Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Three Million Dollars Bail....Not Enough

I'd like to see a collection gathered for the defense fund of whomever shanks these two little bastards in jail.  Right is right.  Kill them.  Simple.

Monday, August 26, 2013

U.S. Warships Poised to Strike Syria

That paragon of freedom Secretary of State John Kerry today was doing the rounds spouting emphatically that the Syrian regime is using chemical weapons against civilians.  No clarification has been brought to differentiate non-combatants and the Al Qaida sympathetic rebels that are fighting against the Asaad government. 

It is important to note that the administration is seeking support from the United Nations...despite not actually seeking support from the United States Congress like the Constitution requires.  It is unconscionable that this country would do anything that might empower Al Qaida.  It is a perversion not even a year removed form the Benghazi attack that resulted in the death of 4 Americans. 

We have absolutely no dog in this fight in Syria.  If this President takes our forces into combat in Syria in anyway without seeking support of the Congress he should be removed from office.  There is no other option.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Screw Islam

Muhammad was a child rapist.  His religion is all about lies and deceit leading to rule by the sword.  If this is such a religion of peace then why do so many Americans go out of there way to not offend Muslims out of fear?  Fear is for the weak.  Allah is a lie and Islam is garbage.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Obama Supports Al Qaida

as US Navy warships take position off the coast of Syria.

The United States of America has no place in the fight for Syria. None at all.  This is a fight in which there are no good guys.  If this President orders military action in Syria it is the duty of the Congress to draft articles of Impeachment.  He should be removed form office.  Plain and simple.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Picking Sides in Egypt

Anyone who is actively engaged in destroying Al Qaida and groups that generate Al Qaida like behavior is good in my book.  The Egyptian Army is currently at war with the Muslim Brotherhood.  The same Muslim Brotherhood that the Obama administration propped up with billion dollar giveaways while ignoring their imposition of Sharia law in Egypt and the associated nonsense they spewed into other countries. 

The administration is ignoring heinous acts against Coptics as Muslim Brotherhood thugs burn churches and kill worshippers with impunity.  We should be encouraging anything the Egyptian military does that results in ending the cancer that was the Morsi government and supporters.  The world is just plain better off when these people are killed and no longer promoting their evil ideas.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Which of These Young Men Could Be Obama's Son?

DeMarquise Elkins should be secured in front of his mother.  He should be shot in both legs and then set on fire and burned until he dies an agonizing horrible death.  She should be forced to watch the end of the monster she created and then she should be locked up for life as well.  These are not humans.  They do not deserve humane treatment.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Clearing Up Obama and Holder on "Rights"

Just so everyone understands.  According to the current administration in Washington D.C. it is a fundamental human right to ignore the rule of law and enter this country by any means.  Anyone entering the United States, no matter legal status, has a right to free food, housing, phones and health care. 

By contrast, despite what the Bill of Rights says, you have no right to self defense, to be armed, to free speech if it disagrees with liberal progressives or to your personal wealth earned thru personal efforts.  You also have no right to privacy and if you are a Conservative you have no right to equal protection under the law.

Now let's go get some skittles, put on hoodies and go break stuff that doesn't belong to us.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

This is for Trayvon!

All around the country roving bands of black thugs are assaulting people saying "This is for Trayvon" and then attacking.  How long is it going to be before Latinos realize that George Zimmerman is Hispanic and start retaliation?  When does it become "THIS IS FOR GEORGE!!!"?  Hispanics outnumber blacks in this country by over 15,000,000.  Are black race baiters (i.e. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Barrack Obama) prepared for the fight they are igniting?  The blood is on their hands.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Zimmerman Verdict Observation

Having been away for a month I am back to share wisdom and the obvious. 

There is a clear division this morning between those that have opinions based on informed thought and observations of trial, evidence and testimony versus those making uninformed emotional expressions.  Those of us that believe in the rule of law and resist appeals to mindless feelings recognize that an innocent man was charged and ultimately acquitted.  Those to whom everything is about how they feel with no benefit of facts are screaming for outrageous action to be taken.

It should be noted that there are more Americans on food stamps today than there are working in the private sector.  Barrack Obama was actually re-elected last November.  I take those things as proof that most Americans are actually dumb which explains the views calling for action to be taken against George Zimmerman.  I have yet to find a single Trayvon Martin supporter who could answer in anyway how George Zimmerman was supposed to act while his head was being smashed against pavement.  Liberals are stupid and should not be treated as equals.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Is Snowden a Hero?

National Security is meant to protect Americans from enemies..not to treat Americans AS the enemy.  The present administration has the following operations in play...use of the Internal Revenue Service to harass and limit activities of Conservative organizations; NSA monitoring datamining of all communications carried by the world's largest carrier; and today I'm reading about the NSA specifically reading the communications and listening to calls by Afghanistan war veterans for anti-government views.  We already are seeing the VA sending letters to war vets telling them they can limit their right to own weapons.  This isn't paranoia...these are pesky things called facts.

I am not quite as interested in whether or not Mr. Snowden is a criminal or a hero as I am bothered by the actions of the current administration.  I assume Mr. Snowden was not read in on SCI operations.  That means he probably resorted to some sort of malicious activity to acquire this information.  Personally I see that as someone else' problem.  I am much more concerned that our friends and collegues in the NSA including General Clapper (who btw....lied to Congress and should face charges) cannot be trusted.

Love of country is Patriotism.  Putting country above self is Patriotism.  Patriotism is not partisan and has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with honoring or supporting the tyrant that the sheep re-elected in November.  We have a willfully disengaged media, an executive branch that tramples the Bill of Rights as if it is just so much inconvenient nonsense (especially the 2nd and 4th Amendments) and apparently constant threat of harm from these criminals.  But ya...this IT nerd high school dropout hanging out in Hong Kong is the biggest threat.  Kinda like some Youtube video that no one ever saw in September got an Ambassador  murdered. 

God is Good!

Clearly some other family is grieving the loss of a loved one and we should pray for their comfort, but the gift of life may be granted to little Sarah.  Pray for her surgeons to have a steady hand and for the surgery to go without complications.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Patriot or Criminal?

 A Patriot puts country above self. There is never any obligation whatsoever to follow an illegal order. If you had a document that was arbitrarily classified Top Secret that was a report of the President of the United States committing murder there would be no obligation to protect a criminal.

The NSA whistle blower may be a Patriot. He also may have broken the law. We shall see. It does seem pretty self evident that our current administration is steamrolling the Constitution. If they have a problem with being called on it...*uck them.

What classification level was the Iran-Contra op? Probably Black. How about the Watergate break in of the DNC HQ? I imagine that was off the books as well.

Our National Security Act exists to protect the common interests of all Americans, not to hide secrets of renegade appointed officials and criminals holding office.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Obama Invites China to RIMPAC

Semi Annual massive naval exercise designed to strengthen interoperability between US Navy forces and allies will apparently include China in 2014.  You know China..our new ally on the world stage...that China.  The one that is actively shorting us on trade, taking steps to wreck the dollar and building it's armed forces while threatening us in the South China Sea?  Ya...that China.

The administration is being run by a coalition of amateurs, criminals and old style Communists.  They have zero respect for actual security and have a frightful lack of regard for just plain bloody common sense.  Foolishness like this will be viewed by historians of the future with disdain when they aren't just flat out laughing at the stupidity of the generation that is leading us at this time.

Here is the right plan.  RIMPAC should be about planning by our allies to DESTROY the Chinese Navy.  Not an opportunity for our actual enemy to be shown methods and systems up close in action.  President Obama is a dumbass.

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Schools Fail

Yesterday I was talking with a friend whose 14 year old daughter was in the room.  The kid is awesome, she is finishing 8th grade this month and is slated to take several honors classes her Freshman year next year.  She get's straight A's and is in the National Junior Honor Society.  It would be unreasonable to wish for a better kid.

Because I wonder about these things I asked her "what is D-Day?"  I got a blank stare and an "I don't know." in reply.  I then asked "What was the Battle of Midway?"  I got a frown and another "I don't know."  Her mom then tells me "they don't learn about that stuff." 

