Saturday, May 21, 2016

Austin Petersen's Pro Life is Really Pro Choice

"As much as I detest the idea of abortion and tend to believe the state has a legal obligation to protect life, the realities of the situation combined with the risks incurred by mothers makes me unable to support a staunch anti-abortion position. I think we should use education and work to direct nonprofit resources toward making contraception widely available, as a means to reducing abortions; but I could never advocate they be outright banned.
First, all making abortions illegal would do is drive them underground. Black market abortion would lead to shoddy medicine, unhealthy practices, disease, suffering, and death. As unwanted births increase in low income areas, crime would rise. The number of people unable to provide for themselves and forced to live off of the state would also dramatically increase.
I just don’t see a world with black market abortions, more unwanted children, and more poverty as being a good thing.
Likewise, the tendency for the left to disregard considerations of life, to the point of hostility towards the unborn (calling them invaders or parasites) is truly sickening to me. Human life is precious and ought to be regarded as such. In fact, a little compassion towards life might go along way when it comes to advocating reasonable abortion positions.
I am pro-life; I believe life is precious and must be protected. But I am pro-choice; I believe individual autonomy is inseparable from human liberty. We must seek to guard human life when reasonable to do so and to protect women’s agency to make their own health decisions. These are not mutually exclusive, those that tell you otherwise are ideologues." Austin Petersen Dec 2015

The Donald Trump hijacking of the Republican Party is leaving many Conservatives looking around for a third party choice.  This has brought about much interest in Austin Petersen who is competing for the Libertarian party nomination for President.  Mr. Petersen touts himself as being a Pro Life atheist.  He is getting a lot of attention from disaffected Evangelicals who find Donald Trump unworthy of their support. 

Is Austin Petersen's position actually Pro-Life?  His word choice consistently draws a distinction between the personal choice of abortion and the legal fact of abortion.  On one hand he speaks in harsh terms about the casual attitude of the left toward the fact that there is a life in the womb worthy of consideration.  He seems to fall short though of literal legal protection lashing out at those who oppose abortion.  He makes the exact same sort of typical arguments about black market abortion as a reason against changing legality.  The result is that Mr. Petersen's Pro-Life morality does not cause a anti-abortion legality..and since we are really only talking about a political issue..his position becomes meaningless.  Opposing abortion as a moral choice and then not extending that to placing limitations into not Pro-Life.  It is in fact from a legal and political perspective..Pro-Choice.  It is no different than the position held by Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani or John Kerry.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Difference Between Bush and Obama

Bush administration asks cell phone companies for cell records of customers in order to thwart international terrorists.  A company refuses.  The Bush administration says..."okay."  The ensuing scandal occupies Congressional Democrats for years.  An investigative panel is convened spending millions of taxpayer dollars.  American media types spend millions of lines of text decrying the abuse of individual civil rights.  The next administration proceeds to continue a much more extreme and intrusive version of the same program.

Barack Obama in May of 2016 decreed that public schools in the United States will let boys pee in the girls room.  Any schools refusing will be penalized so that poor children are not able to have lunch. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

What is the Battle?

There is no Republican vs. Democrat. There is only Liberty vs. Tyranny, Freedom vs. Despotism, Independence vs. Authoritarianism. Choose wisely.

Apologetics for Hiroshima

The nuclear attacks against Japan in 1945 ended the Second World War.  Anyone arguing anything counter to that is simply in point of fact a revisionist fool.  No more.  No less.  Japan had not and was not preparing to surrender.  The United States of America and our administration had an obligation to win the war and minimize the loss of American lives. 

Yesterday the Japan Times online was hosting a conversation as to whether or not President Obama will or should apologize for the attacks when he visits Hiroshima.  Oddly, I was surprised.  I did not know that Kenya bombed Japan.  Go figure.  Learn something new everyday.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Donald's Greatest Accomplishment

In this post Cruz campaign phase of the election process a lot is being said by Trump supporters about what they see as the obligation of all Republicans to now unite behind their favorite candidate.  The saying usually goes "a vote for third party or sitting out is a vote for Hillary."  This is of course utter nonsense.  The only way to vote for Hillary (or anyone else) is to actually cast a vote for that person.  We don't award extra votes in elections based on under performance of political party nominees.  It isn't like if 22% of registered Republicans refuse to vote for Donald Trump and instead don't vote or vote for the Constitutional Party candidate, that Hillary get's a +1 on her side.  Hillary gets nothing for those. 

