Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Is Snowden a Hero?

National Security is meant to protect Americans from enemies..not to treat Americans AS the enemy.  The present administration has the following operations in play...use of the Internal Revenue Service to harass and limit activities of Conservative organizations; NSA monitoring datamining of all communications carried by the world's largest carrier; and today I'm reading about the NSA specifically reading the communications and listening to calls by Afghanistan war veterans for anti-government views.  We already are seeing the VA sending letters to war vets telling them they can limit their right to own weapons.  This isn't paranoia...these are pesky things called facts.

I am not quite as interested in whether or not Mr. Snowden is a criminal or a hero as I am bothered by the actions of the current administration.  I assume Mr. Snowden was not read in on SCI operations.  That means he probably resorted to some sort of malicious activity to acquire this information.  Personally I see that as someone else' problem.  I am much more concerned that our friends and collegues in the NSA including General Clapper (who btw....lied to Congress and should face charges) cannot be trusted.

Love of country is Patriotism.  Putting country above self is Patriotism.  Patriotism is not partisan and has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with honoring or supporting the tyrant that the sheep re-elected in November.  We have a willfully disengaged media, an executive branch that tramples the Bill of Rights as if it is just so much inconvenient nonsense (especially the 2nd and 4th Amendments) and apparently constant threat of harm from these criminals.  But ya...this IT nerd high school dropout hanging out in Hong Kong is the biggest threat.  Kinda like some Youtube video that no one ever saw in September got an Ambassador  murdered. 

God is Good!

Clearly some other family is grieving the loss of a loved one and we should pray for their comfort, but the gift of life may be granted to little Sarah.  Pray for her surgeons to have a steady hand and for the surgery to go without complications.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Patriot or Criminal?

 A Patriot puts country above self. There is never any obligation whatsoever to follow an illegal order. If you had a document that was arbitrarily classified Top Secret that was a report of the President of the United States committing murder there would be no obligation to protect a criminal.

The NSA whistle blower may be a Patriot. He also may have broken the law. We shall see. It does seem pretty self evident that our current administration is steamrolling the Constitution. If they have a problem with being called on it...*uck them.

What classification level was the Iran-Contra op? Probably Black. How about the Watergate break in of the DNC HQ? I imagine that was off the books as well.

Our National Security Act exists to protect the common interests of all Americans, not to hide secrets of renegade appointed officials and criminals holding office.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Obama Invites China to RIMPAC

Semi Annual massive naval exercise designed to strengthen interoperability between US Navy forces and allies will apparently include China in 2014.  You know China..our new ally on the world stage...that China.  The one that is actively shorting us on trade, taking steps to wreck the dollar and building it's armed forces while threatening us in the South China Sea?  Ya...that China.

The administration is being run by a coalition of amateurs, criminals and old style Communists.  They have zero respect for actual security and have a frightful lack of regard for just plain bloody common sense.  Foolishness like this will be viewed by historians of the future with disdain when they aren't just flat out laughing at the stupidity of the generation that is leading us at this time.

Here is the right plan.  RIMPAC should be about planning by our allies to DESTROY the Chinese Navy.  Not an opportunity for our actual enemy to be shown methods and systems up close in action.  President Obama is a dumbass.

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Schools Fail

Yesterday I was talking with a friend whose 14 year old daughter was in the room.  The kid is awesome, she is finishing 8th grade this month and is slated to take several honors classes her Freshman year next year.  She get's straight A's and is in the National Junior Honor Society.  It would be unreasonable to wish for a better kid.

Because I wonder about these things I asked her "what is D-Day?"  I got a blank stare and an "I don't know." in reply.  I then asked "What was the Battle of Midway?"  I got a frown and another "I don't know."  Her mom then tells me "they don't learn about that stuff." 

This is an honor student.  One generation ago in middle school kids were being clearly instructed on history and were in the midst of the cold war still.  It is already being forgotten while today's kids know all about pop culture and have absolutely no moral compass.  They spend too many partial days (which count as instruction days even with no insctruction) to get to the 180 total.  By the time a kid in today's schools graduates high school they will have had over 100 fewer days of actual teaching than they did in 1980.  The results?  An honor student doesn't know what D-Day means but can definitely tell you who won American Idol.

The Public School system in America is destroying America.  If you support it..YOU are the problem.  Don't trust a school system whose actual practitioners do not trust it.  (almost 50% of Seattle Public School teachers send their kids to Private School).

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Liberals and the Verizon Scandal

Yesterday I learned that Verizon wireless has been under an NSA order to hand over daily cell phone traffic data on every call.  These millions of calls are being tracked every single day and have been for years under the Obama administration.

During the Bush administration there was a domestic surveillance system in place to monitor cell calls originating outside of the US to follow terrorist communication activity.  The administration monitored traffic even if the calls originating outside of the US had a destination inside of the US.  Liberals went absolutely crazy for months.  There were calls for impeachment and claims that Bush was a fascist etc.  The MSM was unmerciful in it's criticisms of this program.  Eventually the administration ended the project.  It should be noted that participation by the cell phone companies in this process was actually voluntary!  That was the big scandal.

New FISA guidelines were written and passed into law by the Congress to lessen the requirements for surveillance in 2008.  Later the Obama administration violated the weaker guidelines and the Justice Department claimed the activity was a mistake and had ended.  Of course we now find out in fact that nothing really ended.  It was increased so now every call carried by Verizon wireless is tracked.  All of them.  Not just some of them.  This is just the carrier we know about.  No word yet on T-Mobile, Sprint or any other carrier.

The liberals that freaked out over the Bush administration domestic wiretapping program of course should be outraged beyond words over this.  Clearly MSNBC and CNN will be running a steady stream of critical programing of this governmental spying scandal.  Especially seeing as how they have convinced themselves that the war on terror is over with!

Any liberal who was in any way critical of George W. Bush over the use of FISA who does not rage openly about this cell phone spying scandal is the highest order of hypocrite and should be ridiculed as such.  I am not holding my breath.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Red Tape and Obamacare Death Rules Will Not Murder 10 Year Old

Yay for Judges who act with common sense and decency.  Too bad someone can't just slice open Kathleen Sebelius and take out her lungs.  It would be justice.

Monday, June 3, 2013

The Death of Frank Lautenberg

Sen. Lautenberg died today.  He is the last World War II veteran to serve in the US Senate and was one of the strongest liberals in that body for a generation.  We will see a lot of kind words being said about this giant of the Pro-Choice movement for the next several days up to his funeral I am sure.

There is another item that will soon become very significant.  His term runs thru 2014.  Governor Christie will be called upon to appoint a replacement.  I should think that the best possible pick would actually be Governor Christie himself.  He is barely a Republican and one that should be acceptable enough to both parties for a one year visit to Washington D.C.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Liberals to Ban Number Seven

What next?  The Letter ELLLL?  We should ban liberals. 

They Boo God

at their national convention and then attack free speech when it criticizes Islam.  This IS what the modern Democratic Party is really about.