This is an honor student.  One generation ago in middle school kids were being clearly instructed on history and were in the midst of the cold war still.  It is already being forgotten while today's kids know all about pop culture and have absolutely no moral compass.  They spend too many partial days (which count as instruction days even with no insctruction) to get to the 180 total.  By the time a kid in today's schools graduates high school they will have had over 100 fewer days of actual teaching than they did in 1980.  The results?  An honor student doesn't know what D-Day means but can definitely tell you who won American Idol.

The Public School system in America is destroying America.  If you support it..YOU are the problem.  Don't trust a school system whose actual practitioners do not trust it.  (almost 50% of Seattle Public School teachers send their kids to Private School).

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Liberals and the Verizon Scandal

Yesterday I learned that Verizon wireless has been under an NSA order to hand over daily cell phone traffic data on every call.  These millions of calls are being tracked every single day and have been for years under the Obama administration.

During the Bush administration there was a domestic surveillance system in place to monitor cell calls originating outside of the US to follow terrorist communication activity.  The administration monitored traffic even if the calls originating outside of the US had a destination inside of the US.  Liberals went absolutely crazy for months.  There were calls for impeachment and claims that Bush was a fascist etc.  The MSM was unmerciful in it's criticisms of this program.  Eventually the administration ended the project.  It should be noted that participation by the cell phone companies in this process was actually voluntary!  That was the big scandal.

New FISA guidelines were written and passed into law by the Congress to lessen the requirements for surveillance in 2008.  Later the Obama administration violated the weaker guidelines and the Justice Department claimed the activity was a mistake and had ended.  Of course we now find out in fact that nothing really ended.  It was increased so now every call carried by Verizon wireless is tracked.  All of them.  Not just some of them.  This is just the carrier we know about.  No word yet on T-Mobile, Sprint or any other carrier.

The liberals that freaked out over the Bush administration domestic wiretapping program of course should be outraged beyond words over this.  Clearly MSNBC and CNN will be running a steady stream of critical programing of this governmental spying scandal.  Especially seeing as how they have convinced themselves that the war on terror is over with!

Any liberal who was in any way critical of George W. Bush over the use of FISA who does not rage openly about this cell phone spying scandal is the highest order of hypocrite and should be ridiculed as such.  I am not holding my breath.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Red Tape and Obamacare Death Rules Will Not Murder 10 Year Old

Yay for Judges who act with common sense and decency.  Too bad someone can't just slice open Kathleen Sebelius and take out her lungs.  It would be justice.

Monday, June 3, 2013

The Death of Frank Lautenberg

Sen. Lautenberg died today.  He is the last World War II veteran to serve in the US Senate and was one of the strongest liberals in that body for a generation.  We will see a lot of kind words being said about this giant of the Pro-Choice movement for the next several days up to his funeral I am sure.

There is another item that will soon become very significant.  His term runs thru 2014.  Governor Christie will be called upon to appoint a replacement.  I should think that the best possible pick would actually be Governor Christie himself.  He is barely a Republican and one that should be acceptable enough to both parties for a one year visit to Washington D.C.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Liberals to Ban Number Seven

What next?  The Letter ELLLL?  We should ban liberals. 

They Boo God

at their national convention and then attack free speech when it criticizes Islam.  This IS what the modern Democratic Party is really about.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Thank You Michele!

Rep. Michele Bachmann says she will not seek a fifth term in Congress.  She is a favorite of the Tea Party and has stayed consistent in her presentation and voting record to the cause of freedom and defense of the Constitution.  Hopefully the people of Minnesota will find greater space for her to serve.

Liberals be damned!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The IRS Run Wild!

For years Conservatives have warned about the evils of unchecked unmonitored governmental meddling.  Liberals always without fail make light of such ideas and then run merrily back to the polls to elect representatives to stick noses in every aspect of our daily lives in the name of what is good for us.

This latest scandal involving IRS employees treating Conservative organizations differently from Left Leaning organizations should scare most and anger all.  If it is acceptable for a group of public employees to use their positions to limit a voice simply because they disagree with that voice then there is no limit to power.  It is in effect the worst type of abuse and violation of our Constitution.  I doubt anyone sane would disagree with this.

The only true question now is to find out who was involved and what the punishment should be.  No doubt to me that any government employee who uses their position to harass private citizens belongs in jail. 

The story we are being fed is that this was the work of some rogue office in Ohio.  If that is the case then why the pretense of "firing" the acting head of the IRS who was set to leave office next month anyhow?  What exactly is the point of that supposed to be?  I'll tell you what it is.  It is a diversion.  A distraction on it's own.  The distraction is to keep us from paying attention to the fact that the administration knew this had been going on months before the 2012 election.  We are also not supposed to pay attention to letters from Democratic party members including United States Senators asking for the IRS to do exactly what they did. 

Finally, it is impossible for a unit of the IRS to operate this way without direction from management.  It is also not reasonable to assume that a local office would function in such an illegal fashion without guidance from the top.  And I don't mean the current acting Director.  The direction for something like this absolutely comes from the top of the Executive branch.  It is criminal and should be prosecuted.  From the top to the bottom.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Who is Boko Haram?

Boko Haram is a Jihadist organization in northern Nigeria.  They are dedicated to among other things eradication of Western Educational influences and man-made laws.  They promote establishment of Sharia Law and openly attack Christians with violence.

Their name literally means Western Education Sin in the Hausa language which is spoken primarily in the area where the group generated from over a decade ago.  It gets it's name from it's strong opposition to anything Western as it is a corrupting influence on Muslims.

They have engaged in assassinations, destruction of christian churches and attacks on the government of Nigeria.  They propose to end Democracy and reject the teaching of the Earth being flat.  Like many such organizations around the world there is a presumed affiliation with Al Qaida.

Since 2011 US Forces Africa Command has assessed this organization at high risk for potentially targeting westerners for attacks.  They are a major terrorist threat.

Today the United States Department of State warned the Nigerian government regarding strikes made against Boko Haram.  Boko Haram operates out of Northern Nigeria for the purpose of eradicating Democracy, Western Education and imposition of Sharia Law.  The Obama Administration chooses to warn the Nigerian government about attacking them.  You can draw your own conclusions about misplaced loyalty.

Friday, May 17, 2013

First of May Lucky Day

May First should be an national day.  The day that the SOB was taken down by the SEALS should be recognized every year with celebrations by free people around the world.  Call it Retribution Day!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What Price Amnesty?

And is it worth it? 

The Senate is arguing a so-called immigration reform plan that the Conservative Heritage Foundation has estimated would cost tax payers $6.3Trillion.  This would be the cost of providing benefits currently unavailable to an estimated 11Million illegal aliens.

Most people will not put much thought to numbers that large as they do not have a context for them.  $6.3Trillion would represent the totality of governmental benefits to those people over years.  $6.3Trillion is enough money to run the US Military for 9 years.  $6.3Trillion is more than we spend on housing in 90 years.  It is $570,000 per illegal alien.  It is a lot.

Think about that.  Would we benefit as a country by spending such extreme dollars on people provably willing to break the law just to exist in this country?  What makes anyone think amnesty would suddenly turn criminals into willing participants in a lawful society?  There really is no model in existence that supports this idea.  In fact every example in our own history shows exactly the opposite but I digress.  Let's just consider the dollars.

Here are a few ideas on what we can do with $6.3Trillion instead of another failed amnesty program. 

2000 mile border fence.  Something that liberals for years have insisted is unreasonable due to cost...can be done 120 times at $50Billion each.  We would still have change left over.  I imagine that would be quite a public works project...if we do it let's use some of that cheap Mexican labor to build them.  That would sure be ironic.  Just back sure they are facing north while building.

We could hire, train and equip a 2nd entire US Army of 500,000 men to do nothing but defend the border to our south for 30 years for $6.3Trillion. 

The population of Mexico is roughly 116,000,000.  We could write a check for every single citizen of Mexico for $54,000 with a  letter that says stay home. 

Thinking in these terms it is clear that the only real purpose of amnesty is to add millions of currently illegals to the potential voting rosters of Democrats.  This amnesty plan is foolishness and should be blown out of the water by the House of Representatives since the Senate remains incapable of doing the right thing.

Might Benghazi Be The End?

