Saturday, February 27, 2016
Christie Endorses Trump
I am not surprised at all that Governor Christie is endorsing Donald Trump. I think he intended to run as a loudmouthed New York tough guy liberal Republican, but was outperformed by Mr. Trump in the same style. They are similar campaigners with similar personalities.
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Lindsey Graham is Disgusting
"If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in
the Senate, no one would convict you." — Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
Tonight at the Washington Press Club Foundation Dinner Senator Graham spouted the above comment. He should be forced to resign from office immediately.
Tonight at the Washington Press Club Foundation Dinner Senator Graham spouted the above comment. He should be forced to resign from office immediately.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Venezuela Imploding?
News has essentially vanished on Venezuela in the last 24 hours as there is a near blackout of the internet amid anti-government protests. Socialism never works.
News has essentially vanished on Venezuela in the last 24 hours as there is a near blackout of the internet amid anti-government protests. Socialism never works.
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Bye Bye Bush
Days of rumors that his campaign staff would not be paid past tonight turn true. Jeb finishes out of the running in South Carolina and ends his campaign. I expect most of his supporters to relook at Rubio.
It is Caucus Day!
While most attention nationally will rightly focus on the primary in South Carolina today, it is Republican Caucus day in the state of Washington. Local government facilities will have people of like minds gather to vote on delegates to later larger conventions..which will ultimately select delegates to the state convention. The final delegation is bound to support the winner of the state primary in May.
Citizen rule begins in the grassroots. Today is that day.
Citizen rule begins in the grassroots. Today is that day.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Inslee Jealous of Indiana
Washington Governor Jay Inslee today felt like spending a few billion. Since Indiana, Tennessee and New Jersey have shiny agencies dedicated to the needs of vulnerable families and children he thinks Washington needs on too. Forget that there is already an agency with that mission called the Department of Social and Health Services. Forget that it represents about 40% of state government. Ignore that without being tasked to aid vulnerable children and families..DSHS will really not serve much of a purpose to exist at all. In fact..let's just ignore and forget this entire idea. It is just plain silly.
That Time that Trump Picked a Papal Fight
OK so he really didn't. The Pope today decided to speak up in a way that no one could rationally misunderstand engaging in a bit of American politics. While in Mexico the Pope stated that "A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be,
and not building bridges, is not Christian," Pope Francis said. "This is
not in the Gospel."
Mr. Trump of course didn't let it go. He reacted “For a religious leader to question a person’s faith is disgraceful,” Trump said in a statement. “I am proud to be a Christian and, as president, I will not allow Christianity to be consistently attacked and weakened, unlike what is happening now, with our current president.”
The entire notion of a Pope living in a walled city state criticizing an American politician calling for border protection was not lost on those with functioning brains. It is also appropriately ironic that the Leonine Wall around the Vatican City was built 11 centuries ago in response to Islamic attackers assaulting St. Peter's Basilica.
Mr. Trump of course didn't let it go. He reacted “For a religious leader to question a person’s faith is disgraceful,” Trump said in a statement. “I am proud to be a Christian and, as president, I will not allow Christianity to be consistently attacked and weakened, unlike what is happening now, with our current president.”
The entire notion of a Pope living in a walled city state criticizing an American politician calling for border protection was not lost on those with functioning brains. It is also appropriately ironic that the Leonine Wall around the Vatican City was built 11 centuries ago in response to Islamic attackers assaulting St. Peter's Basilica.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
WSJ/NBC Poll Suggests Tide Shift?
The first national poll of GOP candidates conducted entirely after last Saturday's debate shows Ted Cruz leading nationally with 28% support ahead of Donald Trump who is at 26%. This poll could be an anomaly. It could also suggest that Conservatives are taking a closer look at the two candidates.
The first national poll of GOP candidates conducted entirely after last Saturday's debate shows Ted Cruz leading nationally with 28% support ahead of Donald Trump who is at 26%. This poll could be an anomaly. It could also suggest that Conservatives are taking a closer look at the two candidates.
The Great WMD Lie
For a decade Democrats..and Donald Trump have had a steady mantra criticizing former President George W. Bush for going into Iraq when they had no WMDs. This issue which divided the nation for 3 consecutive election cycles ignored reports as early as 2006 that in fact stockpiles of chemical weapons had been located in Iraq. Systems dating to the regime of Saddam Hussein.
Between 2004 and 2011 there were at least six instances of American or American trained Iraqi forces wounded by chemical weapons. Coalition forces repeatedly encountered such weapons. This was reported by the New York Times in October of 2014.
