Debate Notes: #14

"Get rid of Planned Parenthood funding for the United States of America.  When you see thousands upon thousands of children being murdered in the womb, I can't think of anything bigger than that."

Chris Christie

GOP Debate Notes: #13

"The first duty of the next President is to fix the mess that is the Department of Veterans Affairs."
"I will make sure that we fire the incompetence at the Department of Veterans Affairs."

Jeb Bush

GOP Debate Notes: #12

"We need to stop allowing political correctness to dictate our policies because it is going to kill us."

Dr. Carson

GOP Debate Notes: #11

"What people should do is use their common sense and let law enforcement make those decisions."
"Barack has made law enforcement the enemy."

Governor Christie

GOP Debate Notes: #10

"Radical Moslems and radical Islam is not just talk.  They take actions."
"The threat we face from ISIS is unprecedented."
"We must keep America safe from this threat."
"We will go after them wherever they are and if we find them they are going straight to Guantanamo."

Senator Rubio

"You can't be in favor of defending us against radical Islam if you are against border security."

Senator Paul

GOP Debate Notes: #9

"Get the lawyers off the damn backs of the military"
Jeb Bush

Senator Cruz is not happy that the last four questions have been worded as attacks against Ted.  The audience seems to react negatively.

"I'm not leaving the stage no matter what you ask me."
"The United States should not be involved in symbolic activity."

Marco Rubio

"Should we be bombing both sides of the war?"
"Arming the allies of ISIS will make the situation worse."

Rand Paul

GOP Debate Notes: #8

Hillary Clinton on her email situation "she did it for convenience.  Let me tell you who is not qualified to be President.  Hillary Rodham Clinton is not qualified to be President of the United States." - Chris Christie

The question pointed out Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz but the moderator would not let Ted Cruz reply.

GOP Debate Notes: #7

"I will apologize to nobody for the vigorousness with which I will fight terrorism, go after ISIS, hunt them down wherever they are and utterly and completely destroy ISIS."

Senator Cruz stated the difference in forces between the military we had 25 years ago in Desert Storm vs. today.

"ISIS is the most dangerous Jihadist group in the hsitory of mankind."
"ISIS wants to trigger an Apocalyptic show down in Dibiqq"
"They need to be defeated and that will take overwhelming force."
"When I'm President we are rebuilding the US military because the world is a safer and a better place when America is the strongest military in the world."

Marco Rubio

"Booming economic growth fueld the rebuilding military under Reagan"

Ted Cruz

It is my considered view that Senator Rubio scored the first serious points of the debate with this exchange.

GOP Debate Notes: #6

"I am the only one on this stage with no political title."
"I don't think you have to be a politician to tell the truth."
"I have had more 2AM phone calls than anybody else here making life and death decisions."
"We need people who can think outside of the box and can solve problems."

Dr. Benjamin Carson

GOP Debate Notes: #5

"Ted didn't show up.  We had an audit the Fed vote and he didn't show up."

"Ted was for NSA reform, but then he told Marco Rubio that I'm in favor of the govnerment collecting 100% of your cell phone information."

Rand Paul..

"I agree with Rand that I respect Ron Paul." 
"You have to bring together the Reagan coalition." 
"The audit the Fed bill had no chance to pass."

Ted Cruz

"I respect Rand."
"When I'm President we are going to rebuild out intelligence capabilities."
"We will keep this country safe."

Marco Rubio

"We fought the war for independence because we wanted to fight against generalized warrants."

Rand Paul

GOP Debate Notes: #4

"There is no reason why you can't stand on principles and go and fight for them...and go and get things done in Government."  - Gov. Christie

GOP Debate Notes: #3

Governor Bush on the establishment

"We are just starting."

"If I am establishment because Barbara Bush is my mother then I'll take it."

GOB Debate Notes: #2

Senator Marco Rubio

"Barack Obama wants to change America.  He wants to make it like the rest of the world. We do not want to be like the rest of the world."

GOP Debate Notes: #1

Ted Cruz is in the center spot for this debate.  Rand Paul clearly got the loudest reaction from the audience during introductions.

Megan starts out of the gate asking Ted Cruz what he thinks about Donald Trump not participating.  Senator Cruz has been to all 99 counties.  His father has preached in churches.  If elected Iowa will be "fly to country."  He pretended to take shots at everyone on the stage referring to it as the "Donald Trump portion of the debate."