Last September 11 we saw our embassies in North Africa under assault.  As it was happening in Benghazi Libya our Ambassador was attacked and killed.  While the attack was underway the White House knew it was happening and someone in the chain of command ordered the Commanding General of US Forces in Africa to stand down a reaction team.  4 Americans were killed on that day.  At the very time of the attack it was apparent to anyone paying attention that this was terrorism organized to draw a reaction.

The following day President Obama avoided terming the attack as terrorism in a Rose Garden message.  His administration quickly tried to pin the blame on a Youtube video that 99.999% of us still have never actually seen.  He had Hillary Clinton out and about blaming the same Youtube video and the author was jailed.  Susan Rice, Deputy Secretary of State went on the weekend news shows and babbled the same foolishness about Youtube refusing to blame Islamic terrorists.

During the following weeks CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC and CBS all refused to make much mention at all of the attack or to give support to the families of the victims who were seeking voice.  The only major news location to find any information on Benghazi was FOXNEWS.  The story did blow up a bit during the Presidential debates when Mitt Romney challenged the President only to have moderator Candy Crowley erroneously defend the President regarding what he said in the above mentioned Rose Garden press conference.  CNN later that night gave a correction but by then the damage to the Romney Presidential campaign was done. 

Now months later we are on the eve of whistle blowers speaking before Congress.  These people have been hidden, denied legal support and threatened by Administration officials.  They will likely reveal what is obvious.  That the White House not only was not prepared to protect those Americans on September 11, 2012, but that when made aware of what was going on they denied support.  And then afterwards they tried to coverup what actually happened. 

A generation ago a foolish break in by Nixon campaign staff into the Democratic headquarters in a hotel in Washington D.C. that resulted in no one actually being hurt saw a coverup.  The ensuing scandal brought down a President who had just been re-elected in a landslide.  It took great MSM coverage for that story to gain traction.  This shameful performance regarding Benghazi by the President and his supporters should lead to Barack Obama's removal from office.  If this man has an ounce of character he would simply leave office without putting this country thru the pain of investigation.  Neither Barack Obama nor Hillary Clinton should ever serve in public office again.  They are both beyond contemptible.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Father Kills Driver Who Killed His Children

While I feel for this father, he was wrong.  I do not think what he did is quite the same level as first degree murder.  He should be tried for aggravated assault and given a short sentence.  He saved society the trouble of dealing with the real killer, the drunk driver.

The President to Ohio State Graduation Class

"PRESIDENT OBAMA: Unfortunately, you’ve grown up hearing voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate, sinister entity that’s at the root of all our problems. Some of these same voices also do their best to gum up the works. They’ll warn that tyranny always lurking just around the corner. You should reject these voices. Because what they suggest is that our brave, and creative, and unique experiment in self-rule is somehow just a sham with which we can’t be trusted.
We have never been a people who place all our faith in government to solve our problems. We shouldn’t want to. But we don’t think the government is the source of all our problems, either. Because we understand that this democracy is ours. And as citizens, we understand that it’s not about what America can do for us, it’s about what can be done by us, together, through the hard and frustrating but absolutely necessary work of self-government. And class of 2013, you have to be involved in that process."

There should be no surprise that a tyrant would tell us not to pay attention to those that warn against tyranny.  This isn't even an original presentation on behalf of this President.  What we should really be warning against is a voice that would tell us to reject voices of warning.  The President is a tyrant.  He has gotten away with consistently discarding the rule of law.  He should be held accountable and if the people of this country are too distracted or willfully ignorant to do so, then they do not deserve self rule.  Our Republic will end in failure as the left destroys it from the inside.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Carnival Victim or Darwin Award Winner?

A New Hampshire man loses his "life savings" of $2600 on a carnival game called Tubs of Fun while trying to win an Xbox Kinect.  He says it was easy when he practiced but once he started playing the balls just kept bouncing out. Of course this genius started betting double or nothing and within minutes lost $300. 

I find it amazing that someone could actually lose $300 at a carnival game.  I find it kind of amazing that an adult would even take $300 to a carnival in the first place.  He then went home and got the rest of his "life savings" (the remaining $2300) and went back to resume playing Tubs of Fun. It took a few more minutes for him to lose the remaining money.

The next day he went to complain to the management of the carnival and was given $600 to shut the Hell up and go away.  So now he is planning to do what losers do best in America these days..he is going to SUE THE CARNIVAL!!!  What a world.

For starters taking that much cash to a carnival and trying to win the Xbox, dude just go to a store and buy one.  It is cheaper.  Secondly, your life savings was $2600.  You have failed horribly at life.  Being stupid enough to then make a spectacle of yourself by going to the news with the story so now everyone knows how dumb you are.  I am pretty sure this is how Jerry Springer never runs out of guests.  A judge should issue an order barring Henry Gribbohn of Epsom New Hampshire from fairs and carnivals for life.  He is a danger to himself and an embarrassment to the entire species.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Congratulations to Jason Collins

for what exactly?  He only has admitted that he prefers sex with other men.  That doesn't make him a hero.  It certainly is not worthy of any congratulations.  I do note that famous rapist Kobe Bryant congratulated him.  I also notice that with a crashing economy, terrorism, threats from North Korea and chemical weapons used in Syria the White House saw this as important enough to congratulate Jason Collins.

Jason Collins is an NBA player of minor accomplishments.  Certainly not on his way to any Hall-of-Fame.  He has never been an All-Star.  He has never been a double digits scorer.  Really just an ordinary role player for half a dozen NBA teams over his 12 year career.  But hey guess what...HE LIKES PENIS!  That makes him a hero.

Think about that for a moment.  We live in a world in which admitting homosexuality generates praise.  What of the opposite?  I am an adult male.  I really really like sex with younger women.  It is probably my favorite thing in the entire world.  Does that admission make me a hero?  It certainly makes me "normal" in the context of pretty much every man of my age in the world.  I suspect though in this twisted world that such an admission would generate ridicule. My coming out of the closet as straight is just a ho hum. 

For some reason I just don't see Jason Collins as on a level with a Silver Star winner just because he admits he prefers sausage.   I must be not insane.

Tim Tebow's Release

The New York Jets have waived Tim Tebow ending a short lived experiment in New York.  There will now be a lot of criticism thrown at him by media and the like for his poor performance and talent.  The thing is, the critics may not really have the point they think they do.

Thru parts of 3 seasons Tebow has a career passer rating of 75.3 thru 366 passing attempts.  Not great, not awful.  He has thrown for 17 touchdowns and only 9 interceptions which is extremely positive on little sample size.  With Denver he defeated the Steelers in the 2011 playoffs on a stunning play in the first snap of overtime that should solidify him in Broncos history.

For all of the criticism he has a much higher passer rating than Mark Sanchez who remains the incumbent in New York.  In fact his passer rating is 10 points higher than Joe Namath..the most legendary of all Jets quarterbacks.  There really is not much of a record of a player coming under so much criticism for so little body of work, especially when the numbers actually say he is more than he seems. 

The critics of Tebow really in essence lie.  They don't want to criticize his faith and look like bigots, so they attack his performance.  Performance that included an amazing run of comeback wins in 2011 (during his only real shot at starting) and a playoff win.  If  Tebow was a silent Catholic or an out of the closet homosexual he would be praised.  He is attacked for his faith by hypocrites who misrepresent performance.  It is clear as day.  As for the New York Jets, they are a train wreck.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

To the Critics of Sarah Palin

Who is really stupid?  Sarah Palin?  Or all the critics that fell for the Sarah Palin Czech Republic invasion joke? 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

General Electric Hypocrisy

While I understand and respect that businesses have as much right as anyone to work with whom they please, yesterday's announcement that GE Financial will not provide loans to Gun Shops got me curious.  Is the point to not provide opportunity for legitimate business that provides goods that are used to commit acts of violence really the motive?

In 2007 General Electric acquired Smiths Aerospace for $4.8B.  Rebranded as GE Aviation they provide various products used in FA-18 Hornets, F-22 Raptors, F-35 Lightning II and the Eurofighter.  Not exactly consistent with a less arms less violence perspective.