American forces found as many as 5,000 chemical warheads, shells and bombs. What they did not find was an active production program. Iraq certainly held stockpiles of weapons that it had failed to destroy as required by the 1991 Cease Fire ending Desert Storm.
Since the rise of ISIS there have been reports that ISIS forces have captured chemical weapons storage facilities. This was stated as early as the summer of 2014. So ISIS captured weapons that didn't exist in a place that didn't have them to understand the left..and Mr. Trump's narrative. The implications of course have come true. The Director of National Intelligence James Clapper as well as other officials this week have stated that ISIS has used chemical weapons against Kurdish fighters.
Facts mean things. When someone tells you "there were no WMDs"..they are wrong. We cannot afford to be wrong.
Between 2004 and 2011 there were at least six instances of American or American trained Iraqi forces wounded by chemical weapons. Coalition forces repeatedly encountered such weapons. This was reported by the New York Times in October of 2014.
American forces found as many as 5,000 chemical warheads, shells and bombs. What they did not find was an active production program. Iraq certainly held stockpiles of weapons that it had failed to destroy as required by the 1991 Cease Fire ending Desert Storm.
Since the rise of ISIS there have been reports that ISIS forces have captured chemical weapons storage facilities. This was stated as early as the summer of 2014. So ISIS captured weapons that didn't exist in a place that didn't have them to understand the left..and Mr. Trump's narrative. The implications of course have come true. The Director of National Intelligence James Clapper as well as other officials this week have stated that ISIS has used chemical weapons against Kurdish fighters.
Facts mean things. When someone tells you "there were no WMDs"..they are wrong. We cannot afford to be wrong.
Sunday, February 14, 2016
GOP Debate: Closing Statements
John Kasich: I'll send the power back
Dr. Carson: If all the people who say I love Ben Carson but he can't win will vote for me we can turn this thing around.
Jeb Bush: I believe I will have a steady hand as Commander in Chief
Marco Rubio: Our culture is in trouble..wrong is now considered right and right is considered wrong. These are difficult times. 2016 can be a turning point. We are going to embrace free enterprise. Life begins at conception. Marriage is between a man and a woman. Rights come from God and not a President. We will make the 21st Century a new American century.
Ted Cruz: Do you want another deal maker? Or do you want a Conservative? Two branches of government hang in the balance. Not just a Presidency but the Supreme Court.
Donald Trump: Politicians are all talk and no actions. We need a very big change. We are going to make our country great again. We don't win anything. We are going to start winning again. I'm working for you. I'm not working for anyone else.
Dr. Carson: If all the people who say I love Ben Carson but he can't win will vote for me we can turn this thing around.
Jeb Bush: I believe I will have a steady hand as Commander in Chief
Marco Rubio: Our culture is in trouble..wrong is now considered right and right is considered wrong. These are difficult times. 2016 can be a turning point. We are going to embrace free enterprise. Life begins at conception. Marriage is between a man and a woman. Rights come from God and not a President. We will make the 21st Century a new American century.
Ted Cruz: Do you want another deal maker? Or do you want a Conservative? Two branches of government hang in the balance. Not just a Presidency but the Supreme Court.
Donald Trump: Politicians are all talk and no actions. We need a very big change. We are going to make our country great again. We don't win anything. We are going to start winning again. I'm working for you. I'm not working for anyone else.
GOP Debate: Various
Donald Trump on flip flops
Mr. Trump: In life you have flexibility. You have to have flexibility. Ronald Reagan was a somewhat liberal Democrat. He became a somewhat Conservative Republican. I'm not in love with eminent domain.
Jeb Bush: You should not use eminent domain for private purposes.
Ted Cruz: Flexibility is a good thing but you shouldn't be flexible on core principles. I like Donald he is a great entertainer. For most of his life he has been very very liberal. For most of his life he has described himself as very very pro choice and as a supporter of partial birth abortion. Right now today as a candidate he supports federal tax payer funding for Planned Parenthood. I disagree with him on that. Thats a matter of principle
Mr. Trump: You are the single biggest liar. You probably are worse than Jeb Bush. He's a nasty guy.
Ted Cruz: Notice that Donald didn't disagree with the substance that he supports tax payer funding for Planned Parenthood. You supported it when were battling for defunding Planned Parenthood.
Mr. Trump: There are wonderful things that Planned Parenthood does for women's health.
Ted Cruz: If Donald Trump is President he will appoint liberals. (Supreme Court)
Mr. Trump: Ted Cruz supported John Roberts
Jeb Bush: Ronald Reagan was a liberal in the 50's. No one would suggest he was a liberal. He didn't tear down people. He tore down the Berlin wall.
Ted Cruz: I would not have nominated John Roberts. I would have nominated my former boss who was Justice Scalia's first law clerk.