Megan asked about the difference between calling Trump a voice against the Washington Cartel and reacting to Trump's personal attacks against him.  "Issues and substance should be the meat of politics." 

Undercard Debate Notes: #13 - Summary

They are only getting a few seconds each for final comments.

No one really hit a homerun final comment.

All 4 contenders were able to make their points tonight.  Everyone was able to focus on their primary issue and it never degenerated into a slime fest. 

Undercard Debate Notes: #12

Carly Fiorina "I will always stand for life and religious liberty because this is about the character of America"

Rick Santorum "I have been a 25 year member of the March for Life"

Carly Fiorina "It is outrageous that Foxnews would question the Pro Life qualifications of Rick Santorum"

Undercard Debate Notes: #11

Carly Fiorina "If my husband did what Bill Clinton did I would have left him a long time ago."

"She has escaped prosectution more times than El Chapo"

"The woman should be prosecuted"

"She has not accomplished anything.  She has gotten every foreign policy wrong."

Undercard Debate Notes: #10

Rick Santorum supports a flat tax for 20%.....

He believes that cutting taxes will draw jobs back to the USA

Undercard Debate Notes: #9

Huckabee doesn't like Club for Growth.  They called him Tax Hike Mike when he was Governor of Arkansas.

Fair tax will create growth and help the little guy...

Undercard Debate Notes: #8

Jim Gilmore is apparently irritated at the amount of time that Ms. Fiorina got to give answers.

"I am a board member of the National Rifle Association." 

President Obama and Hillary Clinton are trying to change the culture of this country when it comes to exercising of Second Amendment rights.

Undercard Debate Notes: #7

Gov. Huckabee

Nobody wants to be poor.  People are poor because they don't know how to get out of poverty.

Undercard Debate Notes: #6

Rick Santorum says you want to do something about climate change?  Bring back 2 million jobs from China...

Undercard Debate Notes: #5

Carly wants a zero based tax code.  I am assuming that less than 10% of voters have any idea what that actually is.

She will not replace hundreds of thousands of retiring Federal employees and will fire 400 senior leaders in the VA.

Undercard Debate Notes: #4

Jim Gilmore wants to rebuild the military accross the board.  Touted his history as an Intelligence officer and Russian area studies expert.

Undercard Debate Notes: #3

Governor Huckabee "I don't trust Putin."

Attack ISIS' ability to use Social Media and attack them on land.

Undercard Debate Notes: #2

Rick Santorum calls for troops on the ground to take land and delegitimize the Caliphate.

Carley Fiorina identifies ISIS as our #1 threat and Iran as #2.  Climate change is not our greatest security threat! 

Hillary lied about terrorists killing Americans in Benghazi.  Mrs. Clinton that is what difference it makes!

Undercard Debate Notes: #1

Governor Gilmore is running for Veterans Affairs Secretary

Obviously a Major Malfunction

Each generation has a moment where everyone knows exactly what they were doing and where they were when it happened.  I was sitting in my room with the radio on not following the Challenger launch.  It had become sort of routine and I didn't remember that it was happening that morning.  The interruption to report the Breaking News was my indicator and I ran out to turn on the television.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Iranian Mining Wealth..the Real Reason Sanctions are Being Lifted

Iran is formulating multi-billion dollar deals to impact over 3,000 mines for rare earth minerals located within their borders.  This influx of money will dramatically impact the nation of 80million population.  The thing to pay close attention to is how many power brokers associated closely with the Obama administration will be direct investors standing to make personal profit from these transactions.

Republican Pathways to the Nomination

With Iowa coming up next week it is getting near time to be realistic with the process.  Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are blowing away the entire field in Iowa with both candidates polling far ahead of the other 10 contenders for the nomination.  Iowa has a complex process where precints hold separate votes for delegates to the national convention.  It is very possible for several candidates to garner sufficient votes to acquire pledged delegates from Iowa.

On February 9 is the New Hampshire primary.  Currently Mr. Trump holds a 20% lead over all other candidates in polling being conducted by national sources.  To qualify for any delegates a candidate must win 10% of the votes.  Under most recent polling averages Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and John Kasich are the only candidates on the GOP side polling above this standard.

It can be assumed that after New Hampshire most of the current field will have dropped out with zero delegates.

