Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Thank You Michele!

Rep. Michele Bachmann says she will not seek a fifth term in Congress.  She is a favorite of the Tea Party and has stayed consistent in her presentation and voting record to the cause of freedom and defense of the Constitution.  Hopefully the people of Minnesota will find greater space for her to serve.

Liberals be damned!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The IRS Run Wild!

For years Conservatives have warned about the evils of unchecked unmonitored governmental meddling.  Liberals always without fail make light of such ideas and then run merrily back to the polls to elect representatives to stick noses in every aspect of our daily lives in the name of what is good for us.

This latest scandal involving IRS employees treating Conservative organizations differently from Left Leaning organizations should scare most and anger all.  If it is acceptable for a group of public employees to use their positions to limit a voice simply because they disagree with that voice then there is no limit to power.  It is in effect the worst type of abuse and violation of our Constitution.  I doubt anyone sane would disagree with this.

The only true question now is to find out who was involved and what the punishment should be.  No doubt to me that any government employee who uses their position to harass private citizens belongs in jail. 

The story we are being fed is that this was the work of some rogue office in Ohio.  If that is the case then why the pretense of "firing" the acting head of the IRS who was set to leave office next month anyhow?  What exactly is the point of that supposed to be?  I'll tell you what it is.  It is a diversion.  A distraction on it's own.  The distraction is to keep us from paying attention to the fact that the administration knew this had been going on months before the 2012 election.  We are also not supposed to pay attention to letters from Democratic party members including United States Senators asking for the IRS to do exactly what they did. 

Finally, it is impossible for a unit of the IRS to operate this way without direction from management.  It is also not reasonable to assume that a local office would function in such an illegal fashion without guidance from the top.  And I don't mean the current acting Director.  The direction for something like this absolutely comes from the top of the Executive branch.  It is criminal and should be prosecuted.  From the top to the bottom.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Who is Boko Haram?

Boko Haram is a Jihadist organization in northern Nigeria.  They are dedicated to among other things eradication of Western Educational influences and man-made laws.  They promote establishment of Sharia Law and openly attack Christians with violence.

Their name literally means Western Education Sin in the Hausa language which is spoken primarily in the area where the group generated from over a decade ago.  It gets it's name from it's strong opposition to anything Western as it is a corrupting influence on Muslims.

They have engaged in assassinations, destruction of christian churches and attacks on the government of Nigeria.  They propose to end Democracy and reject the teaching of the Earth being flat.  Like many such organizations around the world there is a presumed affiliation with Al Qaida.

Since 2011 US Forces Africa Command has assessed this organization at high risk for potentially targeting westerners for attacks.  They are a major terrorist threat.

Today the United States Department of State warned the Nigerian government regarding strikes made against Boko Haram.  Boko Haram operates out of Northern Nigeria for the purpose of eradicating Democracy, Western Education and imposition of Sharia Law.  The Obama Administration chooses to warn the Nigerian government about attacking them.  You can draw your own conclusions about misplaced loyalty.

Friday, May 17, 2013

First of May Lucky Day

May First should be an national day.  The day that the SOB was taken down by the SEALS should be recognized every year with celebrations by free people around the world.  Call it Retribution Day!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What Price Amnesty?

And is it worth it? 

The Senate is arguing a so-called immigration reform plan that the Conservative Heritage Foundation has estimated would cost tax payers $6.3Trillion.  This would be the cost of providing benefits currently unavailable to an estimated 11Million illegal aliens.

Most people will not put much thought to numbers that large as they do not have a context for them.  $6.3Trillion would represent the totality of governmental benefits to those people over years.  $6.3Trillion is enough money to run the US Military for 9 years.  $6.3Trillion is more than we spend on housing in 90 years.  It is $570,000 per illegal alien.  It is a lot.

Think about that.  Would we benefit as a country by spending such extreme dollars on people provably willing to break the law just to exist in this country?  What makes anyone think amnesty would suddenly turn criminals into willing participants in a lawful society?  There really is no model in existence that supports this idea.  In fact every example in our own history shows exactly the opposite but I digress.  Let's just consider the dollars.

Here are a few ideas on what we can do with $6.3Trillion instead of another failed amnesty program. 

