Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Washington State Head of Prisons "Unforgiveable Error"

Tuesday Washington Governor Jay Inslee held a presser to announce that his Department of Corrections has been mistakenly releasing prisoners early since 2002.  Over 3,000 prisoners saw their prison stays shortened in error and that the state would investigate and seek location of each of them to deal with individually.

An unforgivable error is what Secretary Pacholke says about his agency allowing prisoners to be released early since 2002.  He blamed a computer glitch and insisted that his agency will never let this happen again.

The people have been put at risk by faulty performance by government officials allowing this to go on for so long. The systematic errors required to have so many released improperly is staggering.  Staff assigned to monitor cases, probation services and administration staff should all be held in question and in fact doubt.  Secretary Pacholke is correct.  These errors are unforgivable.  He should be fired immediately.

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