Things will move to South Carolina   Scheduled for February 20.  South Carolina carries 50 delegates and allocates 29 by statewide vote totals...and 21 by congressional district totals from 7 districts.  Most recent polling averages show Donald Trump well ahead of Ted Cruz..with Marco Rubio trailing in 3rd by a significant margin as well. 

If any candidate wins all 3 of these states I assume that candidate will roll to the nomination barring something catastrophic.  Further, no candidate who fails to win any of these three will have any shot at the nomination.  Even though there are 12 right 3 weeks there will be 2 or 1.

Dewshine Natural Selection

Two Tennessee teens have died and two others are still being treated after they consumed Mountain Dew mixed with racing fuel.  The teens thought they would be effected the same as if they drank alcohol.  Racing fuel is almost entirely made of methanol which is not fit for human consumption obviously.  The teens knew what they were drinking so..there you go.  Kids do stupid things.  Really stupid kids do stupid deadly things.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Al Jazeera America is Dead

Lousy ratings, lousy revenue and poor coverage.  The ten year gamble is dead in three catching employees and sponsors by surprise.  It always seemed like this was doomed from the outset.  A network presuming to add yet another reporting agency to the US media market providing a viewpoint that counters traditional American values. 

You can almost hear the sound of millions of Conservatives laughing. 

Taliban to Target Schools in Pakistan

The schools teach Democratic ideals and this is anathema to the Taliban philosophy so they are going to attack schools, colleges and universities to destroy the foundation of this system.  Pretty straight forward.  Not a lot different from what Democrats do in America only with high powered weaponry.

Al Shabab Claims Responsibility for Mogadishu Beachfront Massacre

The Al Shabab terror organization claimed responsibility for over a dozen killed in an assault on innocent people on a beach and in a restaurant in Mogadishu.  The shooters shouted Allahu Akbar before opening fire.  Authorities say at least 20 people were killed but did not give indication if that includes the shooters.

I am sure that later on today Obama administration officials will publicly denounce this attack that is completely unrelated to Islam as just a terrible misunderstanding.  Then they will release more Gitmo prisoners because..just because.

Fast and Furious Documents Not Protected by Executive Privilege

This has been a bad week for the Obama administration regarding the Fast and Furious investigation.  First we found out that a weapon from the Fast and Furious sale was found in the hideout of El Chapo.  Now a federal judge has invalidated the President's use of executive privilege to prevent documents being provided to ivestigators.

The next Republican administration (which I hope takes power in January of 2017) will have much information at hand to pursue prosecutions of guilty parties.

Another Thing About Those "White" Oscars

Over the past 20 years of the 80 Best Actor and Actress as well as Supporting Actor and Actress winners 10 of them were black.  Blacks are 13.2% of the population of America.  The Oscars are essentially a representative fraction of society for the past two decades.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Cascadia Playbook

The State of Oregon Office of Emergency Management has this document which lays out the plan for agencies in response to a megathrust earthquake on the Cascadia subduction zone.  Such a quake could exceed 9.0 magnitude and would likely present destruction on a very wide scale throughout the Pacific northwest.

Walmart to Hike Wages for 1.2Million Workers

The nation's largest retailer is responding to low unemployment creating competition for workers as well as emphasizing improved customer service.  At least that is the theory.  This includes a new minimum wage of $10 an hour for employees who have passed training. 

Irony of Democrats and Background Checks

The Senate blocked a bill calling for tighter screening of Syrian refugees.  Apparently it is only considered being a good American if you push for screening of law abiding Americans who want to utilize their 2nd Amendment rights. 

A New Ninth Planet???

I am always interested in things related to space and the universe around us.  Discovery of a previously unknown planet in our own solar system would be pretty amazing. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

About Spike and Jada's Oscars Boycott

So Spike Lee and Jada Pinkett are leading a boycott of the Academy Awards because of a perceived slight in the nominations.  The utter hypocrisy of these mega millionaire entertainment giants protesting the plight of other entertainers not getting "fairly" recognized and rewarded by other entertainers.  With all of the real actual problems in the world today this is what these selfish clowns are focused on.

Jada Pinkett is currently going thru a divorce that will split a fortune worth over $200Million earned entirely thru entertainment.  Spike Lee actually has an Oscar that he was awarded years ago for his work in film.  Neither of these individuals has done anything in years worthy of a nomination.  Neither one of them really has anything to be complaining about.

