Sunday, February 3, 2013

Karl Rove's Declaration of War Against the Tea Party

I see this morning that Comrade Rove has declared his intention to gather GOP billionaires to reduce the influence of Constitutional Conservatives within the Republican party.  He blames the loss of his RINO establishment pretty boy in November to an Empty Chair on us.  Well, if it is a war that he wants I say it is a war he can have.  I personally do not give a damn if the Republican party lives or falls.  I care about what is good for this country.  Big government middle of the road weak on values candidates that stick an R next to their name are of no use to me. 

It wasn't Rove's establishment Republicans that took the House in 2010.  He was astoundingly wrong in his strategic guesses throughout the 2012 election cycle.  Our country is witnessing a battle for it's actual soul.  Right remains right.  Wrong may lead the day.  Bad policy by a Republican is no more righteous than bad policy by a Democrat.  They can both go straight to the fires of Hell. 

God bless the United States of America and pass the ammunition!


  1. "I personally do not give a damn if the Republican party lives or falls. I care about what is good for this country. Big government middle of the road weak on values candidates that stick an R next to their name are of no use to me."
    "Bad policy by a Republican is no more righteous than bad policy by a Democrat. They can both go straight to the fires of Hell."
    Best thing Ive heard you say in awhile now.
