Thursday, March 31, 2016

Cruz is Crushing Trump Among Cheeseheads

The April 5 primary in Wisconsin is less than a week away and polling in the Badger state is moving in one direction.  Multiple polls are all showing Senator Cruz hammering Mr. Trump in nearly all demographics.  A victory in Wisconsin is almost a necessity if Senator Cruz is to have any chance of turning the delegate race around.  It seems that is exactly what is happening.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Zuckerberg and His ISIS Love

Facebook bazillionair and self appointed expert on everything in the world Mark Zuckerberg says that the terrorists who blew up bombs in Belgium and attacked an egg hunt in Pakistan simply do so because they want to cause us division.  He suggests that the only solution is to express love to them so that they feel included.

Perhaps we should allow Mr. Zuckerberg to practice his view by sending him to Raqqah where he can try some of that love them to peace stuff.  When it predictably ends in his gruesome death I then suggest we express love to ISIS in the form of unrestricted air, land and sea warfare 24/7.  It's all about the love!

Seattle Travel Ban

The Mayor of Seattle banned non-essential city travel to North Carolina for reasons that are not entirely rational and won't be mentioned by me.  I would like to consider the ban itself..the ban is for non-essential travel.  A government entity banned something called non-essential travel.  I think maybe a good thing might be...a ban on all non-essential travel.  Just an idea.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Obama's Cuba Visit

Cuba is a communist nation.  Communism is evil.  No force on Earth was responsible for more murder and suffering in the 20th century.  The American left is largely sympathetic to stupid things like...communism.  They dress it up on all sorts of different ways and call it different things...mostly because th largely pathetically stupid.

The President took a trip to Cuba this week.  He like a fool posed for pictures with a big giant Che head looming in the background.  He went to a baseball game and deigned 51 seconds of comments to the bombings in Belgium.  He praised Cuba's dictatorship for what it can teach us about..well really I don't remember..I was too overcome with laughing at this moron we call Mr. President.

It should be a rule that when our liberal friends praise this clown we are legally obligated..not just allowed to punch them in the throat.

If we do not teach our children to understand that Communism=bad..we have failed them.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Trump Foundation Donations to Veterans

Between 2009-2013 the Donald J. Trump Foundation made $5.5million in charitable contributions. 7 specific donations went to veterans groups for a total of $57,000. Curiously $100,000 was donated to the Clinton Foundation. Source: the Weekly Standard.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Immigration is a National Security Issue

Normally we see the conversation about immigration and immigration reform discussed as an economic issue.  One between people who see immigration as some sort of charitable item to the less fortunate at the expense of American citizens who inherently have an advantage in the random gamble of life. 

This is nonsense.  Countries firstly are sovereign and should operate under laws defining their existence.  The United States of America being a sovereign nation should function not with open borders, but with standards.  We don't need a simplistic ban of immigrants to solve some vague concept of security.  We need real security physically and existentially secured by a series of rules that shape policy.

Firstly our immigration policy should be determined on the basis of what benefits this country.  Too often immigration law and policy is derived from the perspective of how to benefit the foreign national.  It is treated as a charitable item and those in opposition are scorned by both Democrats and Republicans as somehow racist.  It is not racist to want to define and determine who is in this country.  Immigrants should only be allowed to come to America if there is some definitive benefit to our society.  No one should enter if by their presence they will only be taking from the benefits that we have to offer whether they be thru governmental welfare programs or charitable benefit programs.

Second immigrants must be willing to assimilate into our society.  People coming to this country intent on collectively forcing us to change are in violation of our sovereignty.  It is irrational for any society to simply yield to those coming from worse situations.  If a group of people are escaping their homeland they have a reason to be leaving.  Whatever the conditions that they are leaving we certainly should not want to recreate in this country.  We should welcome those that wish to participate productively in our system and experience the American dream.  Those intent on taking over are not welcome.