The next part of the argument is that "It doesn't matter if Donald Trump isn't a Conservative.  He is still infinitely better than Hillary."  This is the "he is not Hillary" argument.  It is also utterly nonsensical insomuch that there are serious issue related arguments that suggest in fact that Donald Trump may be much worse than Hillary in many areas.  Further..just not being Hillary is not much of an argument.  I can point to 7 Billion people in the world that are not Hillary.  You can't tell me that Donald Trump is the very best out of all of us not-Hillary's. 

Donald Trump is the one who is obligated to unite the party.  There is no obligation of supporters of Cruz or anyone else to owe Trump loyalty just because he happens this time to be calling himself Republican.  I believe that after this election it will actually be an identifier used to label people in the future.  For the 2020 election a lot of people who endorsed Donald Trump will be disregarded by those that don't after he gets absolutely crushed in November.  So far, since Tuesday's Indiana primary, Donald Trump has continued to attack those Republicans that do not support him.  He has stated that he doesn't need Conservatives in order to win the election.  I doubt that.  We will see.  He is wrong.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Trump's Running Mate

The perfect running mate for Donald Trump would have to be someone who shares his policy viewpoint. Someone able to handle his level of energy and ability to rile up a gan...errr.....crowd of supporters. The pick would have to be used to rubbing shoulders with men of industry and just as comfortable around a bit of greasing the wallets to make junk happen.

It is my conclusion that the only possible running mate for Donald Trump....would be Donald Trump.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Trump Campaign Funding

For months Donald Trump and his supporters took shots at Ted Cruz and his wife over loans and her work at Goldman Sachs. Today Mr. Trump's "self funded" campaign for President hired a fund raiser.  A former executive at Goldman Sachs and associate of George Soros..who has donated to Hillary Clinton's Presidential campaign. 

Undoubtedly the first order of business will be to collect donations to pay Donald Trump back for the loans he made to his campaign's primary race.

The flipping never ends!

So..About Ted Cruz' Eligibility

Months of crazy talk from Trumpbots....Donald Trump himself repeatedly throwing out suggestions that Ted Cruz is not eligible for the Donald Trump suggests that Ted Cruz would be a potential Vice Presidential pick.  Amazing.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Your Vote

A vote is a precious thing.  It is a powerful responsibility.  Many people will have to personally decide whether or not the most important thing on election day is defeating their perceived enemy or to vote FOR something.

The lesser of two evils is still evil.  We are commanded by the Lord to choose righteousness.  This November everyone gets a voice.  Use yours' for something righteous.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The Aftermath of Indiana

A day in which Donald Trump went on national television and quoted the National Enquirer to slander Ted Cruz' father suggesting somehow he was involved in the assassination of JFK?  A day in which Donald Trump says Ted Cruz lacks the temperment for the Supreme Court?  This is the day that Trump essentially clinches the GOP nomination?

Millions of God's people tonight sleep uneasily.  We are not commanded to select the lesser of two evils.  We are commanded to select righteousness.  God will judge us as a nation at some point..or perhaps already is.  America has been great.  America could be great but to be that we need strength of character.  A character as a nation.  We had a chance for a great leader...and we turned him away. 

Monday, May 2, 2016

50 Should Keep His Two Cents

Curtis James Jackson III aka 50 Cent....former rich rap star...decided this weekend to make fun of a young man working in an airport in a video that has gone viral.  The waste of DNA that is 50cent can be heard making comments about the young man's appearance, accusing him of being high at work and other nonsense.

The young man's loved ones have spoken out saying that he has social anxiety.  The young man himself says he works hard and doesn't do drugs.

It must be tough to be a wannabe superstar and not get recognized..which is really all this is about.  50 Cent didn't get recognized and decided to bully someone he sees as beneath him.  He is in a word..a bully.  A piece of human garbage.  He should consider doing the world a favor and just shutting the Hell up..forever.