Marco Rubio: Turn programs over to the states. Nikki Haley will do a better job confronting poverty than Barack Obama.
Dr. Carson: When I got into this race I decided to look and see what is running the engine in Washington DC and I thought I should run away.
I'm never going to become a politician. People need to know that free college is a non-starter. We are on the verge of economic collapse. $200Trillion in non-funded liabilities. It is not the evil rich is the irresponsible people in government.
John Kasich: The first thing we have to do is grow the economy. You need common sense regulations so small business can flourish. You need a fiscal plan so people can predict a little bit of the future. The Democratic party has lost those blue collar Democrats.
Donald Trump: My wife tells me I'm wrong all the time and I listen. We need people who know what the Hell they are doing and not politicians. I hire smart people.
Jeb Bush: The dysfunction in Washington is really dangerous. We don't need someone who has been bankrupt four times and then brags about using the system.
Donald Trump: I never went bankrupt. As soon as he (Jeb) got out of Florida, Florida crashed. He loaded it up with debt.
Jeb Bush: We led the nation in job growth 7 out of 8 years. We didn't go bankrupt like Trump did and call it success. Personal income went up 4.4%. The government grew by half of that.
Marco Rubio: The President that I grew up with was Ronald Reagan. This is the worst President we have had in 35 years. If our next President is even half the President that Ronald Reagan was America is going to be greater than it has ever been.
Mr. Trump: In life you have flexibility. You have to have flexibility. Ronald Reagan was a somewhat liberal Democrat. He became a somewhat Conservative Republican. I'm not in love with eminent domain.
Jeb Bush: You should not use eminent domain for private purposes.
Ted Cruz: Flexibility is a good thing but you shouldn't be flexible on core principles. I like Donald he is a great entertainer. For most of his life he has been very very liberal. For most of his life he has described himself as very very pro choice and as a supporter of partial birth abortion. Right now today as a candidate he supports federal tax payer funding for Planned Parenthood. I disagree with him on that. Thats a matter of principle
Mr. Trump: You are the single biggest liar. You probably are worse than Jeb Bush. He's a nasty guy.
Ted Cruz: Notice that Donald didn't disagree with the substance that he supports tax payer funding for Planned Parenthood. You supported it when were battling for defunding Planned Parenthood.
Mr. Trump: There are wonderful things that Planned Parenthood does for women's health.
Ted Cruz: If Donald Trump is President he will appoint liberals. (Supreme Court)
Mr. Trump: Ted Cruz supported John Roberts
Jeb Bush: Ronald Reagan was a liberal in the 50's. No one would suggest he was a liberal. He didn't tear down people. He tore down the Berlin wall.
Ted Cruz: I would not have nominated John Roberts. I would have nominated my former boss who was Justice Scalia's first law clerk.
Marco Rubio: Turn programs over to the states. Nikki Haley will do a better job confronting poverty than Barack Obama.
Dr. Carson: When I got into this race I decided to look and see what is running the engine in Washington DC and I thought I should run away.
I'm never going to become a politician. People need to know that free college is a non-starter. We are on the verge of economic collapse. $200Trillion in non-funded liabilities. It is not the evil rich is the irresponsible people in government.
John Kasich: The first thing we have to do is grow the economy. You need common sense regulations so small business can flourish. You need a fiscal plan so people can predict a little bit of the future. The Democratic party has lost those blue collar Democrats.
Donald Trump: My wife tells me I'm wrong all the time and I listen. We need people who know what the Hell they are doing and not politicians. I hire smart people.
Jeb Bush: The dysfunction in Washington is really dangerous. We don't need someone who has been bankrupt four times and then brags about using the system.
Donald Trump: I never went bankrupt. As soon as he (Jeb) got out of Florida, Florida crashed. He loaded it up with debt.
Jeb Bush: We led the nation in job growth 7 out of 8 years. We didn't go bankrupt like Trump did and call it success. Personal income went up 4.4%. The government grew by half of that.
Marco Rubio: The President that I grew up with was Ronald Reagan. This is the worst President we have had in 35 years. If our next President is even half the President that Ronald Reagan was America is going to be greater than it has ever been.
GOP Debate: Poverty
Dr. Carson: Go after the regulatory agency instead of the people that are trying to increase the viability of our society. Regulations cost us $2Trillion annually. You want to get rid of poverty, get rid of the regulations.
Ted Cruz: The people who have been hurt the most in the Obama economy are the people who are the most vulnerable. Small businesses are the heart of the economy. My dad fled Cuba in 1957. He washed dishes for 50cents an hour. If we had Obamacare in place the odds are high he would have been laid off. We need to lift the burdens on small businesses.