Hillary Server Had Top Secret Information of the Highest Level

Another day another bit of information proving that Hillary broke the law repeatedly with her email server.  Top Secret code word material being exchanged on an open server is a federal crime.  It is not debateable.  It simply is how it is.  We are either a nation of laws or we are nothing.

Huma Resisted the State Deparment Effort to Get Hillary to Use State Dept Account

In 2011 Huma Abedin, Hillary's chief advisor, got into an email exchange regarding efforts to get Hillary to use a State Department email account.  The emails tell clearly that the agency was aware that she was using a private server in her residence and that it was subject to crashes.  Also it is clear that everyone in the conversation understood that a State Department account would be subject to FOIA requests.  There is no question but that Hillary broke the law.  The only question is whether or not she will be charged.

Monday, January 18, 2016

RNC Pushes Back at NBC

This is a pretty heavy hit to NBC News.  The Republicans taking a stand against the network following the horrendous performance of their moderators in October is significant.  The Feb 26 debate in Houston was to be hosted by NBC and the network will seek a way to resolve this difference but for now they are out.

Christian Women Fighting in Iraq

Interesting compare and contrast the roles of women in this war.  The Syriac women take up arms to defend the ground they grew up on.  Fighting as professional soldiers to protect their children and their homeland vs. ISIS..recruiting women with cash and promises of reward in Paradise if they commit atrocity. 

The west has an obligation to support these efforts.  It is telling that Iraqi women stay and fight while Syrian men flee to the west.

Belgian Linked to Paris Attackers Arrested in Morrocco

You can run but you can't hide.  The people who committed the vile attacks in Paris are one by one being tracked down and captured.  It is good to see what can happen when governmental entities cooperate for a good cause.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Sanders vs. Clinton Q Poll

The latest news from out of Iowa shows Senator Sanders leading Hillary 49-44 with a 31 point margin for Bernie among men. 

Only one month ago Secretary Clinton led in Iowa by double figures.  It remains to be seen if Democrats will see Sanders as being likely to win the Presidency, but right now he is surging in Iowa.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Iran and US Conduct Prisoner Swap

So, earlier today American media was reporting the release of 4 Americans from prison by Iran.  The great news was being hailed as a display of humanity (ignoring as I earlier stated...that none of these people should have been jailed in the first place).  Now we are hearing that Iranian media is reporting it as a prisoner swap.  Not a mere release in the interest of humanity.  Iran is receiving at least 6 prisoners who are guilty of actual crimes in the exchange.  And so it continues.....

Seattle Archdioces Publishes Names of Child Molesting Clergy

One name on the list was the head Priest of the Catholic church where I grew up.  Although I am not a Roman Catholic I was raised in that religion as a child.

Catholicism in the United States has had a rough 21st Century with almost non-stop allegations of child sex abuse.  Finally the leadership in the church is starting to turn against the molesters instead of hiding behind a curtain of silence.  It is long since about time!

Iran Frees People that Should Never Have Been Jailed

The Islamicist in Chief will no doubt sing praises of his benevolent leaders in Tehran for this gesture of common decency.  Iran gets participation points.  YAY! 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Iran Has Violated the Geneva Convention

This is what the international headlines should read.  Not Iran frees sailors as it is being played.  Iran didn't "free" any sailors.  Iran released hostages that were taken illegally.  Iran took these men at gunpoint, ransacked their boats and equipment...and posted propaganda video of them.  The video includes confession.

Iran treating US Navy sailors as prisoners and then publishing video of them is a violation of the Geneva Convention.  While the Failure in Chief and his State Secretary congratulate themselves publicly for the astounding diplomatic "victory" the fact is that Iran committed a crime and used it for bragging purposes.  Our President is a fool and so is John Kerry.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

American Folk Singer to Serenade ISIS

Some things reach the news that are just so stupid that you think it has got to be a joke.  This isn't from the Onion though.  Apparently this guy is serious.  He did get one part right though.  He isn't a hero..he is a moron.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Governor of Washington Wants $13.50 Minimum Wage and Higher Pay for Teachers

Simply put if you are arguing that a 40 hour work week should automatically put a roof over your head..but equating that to minimum wage jobs you have lost the logic debate instantly.  For starters very few minimum wage jobs..are 40 hours a week.  Secondly minimum wage jobs are entry level.  This means that if you are trying to "raise a family" on such a have inherently made some horrendous life choices and it is not the purpose of government to try and dictate a value to that.  Besides that fact that Washington state already has the highest minimum wage in the nation...and those jobs as a percentage of the work force have been shrinking in the state ever since voters put in mandatory cost of living increases in the late 1990's. 