I won't even get into the Fukushima I nuclear power plant and how GE is possible the worst polluting business entity the world has ever known. I won't mention that at all.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Dealing with Tsarnaev, Miranda and the Aftermath

So now we get to have a national debate about the rights of the accused.  Since the war on terror began this country has constantly had issues with figuring out how to deal with people engaged in warlike activities against the United States or it's forces.

19 year old Dzokhar Tsarnaev is a naturalized American citizen who came to this country over 10 years ago.  He has lived here, gone to great schools, made friends and built an online social media following.  He also somewhere along the line became an Islamic terrorist.  He along with his older brother most assuredly are guilty for the murder of 4 innocent people and injuring nearly 200 this past week by bombing the finish line area of the Boston marathon, and several shootouts with authorities Thursday and Friday.

Nearly everyone is familiar with Miranda rights.  They are fundamental to our legal process.  They protect all citizens (and even non-citizens who are accused of crimes on American soil) ensuring legal representation and protections.  What most Americans are unaware of is that there is an exception to Miranda rights.  The so-called "public safety" exception.  It has existed for over 70 years having been first argued during World War II.  It is established law that persons captured in a battlefield are not criminals eligible for all the same legal protections as regular citizens.  Instead they are a different category.  It is common sense and universally understood (well except by liberal Democrats who have general issues with basic facts, but I digress).  The public safety exception allows that when there is a potential imminent threat, authorities are allowed to question someone without taking the time to bring legal representation into the process.

Clearly this young man is a killer.  He clearly engaged in terror activities against Americans.  There really is zero actual reasonable question about this whatsoever.  The issue of whether or not he will eventually be executed for his actions of this past week is moot.  It will happen regardless of who eventually represents him in court.  That said, he is a resource of potentially valuable information and should be interrogated using the public safety exception to gather intelligence.  There may well be a cell out there that needs exposing.  It should be a rather simple task for the FBI to question him offering that any intelligence he provides will not be used against him in the eventual actual criminal trial that is inevitable.

We are a nation of laws.  It makes us special.  The law can be a harsh thing.  This is one of those times.  I am not so concerned with Dzokhar Tsarnaev's personal rights (because ultimately they will be enforced and he will get his day in court) as I am that there may or may not be a larger group of evil out there going into hiding.  We need to find them.  Afterward, let this evildoer have whatever lawyers he can afford at his trial.  He will be found guilty of federal crimes.  He will die for them, unless he is put into general population and meets the wrong Patriotic inmate.  Oh well, things happen.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Nonsense of Jumping to False Conclusions

This week we saw the entire world watching reporting of the terrorist attack on the Boston Marathon.  Pundits from various circles seemed to go out of their way to place expectations or open desire to pin the blame on Patriots, White Males, the Tea Party etc etc.  Even today one major network is struggling to find words to describe the bombers outside of the most obvious of all..Islamic.  These two monsters are not victims.  They are murderers who follow a faith that openly encourages such actions. 

Today I read that President Obama wants us to not judge entire groups of people.  This is insane.  Of course we should judge entire groups of people thru the prism of common sense.  Islamic terrorism is a real thing. It exists.  It has existed for centuries.  Mr. Obama may find it uncomfortable seeing as how he presumed support from parts of the world in which Wahabbism is popular, but that does not change that these two pockmarks on life germinated a mindset that led to 4 innocent people killed and nearly 200 injured. 

While the MSM tries everytime there is some outrageous act to blame Patriots, Republicans, Constitutionalists and the Tea Party or anyone who has an NRA sticker on their truck, I will go with the obvious.  From now on anytime a bomb goes off anyplace my first reaction is going to be to assume that the attacker is a radical Islamicist.  There is a very simple reason for this...essentially in nearly every case in my lifetime...radical Islamicists in fact have been responsible for these attacks.  I know of no actual bombings ever conducted by a Baptist Sunday School Teacher Middle Class Caucasian Married Father of Two War Veteran NRA member.  Never seen one.  Probably never will.  Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell and Barrack Obama for that matter can go straight to Hell.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

MSNBC and News

For all of the criticism that the left throws at FOXNEWS, the network has as many left wing pundits as it does right wing pundits.  Shift to MSNBC.  There is essentially one Conservative and Mr. Scarborough isn't even a card carrying member of the club anymore.  Getting your news from MSNBC is like getting your investment ideas from the Cartoon Network.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Boston Bombings

My thoughts are simple.  Find who did this.  Kill them.  That is all.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

14 People Stabbed at Lone Star College in Texas

I guess it is time for knife registration.  How long must we as a society sit idly by while evil people are able to get knives with little to know obstacles.  Clearly the only solution is to enact background checks and bans on large knives or switchblades.  Protect us from ourselves oh great Nanny State.

Pat Toomey is No Conservative

Not by any real definition.

Dealing with North Korea

When you have a petulant child the best solution is usually the rapid application of pain to the posterior.  The idiot in command in Pyongyang is a petulant child.  Commence Operation Clean Sweep and end the problem once and for all.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Prayers for Pastor Warren

Earlier today reports started circulating that the son of Pastor Rick Warren has committed suicide.  It can be expected that there will be the usual suspects from the liberal left spewing hate at this time.  Pray for the Warren family. 

Friday, April 5, 2013

About Obama's 5% Voluntary Pay Cut

Listen knucklehead...if you really want to do something to show solidarity with the tens of millions of Americans suffering, how about give up the one vacation per month that your damn family keeps taking?  Try that instead!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

More About Gay Marriage

This is for the Christians who might read this.  Unbelievers, this isn't for you.  You won't agree and frankly I am not at all interested in convincing you of anything. I understand that you are lost and going to Hell and wish you well on your journey!

There is no such thing as gay marriage. It does not exist.  Just calling two gay people married is no more a marriage than if I were to call my dinner table a toaster oven.  Words have meanings.  It takes more than simply pointing at an item and calling it something to give it a definition.   The people who believe that simply forcing society to submit to people living the lifestyle of homosexuality changes things because they say so are foolish.  There has never been any society in history that accepted and granted all of the legal rights of marriage to gay couples...ever.

People who argue that those who oppose so called gay marriage must explain how gay marriage harms traditional marriage are foolish as well.  That is no more a valid argument than if I were to say you tell me why I should recognize your daughter and how me calling your daughter...well..MY daughter is harmful.  It is a silly argument.  Beyond the common sense that every single human being actually in their heart of heart already knows, that the basic family structure which dates throughout all of human history, and is found literally in every single culture that has ever been known serves some obvious fundamental purposes.  Those purposes, which only need to be explained to idiots, are negated by homosexual relationships.

The other specious argument that the gay rights agenda movement use is to claim bigotry by those who reject their fundamentally flawed arguments.  Homosexuality is lifestyle.  It is behavior.  It is not an impossible to understand mysterious force.  One cannot be a bigot for disagreeing or opposing homosexual behavior anymore than one can be a bigot for disagreeing with theft, murder or any other type of behavior.  It is behavior.  You cannot be a bigot regarding behavior because behavior does not make you a minority.  Those that will apply arguments of the civil rights movement to gay rights are foolish.  No Rosa Parks choices are made by homosexuals.  They are not defined by something outside of their personal decisions of who to practice sexuality with.  You can look at a person and see that they have different pigment in their skin.  You cannot look at a person and determine that they are gay.  You find out they are gay when they either conduct homosexual behavior or more likely....they tell you.

And finally, why does any of this matter?  Simply because it is in fact a matter of morality.  Those that say we as a society should not govern by morality are just full of nonsense.  All laws are based on some moral principles. All of them.  There is no exception. They just happen to be particular directions of morality that society has accepted.  The liberal left in this country is driven almost exclusively by a humanistic anti-faith morality.  That morality is at play today with the above mentioned false arguments regarding the gay rights agenda.  There is no "right" to redefine marriage.   Right is right, and wrong is wrong.  The only real debate should be how do we decide what is and is not right.  For Christians it should be rather simple.  Go to the Bible and submit to it.  To unbelievers, you are lost and this really isn't for you.  If you just took a moment and got uneasy at the idea of submitting to the Bible, you are not a Christian.  Sorry to break it to you.