2000 mile border fence.  Something that liberals for years have insisted is unreasonable due to cost...can be done 120 times at $50Billion each.  We would still have change left over.  I imagine that would be quite a public works project...if we do it let's use some of that cheap Mexican labor to build them.  That would sure be ironic.  Just back sure they are facing north while building.

We could hire, train and equip a 2nd entire US Army of 500,000 men to do nothing but defend the border to our south for 30 years for $6.3Trillion. 

The population of Mexico is roughly 116,000,000.  We could write a check for every single citizen of Mexico for $54,000 with a  letter that says stay home. 

Thinking in these terms it is clear that the only real purpose of amnesty is to add millions of currently illegals to the potential voting rosters of Democrats.  This amnesty plan is foolishness and should be blown out of the water by the House of Representatives since the Senate remains incapable of doing the right thing.

Might Benghazi Be The End?

Last September 11 we saw our embassies in North Africa under assault.  As it was happening in Benghazi Libya our Ambassador was attacked and killed.  While the attack was underway the White House knew it was happening and someone in the chain of command ordered the Commanding General of US Forces in Africa to stand down a reaction team.  4 Americans were killed on that day.  At the very time of the attack it was apparent to anyone paying attention that this was terrorism organized to draw a reaction.

The following day President Obama avoided terming the attack as terrorism in a Rose Garden message.  His administration quickly tried to pin the blame on a Youtube video that 99.999% of us still have never actually seen.  He had Hillary Clinton out and about blaming the same Youtube video and the author was jailed.  Susan Rice, Deputy Secretary of State went on the weekend news shows and babbled the same foolishness about Youtube refusing to blame Islamic terrorists.

During the following weeks CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC and CBS all refused to make much mention at all of the attack or to give support to the families of the victims who were seeking voice.  The only major news location to find any information on Benghazi was FOXNEWS.  The story did blow up a bit during the Presidential debates when Mitt Romney challenged the President only to have moderator Candy Crowley erroneously defend the President regarding what he said in the above mentioned Rose Garden press conference.  CNN later that night gave a correction but by then the damage to the Romney Presidential campaign was done. 

Now months later we are on the eve of whistle blowers speaking before Congress.  These people have been hidden, denied legal support and threatened by Administration officials.  They will likely reveal what is obvious.  That the White House not only was not prepared to protect those Americans on September 11, 2012, but that when made aware of what was going on they denied support.  And then afterwards they tried to coverup what actually happened. 

A generation ago a foolish break in by Nixon campaign staff into the Democratic headquarters in a hotel in Washington D.C. that resulted in no one actually being hurt saw a coverup.  The ensuing scandal brought down a President who had just been re-elected in a landslide.  It took great MSM coverage for that story to gain traction.  This shameful performance regarding Benghazi by the President and his supporters should lead to Barack Obama's removal from office.  If this man has an ounce of character he would simply leave office without putting this country thru the pain of investigation.  Neither Barack Obama nor Hillary Clinton should ever serve in public office again.  They are both beyond contemptible.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Father Kills Driver Who Killed His Children

While I feel for this father, he was wrong.  I do not think what he did is quite the same level as first degree murder.  He should be tried for aggravated assault and given a short sentence.  He saved society the trouble of dealing with the real killer, the drunk driver.

The President to Ohio State Graduation Class

"PRESIDENT OBAMA: Unfortunately, you’ve grown up hearing voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate, sinister entity that’s at the root of all our problems. Some of these same voices also do their best to gum up the works. They’ll warn that tyranny always lurking just around the corner. You should reject these voices. Because what they suggest is that our brave, and creative, and unique experiment in self-rule is somehow just a sham with which we can’t be trusted.
We have never been a people who place all our faith in government to solve our problems. We shouldn’t want to. But we don’t think the government is the source of all our problems, either. Because we understand that this democracy is ours. And as citizens, we understand that it’s not about what America can do for us, it’s about what can be done by us, together, through the hard and frustrating but absolutely necessary work of self-government. And class of 2013, you have to be involved in that process."

There should be no surprise that a tyrant would tell us not to pay attention to those that warn against tyranny.  This isn't even an original presentation on behalf of this President.  What we should really be warning against is a voice that would tell us to reject voices of warning.  The President is a tyrant.  He has gotten away with consistently discarding the rule of law.  He should be held accountable and if the people of this country are too distracted or willfully ignorant to do so, then they do not deserve self rule.  Our Republic will end in failure as the left destroys it from the inside.