Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Washington State Primary Statewide Election Endorsements

Washington State Primary Statewide Election Endorsements
Governor - none
Lt. Governor - Marty McClendon
Secretary of State - Kim Wyman
Attorney General - None
Secretary of Treasurer - Split Duane Davidson or Michael Waite
Auditor - Mark Miloscia
Commissioner of Public Lands - Steve McLaughlin
Commissioner of Insurance - Richard Schrock
Superintendent of Public Instruction - Ron Higgins
Supreme Court Justices
Place 1 - David DeWolf
Place 5 - Greg Zempel
Place 6 - Dave Larson

Washington State Primary Election Endorsements

Washington State Primary election August 2, 2016 endorsements
US Senate - Chris Vance
US House Dist 1 = split John Orlinski or Robert Sutherland
US House Dist 2 - Marc Hennemann
US House Dist 3 = Jaime Herrera Beutler
US House Dist 4 - Clint Didier
US House Dist 5 - Cathy McMorris Rodgers
US House Dist 7 - Craig Keller
US House Dist 8 - Dave Reichert
US House Dist 9 - Doug Basler
US House Dist 10 - Jim Postma

Friday, July 22, 2016

US Senate Race Endorsements North Carolina and Florida Primary

North Carolina incumbent Senator Richard Burr has a strong pro life record. 

Florida incumbent Senator Marco Rubio seeks re-election and get's my support.  Competitor Ernie Rivera is a Trumpbot.  Thus he is disqualified.  Carlos Beruff refers to President Obama as an animal and endorsed Charlie Crist over Marco Rubio last time around. 

US Senate Races - My Endorsements

New Hampshire, Kelly Ayotte is pro life.

Kansas Senator Jerry Moran is pro life and anti embryonic stem cell research.

Missouri Senator Roy Blunt is pro life

Colorado Darryl Glenn is trying to unseat incumbent 1st term Senator Michael Bennett.  Glenn is pro life, pro 2nd amendment endorsed by both Donald Trump and Senator Ted Cruz.  He would be the 2nd black Republican in the US Senate.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Homerun Ted Cruz!!!

Tonight Senator Cruz took the stage in Cleveland.  The question at hand "will he endorse Donald Trump?"  He graciously congratulated the nominee.  He spoke to the final conversation of a father with his little girl before he was murdered in Dallas.  He mentioned freedom.  He brought up the Constitution.  He challenged supporters to vote in November and to vote their conscience.  Donald Trump supporters from that point to the end acted like jackasses chanting for an endorsement that would not come.

Donald Trump called Ted Cruz' wife ugly.  He got his contacts at National Enquirer to slander Cruz' fidelity.  Mr. Trump slandered Ted's father as somehow involved in the JFK assassination.  At the end of the night Donald Trump and his supporters are petty and his train wreck campaign has no chance of winning in November.  Ted the star of the Conservative movement. 

The Nomination of Falsehood

A major political party will nominate for President a candidate that is owned by Wall Street.  This candidate will be pro-choice favoring that Roe vs Wade not be overturned.  This candidate will believe in Federal funding for Planned Parenthood.  The candidate will have a view that gun rights should be severely limited or curtailed by whim of government officials without any opportunity to clear one's name.  The candidate will be of the belief that Israel is the moral equal of her Palestinian attackers.  The candidate will have no military experience but will have a long history of disrespect to veterans and be a critic of their missions.  This candidate will have a consistent record of support for people opposing Conservatives in elections.  The candidate will pander to Christians while consistently living a life that mocks Christianity.

The above is the life story of Donald J. Trump.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Trump Campaign Lies...Lies and More Lies

Monday in Virginia a Federal Court Judge ruled clearly that delegates to the Republican National Convention can reject Donald Trump without legal penalty.  The complaint filed by Virginia delegate Attorney Carol Boston Correll Jr, has vowed to never vote for Trump.  The Judge, Robert E. Payne ruled clearly that the Commonwealth will be permanently enjoined from enforcing Va. Code § 24.2-545(0). 

The Trump campaign website and Facebook pages took the words of the court ruling, twisted them entirely and stated an opposite headline.  I suppose to Trump supporters the facts don't matter.  Hell, for most of them the facts don't actually make sense so there is that.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

We Are Not A Nation of Laws

We have two versions of law.  One that applies to Democrats and another for Republicans.  Democrats are allowed to commit widespread voter fraud, disrespect the military and all national institutions.  They will not be held accountable for violations of national security and can treat government programs as absolute ironclad entitlements.

Republicans can be harassed via the Internal Revenue Service.  They are not given any latitude regarding programs and will be jailed should they commit even minor offenses according to the National Security Act. 

I hope this clears everything up.