It is not judging to say homosexuality is sin.  It is submission to the almighty God to say homosexuality is sin.  That hasn't changed.  It is also not a religious point.  It happens to be fairly universal.  For society to simply discard that basic reality due to submission to one generation's humanistic movement will be a disaster.  What America needs is the Gospel.  Not legislation or debate.  Jesus Christ!  The one true living God!  The reason this debate is happening today is because God's people have remained silent and hid in fear of being called names..BIGOT etc etc.  The true bigotry is the bigotry that is perpetuated by ignorance coming from the lost left.  Why is homosexuality different from other sin?  Easy, homosexuals are the only sin group anywhere that not only announce their sin (thieves and murderers do not "come out of the closet"), they brag (when have you ever heard of a coke addict pride parade?) and define themselves (thieves do not call themselves thieves).  No other sin seeks not only legal status and recognition, but promotion within the schools.  It must be looked at differently because it brings entirely different attitudes to the forefront.  Our entertainment is blanketed in it.  Our government moves to protect it.  Homosexuality is still just as wrong and damnable as any other sin.  It is just that homosexuality brings a set of attitudes and arguments to society that are destructive.  There is no debate because the left has defined disagreement with them as bigotry and we have brought up a generation in this country that sees being called a bigot as the worst thing possible.  This is why the argument that other behavior is sin but not illegal such as cussing so why is this different? make no sense.  Cussing is not a lifestyle that redefines the basic structure of society.  Family is.

There is something a lot worse than being called a bigot by a lost humanist....that is unbeliever by the Lord Jesus Christ.  Lost people will be offended by those words.  They will not have an argument that is beyond their own opinion. So, it the Bible?  Or is it your liberal friends?  Whose opinion do you value the most?  Think about it.  This gay marriage movement is an attempt to say right and wrong are ultimately decided not by God, but by humanistic society.  That is why debate is attacked, disagreement is called bigotry and despite no actual existing example of any society in world history going down this experimental direction they run willingly.   As for me.....I'll just assume that God is not impressed and press on.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Here Is What I Think About This Gay Marriage Stuff

1. There is one God, Father Son and Holy Ghost
2. He Created us in His image to be with Him for eternity in a real place called Heaven
3. We are all sinners
4. Because we are sinners we are worthy of one price for that sin...eternal damnation in a real actual place called Hell
5. God loved us so much that he presented Jesus Christ as a substitute for us when He died on the cross, was buried and rose from the dead
6. Accepting that payment on our behalf personally will transform the individual into a new creature with Heaven as eternal destination.

That is what I think about all this gay marriage stuff.

How Long Til Facebook Bans Mark Zuckerberg?

Billionaire Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg plans to start a political action group.  The group will be focused on rallying support to loosen immigration laws that make it difficult for highly skilled foreigners to work in the USA.  He has been meeting with some very not-Democrat allies to organize this effort and to lobby support among political leaders including New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R).  It will be interesting to see what the Facebook page for this new group looks like and how long it takes to get banned.

Dear Jim Carrey...

how about this... you don't like our Constitution or Bill of Rights?  Fine.  Take your opinion, bad videos and armed guards back to Canada.  Your welcome gutless  motherf&cker.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Foolishness of the Amazing Race

Last weekend I watched the Amazing Race for the first time.  I'm not gonna lie...I love reality television in most forms.  I had never seen this show before as it has for the most part run opposite things I watched regularly. 

So there I sat in my living room watching a bunch of contestants doing odd things in Vietnam when suddenly right on the television is a series of Communist Party propaganda songs with captions for translation to English.  Things praising the socialist system directly and the people indirectly as a result of the party leadership.  I was stunned.  I literally stopped watching and left the room.

It takes very unusual incidents for me to agree with Bob Beckel.  Frankly I am surprised he was the first public figure to come out criticizing the show.  It is simple for me an adult to see thru the foolishness of the songs being presented, but I am also sure there are millions of young people and...well...Obama supporters watching the show who are by nature very impressionable and kinda dumb.  The damage can't be undone as the network threw in absolutely nothing to counter the stupid phrases.  Probably because the Producers believe the nonsense.

The Amazing Race...will never be seen in my home again.  It is televised trash on a network run by agents of deceit.  Never ever again.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

It is Time for the Idiot Tax

Since Obama supporters are so fired up to increase taxes perhaps it is time to have them put their money where their vote went.  Any care that has an Obama/Biden 2012 sticker should be subject to a new tax every year.  Say.....$2500 annually.  If someone is going to personally advertise their intense desire for more taxation and clear lack of any actual understanding of how the economy works then let them pay for it.  And more importantly...leave the rest of us the Hell alone.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Jayce Randall on Suicide Watch....Why?

High on pot, drunk at twice the legal level....speeding...not wearing seat belt and letting a 9 year old sit in the front seat without seat belt.  This amazing piece of human garbage sits tonight in jail on suicide watch.  Jayce L. Randall murdered his nephew.  There is no real other term to be used.  And now society should stand ready to judge.  So, the tax payers are paying for a guard to keep an eye on this idiot.  Frankly if he heads to damnation tonight I expect that this will be a good thing.  Let him die. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Obama Plans to Allow Spy Agencies to Read Your Bank Records

Remember 9 years ago when word came out that the Bush administration was using already existent law to ask cell phone companies for information on phone numbers outside the United States that were suspected of being used by terror organizations?  This set off a national scandal as outraged Democrats called for congressional hearings, investigations and repeal of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.  The screaming editorials raged for two years from the left wing media in this country.  And all of this over the idea that the administration asked cell phone companies for information...information that if denied by any of those companies actual penalty from the government.

Today the Obama administration is working on plans to open up personal financial records of every single American citizen to be scrutinized without limitation by the CIA, the NSA and the Director of National Intelligence.  The database already exists and has gone largely unmentioned by the same Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Cable News Network or major broadcast media who were calling for Impeachment of George W. Bush in 2005. 

Democrats by definition are hypocrites.

National Priorities

Throughout this country today we find that illegal aliens can get tuition at a reduced rate if they enter state colleges.  At the very same time active duty military members can be charged higher rates in Michigan merely for serving.  Also, for being on active duty we reward our military members in 3 of the branches by not allowing tuition assistance at this time.  A program nearly identical to the one that allows a person who has made repeated bad choices to attend college at a cheaper rate does not allow Soldiers and Marines to do so.  This country is cursed with evil leadership.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Guns in Schools

Foxnews has an article regarding South Dakota enacting a law to allow armed teachers in the classroom.  There is a question being circulated asking "will this make schools safer."  The answer of course is..YES!  It will absolutely inherently deter random shooters and premeditated killers from preying on children.  And if one should happen to enter the school there is an infinitely better chance of them being stopped if there is a teacher with a gun.  Nothing stops a bad guy who is armed like a good guy who is armed.  That will never not be true regardless of what the Idiocracy on the left says about things.

I hear quite a lot of folks on the left (and liars who claim to be Conservative but are gun grabbers) saying "more guns is not the answer."  or my favorite "violence is not the answer."  as if the guns alone are the issue.  They are not.  The issue at hand is actually how to limit or contain the actual violence of a few people when the occasion arises.  And history 100% of the time proves over and over in as many examples as you may want to ask for...more guns is often the answer.  Violence in fact is almost always the answer.  It is really just a matter of who is using the gun and where the violence is being directed.

Allow teachers to pack.  Your kids will be safer.  It is automatic and absolute.  Any other solution is really just an invitation to murder school children.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Who Stands With Rand?

Tonight there is a very simple question to be asked.  Setting aside Republicans and Democrats..Conservative and Liberal etc.  Simply put should our Federal government have the authority to use military weapons to attack and kill American citizens on American soil without any due process?  If you say yes then you stand over there with the despots and dictators of history.  If you say absolutely NO! then stand with Senator Paul and his filibuster.  Make this vile White House answer to the people.  It is time to draw a line in the sand for history.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Death of Hugo Chavez

So today word comes from Venezuela that President Hugo Chavez has died of cancer at 58 years of age.  I expect to see many Hollywierd types coming out expressing their condolences from their friend and champion.  President Chavez was a friend and champion to many causes.  Among those causes he was a friend to were various Islamofascist terror groups in the Middle East.  He was also a friend to torture when it came to his political opponents.  He was a murdering despot who constantly suppressed basic human rights in Venezuela and assisted in destabilizing his neighbors.  He was the enemy of freedom loving people everywhere regardless of how stupid they might be (Sean Penn, Oliver Stone I'm talking to YOU!).