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Middle East Refugees Arrested in Terror Bust

Two men who both passed the federal vetting process...entered the United States and then engaged in illegal terror related activities.  They communicated with each other and were caught.  One of them even brags about fighting alongside ISIS in Syria. 

I suppose they have nothing to do with being Muslim as well.

Philadelphia Mayor - "It Has Nothing to Do With Being Muslim"

It is always amazing how Democratic operatives go out of their way to claim that when anyone commits an atrocity in the name of Islam, Allah or in support of ISIS..that they are somehow not representative of Islam, Allah or speaking of anything directly from the Koran.  These are the same Democrats that last summer went crazy destroying and removing historical monuments because a deranged person with a gun happened to have a stars and bars patch on a picture on Facebook.  Think on that for a bit while contemplating that the very Islamicists that Democrats disregard...are arguing precisely the opposite. 

Hillary Clinton's Email Directing Aide to Break the Law

There really isn't any question regarding legality of Hillary Clinton's email server in her home.  It is a violation of multiple Federal laws.  The intention to violate classification standards is a crime punishable by prison and fines for just one violation.  There are over 1,000 with at least 2 being Top Secret. 

We will soon know if we are still a nation of laws or not.

Friday, January 8, 2016

El Chapo Captured

This has got to be some sort of record chasing down someone of this stature.

Several officials lost their positions when Guzman just walked thru a tunnel and out of the prison months ago.  He no doubt had an adventure while out that Hollywood will turn into a blockbuster in the coming years.  While out he picked a fight with Donald Trump and declared war on ISIS.

People like this should not be glorified but like Pablo Escobar and John Gotti, these sorts of criminals intrigue the public at large.  It probably reflects in our elections as we have had no real national dilemma electing criminals to public office and letting them stay in power.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Inslee Wishes He Was Obama - Pushes More Useless Gun Control

The false narrative of the left continued yesterday in the state of Washington as Governor Jay Inslee announced plans to call for more information sharing between state agencies as well as a program to reduce the number of gun related suicides.  No really.  That is what he says he wants to do.  I know right! 

Maybe this governor could do something to reduce the number of murders instead of worrying about harassing law abiding citizens with pointless gun control measures.  I don't know..maybe something like...ohhh...firing the DOC Director whose agency has been letting prisoners out of jail too early!  How about that? 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

North Korea Tests Alleged Hydrogen Bomb

North Korea announced today that it has tested a hydrogen bomb.  There was a detection of a 5.1 magnitude earthquake in an area associated with previous nuclear weapons test by the North.  This would be the 4th nuclear test for them since 2006 and represents a major upgrade in capabilities if it is indeed an H-bomb. 

North Korea already has missiles capable of reaching the west coast of the United States of America.  It can be reasonably assumed that they have taken a step towards a long term goal of building a nuclear warhead small enough to fit onto a long range missile capable of striking North America.

This world is getting more and more dangerous all the time.

Hillary Clinton IS the War on Women

Secretary Clinton likes to say that women alleging rape have a right to be "believed."  That said, during a recent town hall in New Hampshire Hillary got into an exchange with a woman asking her about Juanita Broderick's allegations of rape by Bill Clinton.  Hillary branded her a Heckler..the largely silly prog audience cheered and Hillary declared her rude and stated that she would never call on her.

Turns out...the "heckler" that the MSM jumped all over is actually a state representative Katherine Prudhomme O'Brien, happens to be a former Democrat turned Republican.  The state representative is also herself a survivor of sexual assault.

Once again we have a clear example of liberal media bias.  Rape is only rape when the victim is a liberal or the accused is someone the left dislikes. 