Donald Trump: I would build consensus with Congress and Congress would agree with me. (regarding Ford building factory in Mexico and his statement that he would impose s 35% tax on them).
Ted Cruz: The people who have been hurt the most in the Obama economy are the people who are the most vulnerable. Small businesses are the heart of the economy. My dad fled Cuba in 1957. He washed dishes for 50cents an hour. If we had Obamacare in place the odds are high he would have been laid off. We need to lift the burdens on small businesses.
Donald Trump: I would build consensus with Congress and Congress would agree with me. (regarding Ford building factory in Mexico and his statement that he would impose s 35% tax on them).
GOP Debate: Immigration Reform
Donald Trump: I want everybody taken care of but we have to take care of our people in this country. I will build a wall. The wall will be built by Mexico. We have to take care of our people
Marco Rubio: Amnesty is the forgiveness of wrong doing without consequences. I have never supported that. Don't just pass a law without enforcing the law. Secure the border before you can do immigration reform. You can't do any of that until you prove to the American people that illegal immigration is under control
Ted Cruz: Everyone talks tough on illegal immigration during a Republican primary. (Gang of Eight) I led the fight to defeat that plan.
Marco Rubio: (Ted Cruz) to argue he is a purist on this issue is just not true.
Ted Cruz: Marco has a long record on amnesty. Rubio supports citizenship for 12million people here illegally. Marco went on Univision and said in Spanish he would not rescind President Obama's executive action on amnesty.
Marco Rubio: I don't know how he would know what I said on Univision cuz he doesn't speak Spanish.
Ted Cruz in rough Spanish: If you want to tell them now tell them in Spanish.
Rubio: Ted Cruz lies. He lied about Ben Carson in Iowa, he lies about Planned Parenthood, he lies about marriage, he lies about all sorts of things and now he makes things up.
Jeb Bush: We need a leader to fix this problem. The great majority of people who come to this country have no other choices. These are people that are coming to provide for their families. They are not all rapists like you know who said.
Donald Trump: The weakest person on this stage by far on illegal immigration is Jeb Bush.
Jeb Bush: It is weak to disparage women. It's weak to denigrate the disabled. It is also weak to call John McCain a loser.
Trump: Two days ago he said he would moon everybody and no one reports that...and then he tells me oh my language was a little bit rough.
John Kasich: Let's just talk about what we are for. I'm for sealing the border. I'm for a guest worker program. We haven't sealed the border to because the special interests are against that.
Dr. Carson: Go to my website and read my immigration policy. (He didn't get an immigration reform question).
Marco Rubio: Amnesty is the forgiveness of wrong doing without consequences. I have never supported that. Don't just pass a law without enforcing the law. Secure the border before you can do immigration reform. You can't do any of that until you prove to the American people that illegal immigration is under control
Ted Cruz: Everyone talks tough on illegal immigration during a Republican primary. (Gang of Eight) I led the fight to defeat that plan.
Marco Rubio: (Ted Cruz) to argue he is a purist on this issue is just not true.
Ted Cruz: Marco has a long record on amnesty. Rubio supports citizenship for 12million people here illegally. Marco went on Univision and said in Spanish he would not rescind President Obama's executive action on amnesty.
Marco Rubio: I don't know how he would know what I said on Univision cuz he doesn't speak Spanish.
Ted Cruz in rough Spanish: If you want to tell them now tell them in Spanish.
Rubio: Ted Cruz lies. He lied about Ben Carson in Iowa, he lies about Planned Parenthood, he lies about marriage, he lies about all sorts of things and now he makes things up.
Jeb Bush: We need a leader to fix this problem. The great majority of people who come to this country have no other choices. These are people that are coming to provide for their families. They are not all rapists like you know who said.
Donald Trump: The weakest person on this stage by far on illegal immigration is Jeb Bush.
Jeb Bush: It is weak to disparage women. It's weak to denigrate the disabled. It is also weak to call John McCain a loser.
Trump: Two days ago he said he would moon everybody and no one reports that...and then he tells me oh my language was a little bit rough.
John Kasich: Let's just talk about what we are for. I'm for sealing the border. I'm for a guest worker program. We haven't sealed the border to because the special interests are against that.
Dr. Carson: Go to my website and read my immigration policy. (He didn't get an immigration reform question).
GOP Debate: Entitlements
Donald Trump: I'm gonna bring jobs back from China. I'm going to bring jobs back from Vietnam. I'm lowering taxes. We have to make our economy grow again. I'm the only one going to save Social Security. There is tremendous waste fraud and abuse. We are going to take care of it.