Yep the world lost a champion and a friend today...a champion of evil and a friend of the devil.  Hugo Chavez...I take comfort in the reality that your soul has entered Hell for eternal damnation.  Burn forever you wicked SOB.  The world is cleaner tonight with your departure.

Let Detroit Sink
Governor Snyder is poised to appoint a City Manager to turn around a completely broken economy in Michigan's largest city.  Decades of Democratic Party corruption, absurd union contracts and waste have left the city facing billions in long term debts unpayable.  With no real will by politicians to fix what is clearly broken the city will either change or face brankruptcy in the near future.  The issues seem pretty simple.  Change now or sink.

In response the city school board President LaMar Lemmon says the following gem: "Mussolini got the trains to run on time,” Lemmon said. “But America made the decision a long time ago to have a democracy.”

The same Mr. Lemmon also says that the suburbs should help out the city and that municipal employees should be required to live within city limits.  Yep this is what a Democrat thinks freedom looks like while calling a possible city manager a dictator.  Amazing..and remember...this clown is the president of the school board! 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Dennis Rodman

calls Kim Jong Un a great leader and says he loves him.  Dennis Rodman is a stupid human being.

Friday, March 1, 2013


The day is here.  Destruction is all around us.  All is lost.  We are doomed..DOOMED!!! 

The most overblown "crisis" in a long line of "crisis" is arriving.  It will result in a shocking 8% growth in Federal spending instead of a 10% growth in Federal spending.  Somehow Democrats have convinced themselves that this is some sort of disaster.  Her Insanity Maxine Waters (D-Mars) stated yesterday that the Sequester will incredibly cost 170million jobs.  Pretty incredible since the labor force is less than that.  I guess I should not go to work today as all jobs are now lost.  WE ARE DOOMED!!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Hugo Chavez

should be on everybody's dead pool

Arkansas Newspaper Posts Names of Concealed Carry Permit Holders

The editor of the Arkansas Business Journal is Gwen Moritz.  She is a liberal twit who has no problem publishing personal information that endangers citizens in order to promote her political views.   The paper published a list of Concealed Carry permit holders last week shortly before it was made exempt from Freedom of Information requests.  The paper will continue to distribute this information to anyone requesting it.  Anyone interested in discussing it with her can reach her at: 501 372-1443 ext 261  She lives at 4528 Valley Brook Drive, North Little Rock AR 72116. Her home phone number is 501 728-2468.  Her twitter is @GwenMoritz

This is all public information not needing to manipulate Freed of Information requests to acquire.  Clearly Gwen Moritz will not mind sharing ideas as she is one of those really cool open minded liberals.  Go ahead give her a call during off work hours.  Maybe knock on her door to share views.  Freedom of speech and all of that afterall.
4528 Valley Brook Dr., North Little Rock, Arkansas 72116
PH# 501-758-2468. - See more at:
4528 Valley Brook Dr., North Little Rock, Arkansas 72116
PH# 501-758-2468. - See more at:
(501) 372-1443, ext.
(501) 372-1443, ext.
(501) 372-1443, ext.
(501) 372-1443, ext.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Two Cents for Every Dollar Spent

That is all this sequestration is about.  $85B out of $3.7Trillion.  It is nothing.  It will not cripple the government or the nation.  Let it happen.  The Senate and House should with one voice tell Empty Chair CUT OR GO!

UPDATE:  Obama tells the GOP to stop campaigning.  The cuts are going to happen.

GOOD!  Let the cuts come.   A few weeks ago he got his tax hikes for the rich.  Those tax hikes were spent in 10 days flat.  These cuts will be just as minimal.  $85B in cuts for this year.  That is a good start.  We need another few hundred billion in cuts.  CUT OR GO!  CUT OR GO!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Joe Biden's Advice to Ladies

So the Vice President says that his wife is to do the following in the event of an intruder. She is to go outside to their deck with the family shotgun and to fire warning shots into the air.  Well, I assume this would awaken the Secret Service protection that live at their residence (btw the Biden's charge the Secret Service rent! but that is an outrage of a different kind).  Anyhow this is fine advice for the VP's wife.

Here is why it is bad advice for anyone else..specifically the lady with the AR-15 that he was actually talking to.  In 3 easy steps.  1. Intruder detected 2. lady with shotgun fires warning shots 3. lady is now out of ammo after wasting shots on warning and is assaulted.  THAT WAS EASY!!!

Joe Biden is very very special in a bad way.

Remember Those Anti-War Liberals?

We all know the type.  They were never heard from during the Clinton administration while President Slick Willie sent American forces all over the Balkans and declared that regime change was our policy goal in Iraq.

George W. Bush was elected in accordance with the Constitution and then 9/11 happened.  Suddenly as if they were asleep since 1974 the American anti-War left woke up and discovered IRAQ!  The same Iraq that we held a state of war with since 1991 but let's not let facts get in the way.  For 10 years liberals have insisted that somehow the war in Iraq lacked legality while they gloss over evidence, laws, rules and common bloody sense.  NO BLOOD FOR OIL!!!!  BUSH IS HITLER!!! blah blah blah garbage.

That brings us to President Empty Chair.  Barack Obama was elected as the 2nd war protesting nominee in a row following their nomination of some mega-millionaire privileged white guy in 2004.  They handed Empty Chair a Nobel Peace prize nominating him 3 weeks into his first term...apparently for being not George W. Bush.  Empty Chair was supposed to bring about a new reality in the Middle East by his just being one Hell of a great guy.  Ya.  So let's count now.  He had us follow NATO into Libya to bomb Libyans killing other Libyans.  (Of course he wouldn't life a finger on Sept 11, 2012 when Libyans were killing AMERICANS on AMERICAN SOVEREIGN SOIL!!!  He sent American forces in 2011 to Africa to chase Gen. Koni.  That went largely ignored by the American press.  He has continued to arm Egypt even after watching the Moslem Brotherhood (a cover group for various Islamo-Fascist terror organizations also largely ignored by this administration) takeover the country leading to Sharia law.  And today we are being told that he will now deploy American forces to Niger to support actions inside Mali where one group of citizens of Mali are fighting a different group of citizens of Mali.

I am not saying these various wars he has taken us to are right or wrong either way.  I'm even going to ignore the amazing absence of any war declarations which I was told for years by lefties made the war in Iraq somehow illegal.  I saying if you are a Democrat voter who thinks Obama is a Peacemaker and decried Bush as a war monger you are a childish ill-informed ignorant moron.  The families of  the thousands of dead Pakistanis that hate America today who used to be our allies want your head.

This President is a foreign policy disaster in every same way that he is a fiscal idiot.  He is the worst Commander-In-Chief since Herbert Hoover.  He seems to fire a top General or Admiral every other month while constantly threatening to cut military pay and benefits.  He was removed one of those Aircraft carriers that you can land airplanes on while stretching deployments.  It is as if..I don't know..the President really does want to break the military some sort of ....what do you call it...ENEMY WOULD!

Monday, February 18, 2013

The Problem with CAIR

So last October a teacher in a school in Concrete Washington said that some Muslims teach children from birth to be martyrs.  CAIR has asked for the Justice Department to investigate.  Oddly I never thought you could violate law by telling the actual truth.  Amazing.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Why is the USA in Trouble?

Easy answer.  On Tuesday night the President gave a speech to the nation.  He spoke in flowery terms about a couple dozen spending ideas.  He lectured us all about why we should enact more ineffective gun control measures.  Mr. Obama called upon Congress to bring on more failed Green ideas, more provably flawed wage increases and more anti-business regulations. 

Under the Obama administration our National Debt has risen from $10Trillion to over $16Trillion.  This same President is arming the Muslim Brotherhood while watching the Arab spring turn into a nightmare.  He has used his power to force GPS into every new car, believes he has the authority to order drone attacks to kill American citizens without due process and openly lied about the results of his socialized health care plan.  He uses Executive Order at a level never before seen while we still do not know who ordered a rapid reaction team to stand down on September 11, 2012 thus allowing 4 Americans to be murdered in Libya. 