Third anyone wishing to enter the United States should undergo a strict vetting process.  People unable to be validated under very strict guidelines cannot be allowed entry for any reason.  There are countries in the world that have entire populations that have been taught to treat us as evil.  It can be assumed that citizens from such countries should be scrutinized very carefully.  If this means that people without records simply cannot enter that is unfortunate but again..our immigration policy should be guided by what benefits this country.  A fair equally enforced vetting process should be a clear requirement in any immigration system.  No exceptions should be made for any adult that cannot be validated.

Fourth illegal immigrants are criminals.  It matters not at all what their reason for being here is.  You cannot say you love this country if you refuse to respect it's laws.  Illegal immigrants should be treated when caught like criminals and prosecuted.  It is absolutely impossible to have an immigration system that has no way of knowing who is in the country and why they are here.  We have a glaring open wound along the southern border that has been violated millions of times.  It is inherently a bad thing for us economically regardless of cheap labor arguments that are made by business owners. I contend that business which rely on illegal laborers support human rights abuses by maintaining people hiding in the shadows.  Women crossing the border to work are subjected to human traffickers and sexually abused.  These undocumented people put demands on our social welfare programs and the safety net designed for our own people.  They damage our health care system with excessive use of emergency room treatments.  They strain our educational system by forcing their children into processes that have limited resources.   These people cause chaos in the social security system by misuse of identity information.  The economic damage is real.  The human cost is also real.  It is fundamentally un-American to participate in the promotion of an abusive process that continues to encourage illegal entry into the country. 

Fifth the physical reality of a wall has a historical basis.  There are many who will say we can't possibly build a wall along the southern border..yet...look around the world.  There are walls.  There are many walls.  Walls surround the Vatican City.  China has a 1600 mile long wall that protected it from Mongolian invaders.  The White House in Washington DC is surrounded by fencing for protection.  Walls exist in the world because they in fact do work.  We should complete a wall along the southern border.  It should be staffed with human patrols and surveillance equipment permanently.  Until we prove to Mexico that we are serious there is no actual relationship of mutual respect.  Mexico will not respect an America that does not protect self first.

Finally the purpose of government is to protect the people.  Our government fails on this whenever it allows someone to enter the country illegally.  Our government fails when it allows someone to simply overstay a Visa without questions.  We fail our children when we strain already limited resources by allowing a population of millions who do not belong here to stay simply because it may be hard to find them all.  We need a reasonable rational immigration system that would be good for our country.  It is great for the United States to attract the best and brightest.  The price should not be an inherent lack of security and economic compromise.

Monday, March 21, 2016

America is a Friend of Israel

Tonight at AIPAC both Donald Trump and Ted Cruz gave rousing speeches.  Both were well received and seemed to excite the crowd.  They both noted the differentiation between how Republicans and Democrats treat our dearest ally in the Middle East.  My perception is that both will be intent on strengthening the bonds of friendship between the United States of America and Israel if they take office in January of 2017. 

Friday, March 18, 2016

Oh the Horror! 15 Years Hard Labor in North Korea!!!!

Perhaps it is not the best idea to go to North Korea and steal political banners.  I'm just thinking out loud here.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Huge Night for Trump

Trump crushed Rubio in Florida ending Senator Rubio's quest for the Presidency.  Kasich won in Ohio but has no mathematical chance at reaching 1237 delegates.  Ted Cruz is going to finish very close in North Carolina and Missouri but likely won't win any of them (Missouri will be within a fraction of a percent separation).  Mr. Trump still is off pace to get to 1237 and races next week in Arizona and Utah really shape up to be between Trump and Cruz. 

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Cruz easily wins Wyoming

Caucus voters in Wyoming assign less than half of the state's 29 GOP delegates but Ted Cruz won easily today.  Senator Cruz received 66% of the votes today to take 9 delegates.  Marco Rubio and Donald Trump got 1 each. 

