Friday, June 24, 2016

Britain Votes for Sovereignty

Great Britain voted yesterday to leave the European Union despite warnings from President Obama.  All of the pundits predict financial disaster.  I expect that some wise people will wait til the markets plunge and then jump in to invest and enjoy significant profits.


If no one got a bloody lip, no one got arrested, nobody missed a meal and you had potty breaks..
that wasn't a sit in. It was a hissy fit.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

What Would A Hillary Presidency Make America Look Like?

Rahm Emanuel is Mayor of Chicago.  He is formerly the White House Chief of Staff under President William Jefferson Clinton.  When it comes to policy he is a mirror image of Hillary.  He presides over a city that is virtually a 2.7Million person gun free zone.  Some of our nation's most egregiously difficult gun ownership restrictions are in effect there.

So far in 2016 there have been 1674 shootings in Chicago.  Gun free Chicago has had 253 shot and killed.  That means Chicago has what amounts to Orlando about 2 1/2 times per month.  Now imagine the world under President Hillary who is personally on record opposing the right to bear arms.  Empowering her to launch Executive Orders and appoint Supreme Court Justices is essentially inviting her to end the right of private citizens to self defense.

Do you really want the entire country to look like Chicago?  Do you really want the country to be as easy as an Orlando nightclub?  That is what Hillary means for America.

Obama Reacts Wrongly to Orlando

The worst act of terrorism to reach the United States since 9/11/2001 happened a few hours ago. The President just spoke and his first point was to lash out at gun ownership. Then he spoke about hate. He never once mentioned the obvious reality that the shooter practiced a virulent ideology that we are allegedly at war against. Sane people should remember that this President is not on the side of freedom. He enables fanaticism and apologizes for it.

Fifty people are dead. At least that many are injured and once again I notice that it isn't a Methodist Sunday School teacher or a Baptist Church Bus Driver whose religion has brought this mayhem. While Christians are being raged against over sales of flowers or resistance to adult males using bathrooms alongside little girls, the religion of peace just keeps managing to produce mass murder.

50 People Dead in Terror Attack at Orlando Florida Nightclub

When a disease enters the body the prudent thing is to remove it. When a field has an infestation you fight it. All other ideas are self destructive foolishness. No exceptions.

The shooter who is dead is an Islamic terrorist from Afghanistan who was granted US citizenship.  The media will now fawn for a bit about gun control.  We need common bloody sense in this country.  Instead of allowing the party of crazy to turn us on our heads over the right of perverts to pee next to little girls we should be talking about the most important role of government.  Protection of the people from evil.

From Roseburg to San Bernardino to Orlando the war on terror is now a home field fight.  Our current leadership nurtured and armed the enemy..invited it here and coddled it.  Now we are being mass murdered because of it.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Rene Ellmers Out

Congresswoman Ellmers of North Carolina is the first GOP incumbent to be primaried out this year.  She has lost to George Holding who was funded by The Club for Growth.  Her endorsement from Donald Trump apparently didn't hold much value.

The End of Primary Season

Today both major parties wrap up their primary season.  From here it is on to national party conventions in July and then the general election contest.  Never have I seen the country so torn politically.  Even in 2004 with anti-War protestors driving the Democratic party things weren't this deep.  Both major parties are poised to nominate Presidential candidates largely hated by the majority of Americans.

Our hope is not in men.  We must remember this and keep eyes moving forward.  This is the United States of America.  We are still that shining city upon a hill that can be a beacon of light to a dark world.  We are more than just some person behind a desk in the White House.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Who is the Establishment?

Donald Trump is golfing buddies with John Boehner.  Donald Trump campaigned against Tea Partiers and funded the re-election of Mitch McConnell.  Donald Trump was endorsed by House Speaker Paul Ryan this week.  Donald Trump IS and always has been..the establishment.