All these things go on relatively unchallenged by the MSM.  What is the big story of the week?  That Senator Rubio took a sip of water.  That is why the USA is in Trouble.  The important things are ignored while the stupid junk get's the coverage.  Sometimes some people really should be hit by an asteroid.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Official Citation: Medal of Honor for Staff Seargeant Romesha

Official Citation

The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, March 3, 1863, has awarded in the name of Congress the Medal of Honor to

Staff Sergeant Clinton L. Romesha

United States Army
For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty:
Staff Sergeant Clinton L. Romesha distinguished himself by acts of gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as a Section Leader with Bravo Troop, 3d Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, during combat operations against an armed enemy at Combat Outpost Keating, Kamdesh District, Nuristan Province, Afghanistan on October 3, 2009. On that morning, Staff Sergeant Romesha and his comrades awakened to an attack by an estimated 300 enemy fighters occupying the high ground on all four sides of the complex, employing concentrated fire from recoilless rifles, rocket propelled grenades, anti-aircraft machine guns, mortars and small arms fire. Staff Sergeant Romesha moved uncovered under intense enemy fire to conduct a reconnaissance of the battlefield and seek reinforcements from the barracks before returning to action with the support of an assistant gunner. Staff Sergeant Romesha took out an enemy machine gun team and, while engaging a second, the generator he was using for cover was struck by a rocket-propelled grenade, inflicting him with shrapnel wounds. Undeterred by his injuries, Staff Sergeant Romesha continued to fight and upon the arrival of another soldier to aid him and the assistant gunner, he again rushed through the exposed avenue to assemble additional soldiers. Staff Sergeant Romesha then mobilized a five-man team and returned to the fight equipped with a sniper rifle. With complete disregard for his own safety, Staff Sergeant Romesha continually exposed himself to heavy enemy fire, as he moved confidently about the battlefield engaging and destroying multiple enemy targets, including three Taliban fighters who had breached the combat outpost’s perimeter. While orchestrating a successful plan to secure and reinforce key points of the battlefield, Staff Sergeant Romesha maintained radio communication with the tactical operations center. As the enemy forces attacked with even greater ferocity, unleashing a barrage of rocket-propelled grenades and recoilless rifle rounds, Staff Sergeant Romesha identified the point of attack and directed air support to destroy over 30 enemy fighters. After receiving reports that seriously injured Soldiers were at a distant battle position, Staff Sergeant Romesha and his team provided covering fire to allow the injured Soldiers to safely reach the aid station. Upon receipt of orders to proceed to the next objective, his team pushed forward 100 meters under overwhelming enemy fire to recover and prevent the enemy fighters from taking the bodies of their fallen comrades. Staff Sergeant Romesha’s heroic actions throughout the day-long battle were critical in suppressing an enemy that had far greater numbers. His extraordinary efforts gave Bravo Troop the opportunity to regroup, reorganize and prepare for the counterattack that allowed the Troop to account for its personnel and secure Combat Outpost Keating. Staff Sergeant Romesha’s discipline and extraordinary heroism above and beyond the call of duty reflect great credit upon himself, Bravo Troop, 3d Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division and the United States Army.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Some Think Christopher Dorner is a Hero?

Fine.  Here is what I suggest they do.  Go get an LAPD uniform from a costume shop.  Put it on. Wear it all over Los Angeles so they can be martyrd.  Kill two birds with one stone so to speak.  Best idea ever!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ron Paul, Chris Kyle etc

This is really simple.  Chris Kyle is a hero and was murdered.  Those that find pleasure in his murder can go to Hell.

Ron Paul is a senile former Congressman.  He is a fool and so are his followers.  He and they can also go to Hell. 

Simple stuff really.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Karl Rove's Declaration of War Against the Tea Party

I see this morning that Comrade Rove has declared his intention to gather GOP billionaires to reduce the influence of Constitutional Conservatives within the Republican party.  He blames the loss of his RINO establishment pretty boy in November to an Empty Chair on us.  Well, if it is a war that he wants I say it is a war he can have.  I personally do not give a damn if the Republican party lives or falls.  I care about what is good for this country.  Big government middle of the road weak on values candidates that stick an R next to their name are of no use to me. 

It wasn't Rove's establishment Republicans that took the House in 2010.  He was astoundingly wrong in his strategic guesses throughout the 2012 election cycle.  Our country is witnessing a battle for it's actual soul.  Right remains right.  Wrong may lead the day.  Bad policy by a Republican is no more righteous than bad policy by a Democrat.  They can both go straight to the fires of Hell. 

God bless the United States of America and pass the ammunition!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Wish For Our Heroes

Grants wishes for military families.  A worthy cause to give aid and show appreciation for those putting their lives on the line for our freedom.

Wounded Warrior Project Unworthy of Support

Wounded Warrior Project is touted nationally for it's efforts to assist injured veterans.  They are lauded on radio and feature often on various national television shows on both broadcast and cable.  The organization also has an apparent policy of not accepting fund raisers that are "religious in nature" which means a Christian Church taking Sunday service offerings for the project will be rejected.

Due to this stand by Wounded Warrior Project I cannot offer support at all to the organization of any kind.  Their chosen form of discrimination is a choice.  It is also a choice that I as a Christian can makeThere are plenty of other organizations worthy of support that will get my money from now on.  Love Christ above all things.

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Matthew 18:6

Friday, February 1, 2013

Lessons on Embassy Attacks

With today's suicide bomb attack on the US Embassy in Ankara Turkey one must wonder something very important. Have we inadvertently taught the bad guys that our Embassy sites are free targets? 

Two were struck in September.  Nothing has happened to the perpetrators.  Our government has treated these attacks as back burner items.  Even the questioning of Hillary Clinton last week by US Senators lacked the very important questions about response.  Thus far we have had no answer as to why a rapid response force that was ready to go was told to stand down. The AFRICOM Commanding General instead was relieved of command.

Obama is a friend to terrorists. He has supported the Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Egypt and is arming them.  He has tried to treat captured combatants as criminal instead of battlefield enemies and lacks the personal capacity to make the tough decisions in the clutch that matter in a life and death situation.  Obama is not a leader.  The world knows.  They are attacking us. 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

GDP drops by 0.1% in 4th Quarter

Those close to me know that last fall in the heat of the Presidential debate cycle I was of the belief that we had entered a recession and would see the numbers later.  Later is today.  The US GDP dropped by 0.1% for the fourth quarter of 2012 as spending throughout our economy slowed.  

Right now we have a stock market that is inflating against real numbers that suggest no real reason for confidence.  As we get closer to another "fiscal cliff" debate look for things to stall again as the nonsensical debate regarding debt by the Federal government combined with job depreciation in response to Obamacare continue to harm the economy.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

To Those Who Give Up Citizenship

There are literally millions of people around the world wanting to come to the United States of America for all of the freedoms we have cherished for two centuries.  There should be a price paid by those who choose to give up that precious status.  I should think it would be automatic that anyone deciding on their own to simply surrender American citizenship would instantly be considered an enemy of the state and would be barred from entry into this country for life.  There simply is no reason to surrender your citizenship.  None. 

There are two types of people who take the oath to serve.  There are Patriots who truly believe in the things this nation stands for (or is supposed to stand for).  There are those that do so for self empowering purposes.  Decide which you are.  Yes that means love or leave it.  If you do leave then you had better mean it.  This country is dying because the unprincipled are becoming the majority.  Decisions have consequences.

About that Republican "War on Women"

Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Jon Edwards and now Bob Menendez say hi!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Hey Hillary! You Are Right!

It doesn't make a difference.  In fact it makes so little difference that perhaps you should prove how much you care about those dead Americans in Benghazi by encouraging Chelsea to volunteer for combat duty.  I am sure she will do her duty and seek front line combat action since your guy Leon has unilaterally declared that women belong in combat positions.  Yep, no possible negative outcome could be anticipated from this.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Bed Bath and Beyond Attacker

A young mom shopping in Bed Bath and Beyond pushing a stroller with her newborn is attacked.  The attacker stabs her in the chest over a dozen times puncturing both lungs.  Tyrik Haynes the 19 year old waste of oxygen who was arrested for the crime was already facing charges regarding an incident last month in which he set a cat on fire.