Gitmo Transfer of 17 Bad Guys..Just Because

The ridiculous administration of Barack Obama will once again put the world at risk by effectively giving away prisoners in order to....gain some good will with his terrorist buddies in Al Qaida.  Against the smart advice of sensible adults basically..everywhere this administration will just declare a giant "no problem" in an effort to empty Guantanamo Bay detention center so as to shut it completely down.  The reasoning is utterly insane. 

Shakeups in the Carson Campaign, What Do They Mean?

In 1980 John Sears was campaign manager for Ronald Reagan.  He got into complex insider squabbles with various staff members early in the primary season and was replaced by William Casey.  Mr. Sears firing followed speculation by outsiders (speculation possibly encouraged by Mr. Sears) that Governor Reagan was really just a mouthpiece for the real vision of John Sears.  The rest is history.

Last week turmoil within the Ben Carson Presidential campaign staff resulted in the campaign manager, communications director and at least 20 other staff members leaving the team.  While the campaign has been raising money at an excellent rate keeping Dr. Carson near the top of the GOP cash competition there is concern that Armstrong Williams is using the campaign as essentially a moneymaker and is causing issues in public. 

Make no mistake about it....while the money generated for the campaign is great news for Dr. Carson, turmoil among staff is not good.  Not 4 weeks before Iowa.  There is nothing good about this.  When it is brought up, Carson supporters have liked to point to 1980.  The difference between this and 1980 is a couple of things.  First of all in 1980 the Reagan campaign didn't lose all of it's primary senior staff right before the primaries.  John Sears was quickly replaced and the staff turmoil essentially went away, suggesting very strongly that he in fact was the actual problem.  Secondly, Reagan was the front runner and wasn't facing 11 other contenders.  Neither of those elements are true about the Carson campaign. 

Second Unforgiveable Murder

It took just 12 days for this "poor son of O" to go out and commit a murder.  So much for rehabilitation.

"I'm heartsick that this tragedy occurred at all, much less during the time in which Jeremiah Smith should have been incarcerated," said Corrections Secretary Dan Pacholke.

Well isn't that special Mr. Pacholke?  Extreme levels of incompetence by the corrections department have for going on 14 years put the general population at risk.  Mr. Pacholke should be arrested himself.

Cargill Meat Packing Plant Terminates Muslims

This story is sad and confusing.  As it came out last week and developed what was not made very clear was what policy had changed.  It seems that Cargill had made a policy of working with employees to allow for prayer but that the workers wanted to leave in larger groups.  Larger groups would prove disruptive to work processes and potentially put the food supply at risk. 

At the end of the day Cargill seems to have been reasonable and the demands of the workers while understandable is actually an example of lacking assimilation.  Workplace standards must still be adhered to regardless of religious practices.

The protests have resulted in over 100 firings and complaints by CAIR.  The context of how the policy was changed or implemented has been described in confusing terms by both sides.  Personally I am all for religious freedom for is the American way.  I am also for practicality in the workplace.  It would seem some of our Somali friends will need to find a new $14 an hour wage or develop their own businesses so that they can pray whenever they feel like it.

Chinese Domestically Built Aircraft Carrier

Chinese officials have confirmed their intentions to construct the nation's first domestically built aircraft carrier.  The ship design would seem to borrow liberally from the Russian Kuznetsov CV that they currently operate under very limited conditions.

The ship will not have steam catapults.  It will have a ski ramp and arresting gear.  The ship will be roughly 866 feet long and will be the first of an intended fleet of four carriers in the Chinese Navy. 

China has been on a 30 year program to upgrade and update the Navy and has studied carrier technology extensively.  While it is true that there are lessons in blood that must be learned for any Navy to truly be modernized, the buildup of this force represents a very long term regional threat.  It would be foolish to simply brush this off as an effort by a large but technologically inferior power flexing muscle.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Rubio Campaign Donor Attacks Trump At Rose Bowl

It is my view that this sort of thing is not really helpful to any sort of a campaign for President.  While Senator Rubio might not be responsible for this activity attacking Mr. Trump, somehow I think such ads over a California audience isn't going to do anything to attract voters to the GOP.

Further, it just focuses negativity.  Conservative philosophy is inherently superior to Progressive Liberalism.  If we are to win this election it will be by spreading the message of limited government and promotion of freedom according to our Constitution.  Not by candidates bashing and insulting one another.

Not to mention that if the aim was to humiliate Donald Trump...I don't think anything like this works.  In fact I won't be surprised if it emboldens him.