The Aftermath of Thugfest

Soros pushed protesters confront angry Trump supporters in Chicago.  Donald is allegedly attacked in Ohio.  Meanwhile there are votes today!  DC, Guam, Wyoming all selecting delegates for the nomination by the GOP for President.  At the start of the day Trump held a 99 delegate lead on Senator Cruz.  That lead will likely be smaller at the end of today's counting.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Marco Rubio 2PM PST Event in Florida..Might This Be It?

Senator Rubio has a scheduled rally in Hialeah at 5PM ET.  He was shut out of the delegate count in 4 primaries yesterday.  He is trailing Donald Trump badly according to polling in Florida.  There doesn't seem to be any reason for him to continue the campaign past today.

Mixed Results

Donald Trump scored wins in Mississippi, Michigan and Hawaii while Ted Cruz blew him out in Idaho Tuesday.  Trump continues the trend of barely winning southern states and winning open primaries in places the GOP doesn't win in November.  Ted Cruz keeps winning closed races where Republicans decide who the Republican nominee should be.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Marco's Last Stand

Today there are 4 GOP races in play.  150 convention delegates are on the line.  A pathway to the nomination for Senator Rubio is probably already a lost cause but if he fails to win something today he really should drop out of the race.  There is no real point to him sticking around just to compete for Florida. 

Monday, March 7, 2016

Michael Bloomberg Decides Not to Risk Humiliation

Billionaires don't generally become super rich by doing silly things with their money.  Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has decided not to waste millions running for zero percent of the general election in a pointless attempt to attack Donald Trump.  Fake Republican Bloomberg will thus be able to use more of his resources in his consistent effort to destroy individual rights in his assault on the Second Amendment. 

About that Self Funded Trump Campaign

Interestingly when you go to at the very top of Make America Great Again page there is a button labeled. "DONATE."  I did something as an experiment..I clicked on it...amazingly enough...donation amounts and billing information request came up.

My conclusion...Donald J. Trump actually is taking donations for President.  Pesky things called facts.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Super Saturday Observations

Senator Cruz has two huge wins in Kansas and Maine (Maine being a stunner).  Donald Trump has two close wins in Kentucky and Louisiana with Senator Cruz within 5% in both.  Senator Cruz cuts into the delegate count lead of Mr. Trump today.

The biggest loser of the day Marco Rubio who really got nothing done to suggest there is any pathway for him toward victory.  At this point Senator Rubio is just a spoiler.  It is time that Conservatives start to yell for Marco to drop out. 

Friday, March 4, 2016

Cruzing in Cash

The Cruz campaign reported Friday that February was the best fund raising month ever for the Senator in his Presidential bid.  $12Million on 225,000 donations for an average of $52. 

Dr. Carson is Out

The day before 4 states vote Ben Carson has dropped out of the race.  Dr. Carson is one of the brilliant minds of our times.  He will remain a useful voice in the Conservative movement in this country for years to come.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Romney to Speak

Unless repeated Presidential campaign loser Mitt Romney is about to reveal video proving that Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are all actually robot puppets of space aliens, nothing he has to say will be of any actual consequence.  If anything it will just further antagonize the Trump ragers.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Planned Conservithood

It is impossible to be a Conservative and to support government funding of Planned Parenthood.  They are in absolute opposition.

"Planned Parenthood has done very good work for many many for millions of women.  And I'll say it.  I know a lot of the so called "conservatves" they say that's really cuz I'm a conservative!  But I'm a common sense conservative.  But millions of women have been helped by Planned Parenthood.  But we're not gonna allow and we're not gonna fund as long as you have the abortion going on at Planned Parenthood.  And we understand that. And I've said it loud and clear." - Donald Trump 3/1/2016 

Super Tuesday Reminder

Christians should refer to the Bible in all things.  Christians should vote the Bible position on all things.  Today there are primaries all over the country.  Christians should participate and should cast a vote that they would not feel guilty about before the Lord.