Why this piece of work was even walking the streets is a major question in my mind.  Also the fact that he was carrying a weapon should be warning to those gun control fanatics that think weapons bans accomplish anything serious regarding public safety.

That said I just want to make one point.  Our system of laws should include justice.  Justice means that punishment should be equal to the crime.  This individual is a menace to society and has already proven he is not worthy to live among us. Neither should we as a society accept that monsters like this should be maintained at public expense. It would serve Mr. Haynes right if he were to be strapped down, stabbed in the chest and then set afire.

Friday, January 18, 2013

My Three Proposals

1. I propose that a bill be drafted and sent to Congress for consideration that would make the White House a Gun Free Zone.  Provide no exception for Secret Service or law enforcement.  If it is good enough for schools it should be good enough for the President.

2. I suggest that states allow prisoners upon discharge the option of a one way bus ticket to New York state.  Clearly New York with it's vast wealth and freedom from weapons is the safest environment for recovery and rehabilitation.

3. As the state of California has insisted on open acceptance of people in this country without documentation I would recommend every state in the union have an amnesty program that provides one way transportation for any undocumented alien to go directly to the California city of choice to reside and receive benefits.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The 2nd Amendment and the UCMJ

Military members take an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic.  Any order given to any military member that calls for the engagement against a private citizen on American soil is an illegal order and would require that service member to turn weapons against whomever is giving said order. 

It is absolutely a requirement for active duty military members to resist tyranny.  There is no question about this.  Following illegal orders is a violation of military law that would subject service members to Courts Martial discipline with penalty up to and including death depending upon the offense.

The President of the United States with support of the liberal media and hysterical people on the left apparently believes that he has control of the armed forces and thus the ability to remove private property by his personal declaration and via force.  This nation may be heading down a dark pathway led by an evil man who intends to be a dictator.  The fight is not done with today's little speech.  It is only beginning.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

So Long Aaron Swartz

Reddit co-founder, hacker, liberal douche activist and all around evil guy Aaron Swartz has committed suicide.  This young man dedicated most of his brief adult years to causes that bring harm to our society and the world in general. He was a criminal facing years in prison and huge fines for his activities and may have simply saved the tax payers a bundle by taking his own life.  The left will trivialize his evil actions and mourn him over the next few days.  I say good riddance.  We were not allies in life, so we are not in death either.  I have nothing good to say about him.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Executive Orders and Gun Rights

Vice President Biden yesterday stated that "The president is going to act."  He said "There are executive orders, there's executive action that can be taken. We haven't decided what that is yet. But we're compiling it all with the help of the attorney general and the rest of the cabinet members as well as legislative action that we believe is required."  He further said that "it's critically important that we act."

Finally he stated that "As the president said, if your actions result in only saving one life, they're worth taking. But I'm convinced we can affect the well-being of millions of Americans and take thousands of people out of harm's way if we act responsibly."

Here is the thing.  There is no authority for the President to just arbitrarily restrict the 2nd Amendment.  Further there is no "moral" authority for obligation or permission in existence for such an attempt to be made.  If anything the morality of the nation is defined in the Declaration of Independence which gives the authority to the Constitution. Without the Declaration of Independence we have no basis of a country.  The Constitution codifies the limitations upon government.  Any President who tries to unilaterally userp the power to restrict the rights of the governed forfeits authority and should be resisted.  This is exactly why we have the 2nd Amendment in the first place.

Should this President attempt to use an Executive Order to limit gun rights there should be immediate articles of Impeachment prepared.

I can recognize that well meaning touchy feely people may put their irrational fear of legalized gun ownership ahead of reason, but supporting a tyrant's grab for power has consistently led to civil warfare. Funny thing about history and how liberals never actually learn from any of it.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Run, Hide, Fight? Hardly.....
The Department of Homeland Security has sponsored the linked video which describes what to do in the event of a shooter entering an office building.  The suggestion of run, hide and as a last resort to improvise weapons and fight.  The scenario presented shows how this should work in a perfectly handled situation.

I call BS on this entire thing.  Run, hide and fight is the strategy that has been employed by every dead person in a mass shooting in history.  It is nothing more than a strategy that is tantamount to suicide.

A better plan infinitely more likely to prevent your murder is what I like to call Arm, Intercept, Destroy.  Private citizen packing whatever caliber of firearm with as many rounds as they deem the need to carry will be much better able to engage a would be killer and put that jerk down before they empty rounds into targets at random.

Remember that..Arm, Intercept, Destroy.  It kills the bad guys every single time.  Brought to you by the 2nd Amendment..guarding Americans against Tyranny and Murder for 200 years!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Also, About those "Progressives"

what is so progressive about Communism? 

Putnam County Clerk is a Hero of Common Sense

There are several items around the Journal News and other papers complaining about the denial of a Freedom of Information request.  Firstly they are simply wrong on the law.  There are Federal guidelines regarding public information that declare that within public information (which only means it is owned by the public) there is a concept called "releasable."  Just because something is public information (i.e. your Social Security number is public information, owned not by you rather by the Federal Government and thus the people) it is not releasable to the public.

The Journal News is guilty of using the information for no actual public benefit.  Common sense proves this and it is self evident.  These papers and publishers that are defending the Journal News are guilty of purposeful denial of common sense.

The county clerk of Putnam County is absolutely right in that he is denying the request based on the danger it puts private citizens in by publishing the names and addresses of legal permit holders.  The Journal News is guilty of placing all of the unarmed neighbors in direct danger.  Anyone pretending that this is not true should be openly mocked and humiliated.  No one should be treated as a serious adult in the discussion who thinks this was even decent journalism on the part of the Journal News.

Dennis Sant is a public employee with common sense and should be hailed.  Good conservatives should be willing to lend to any legal defense efforts he faces from the lunatic left.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Journal News MegaHypocrisy

They must not have liked it when various sources started publishing names and addresses of the staff.  If they keep up with their nonsense then maybe it is time for someone to research and publish the license plate numbers of all their cars.

Leadership is Hard - John Boehner vs. the Tea Party

There is a political principal that has existed for several years that requires the House Speaker to have majority support of legislation from his/her own party in order to bring it to vote on the floor.  Today is a monumental moment to test that view out.  The US Senate this morning showed a lack of sense or will to do right by passing a prosal that would add over $600B in taxes supposedly while only cutting spending by $15.  This in a country running Trillion dollar deficits.  It is a bad plan.  It flies against any sense of economic reality.  It likely does not have majority support among GOP House members.

Forget that for a decade Democrats complained about the Bush tax rates being cuts only for the rich...the same Democrats who now insist that this package prevents tax increases for 98% of Americans...(you know..those same 98% who allegedly did not get a tax cut in 2001 or 2003?)  The insane hypocrisy there is astounding.  Forget even that the current President is the only President to ever spend $3Trillion in one budget year.  George W. Bush never did such a thing..not once..ever.  The best the US Senate and the Vice President could come up with in a nearly $4Trillion "budget" is $15Billion in cuts.  This is what they were able to work out.  Oh ya and to push the other mandatory cuts that the law says occur today down the road for 2 more that in two months the left can lie some more, the media can propagandize some more and the Senate GOP caucus can cave some more.

I say no!  Today the House GOP caucus should reject this bill and force the country to accept what it is.  I am certain that the President all along really wanted the deadline to pass.  I'm not convinced that this is really a bad thing.  It is preferable in my opinion to force the tax rates back up and make the Democrats and liberals in general face the truth of their decade long lie.  It is extremely better to do so with the hundreds of billions in mandatory spending cuts that would truly put a dent in the current out of control deficits.

If John Boehner forces the House to vote for this bill today I believe that on Thursday his tenure as Speaker of the House must end.

Update:  The House of Representatives is going to vote on the Senate proposal with no Amendments allowed.  Whether it passes or fails this country needs a new leader of the House and I will not support any members who vote for this bill.