Ted Cruz: The Middle Class has been left behind in the last 7 years of the Obama administration. Everytime we lessened the burden of Washington on small business owners on job creators you see incredible growth. We abolish the IRS. 16% business tax accross the board, eliminate the corporate tax. The Cruz simple flat tax would increase 4 million jobs.
Marco Rubio: Parents get to keep more of their money to invest in their children. The family is the most important institution in society. You cannot have a strong society without strong families.
John Kasich: We've gone from an $Billion hole to a $2Billion surplus.
Jeb Bush: We should be fighting Obamacare, repealing Obamacare.
John Kasich: Jeb's Medicaid program grew twice as fast as mine.
Jeb Bush: The Kato Institute rates Governor Kasich at the bottom
John Kasich: We're up 400,000 jobs our credit is rocks solid
Jeb Bush: We need to reform the tax code to shift the power away from Washington DC
Dr. Carson: My tax plan has been praised by Kato, Wall Street Journal and Forbes. Everybody has to have skin in the game. My main goal is to get rid of Obamacare.
Ted Cruz: The Middle Class has been left behind in the last 7 years of the Obama administration. Everytime we lessened the burden of Washington on small business owners on job creators you see incredible growth. We abolish the IRS. 16% business tax accross the board, eliminate the corporate tax. The Cruz simple flat tax would increase 4 million jobs.
Marco Rubio: Parents get to keep more of their money to invest in their children. The family is the most important institution in society. You cannot have a strong society without strong families.
John Kasich: We've gone from an $Billion hole to a $2Billion surplus.
Jeb Bush: We should be fighting Obamacare, repealing Obamacare.
John Kasich: Jeb's Medicaid program grew twice as fast as mine.
Jeb Bush: The Kato Institute rates Governor Kasich at the bottom
John Kasich: We're up 400,000 jobs our credit is rocks solid
Jeb Bush: We need to reform the tax code to shift the power away from Washington DC
Dr. Carson: My tax plan has been praised by Kato, Wall Street Journal and Forbes. Everybody has to have skin in the game. My main goal is to get rid of Obamacare.
GOP Debate: National Security
Donald Trump: We are going to have to hit very very hard to knock out ISIS. Know who are our allies. The Iran deal is a disgrace and embarrassment.
I am the only one on this stage who was saying "Do not go in to Iraq."
Marco Rubio: 1. What are we doing in the Asian Pacific Region? 2. What are we doing in the Middle East. 3. Rebuild and reinvigorate NATO.
Dr. Carson: No amount of experience really prepares you for doing something that has never been done before. That is where judgement comes in.
John Kasich: We will arm the folks in Ukraine that want to fight for their freedom. We have an opportunity to lead. The world needs us.
Jeb Bush: We need to destroy ISIS and defeat Assad. It is absolutely ludicrous to suggest Russia could be a partner in this thing. I would restore the military. I would have a strategy to defeating ISIS.
Mr. Trump: Jeb is so wrong. You gotta fight ISIS first. You deside what to do after. You can't fight two fights. We've spent 5Trillion on the middle east and have zero to show for it.
Jeb: The very basic fact is Vladimir Putin is not going to be an ally in the Middle East.
Ted Cruz: On day one I will rip to shreds the Iranian nuclear deal. When it comes to ISIS we have got to have a focused strategy. We're not using the tools that we have and it is because the commander in chief is not focused on defeating ISIS.
Donald Trump: As a business man I got along with everybody. I'm self funded. Obviously the war in Iraq was a big fat mistake. We should never have been in Iraq. He (George W. Bush) should have been impeached. They lied. There were no weapons of mass destruction.
Jeb Bush: I'm sick and tired of Barack Obama blaming my brother for every singe problem he has. I am sick and tired of Donald Trump going after my family. While Donald Trump was building a reality tv show my brother was building a security apparatus to keep this country safe.
Mr. Trump: The world trade center came down on your brother's watch.
John Kasich: This is just crazy. We got outselves into Iraq because we thought there were weapons of mass desctruction. We found ourselves in the middle of a civil war. I do not believe that the United States should get involved in civil wars. We should go to war when it is our direct interests.
Marco Rubio: I thank God that it was George W. Bush in the White House on 9/11 and not Al Gore. George W. Bush enforced what the United Nations refused to do.
Mr. Trump: The World Trade Center came is that keeping us safe?
Marco Rubio: The World Trade Center came down because Bill Clinton refused to kill Osama Bin Laden when he had a chance.
Dr. Carson: The current administration turned tail and ran and destabilized the situation (Iraq). Obama says we should bomb tankers because there could be people in them and it could damage the environment. That is just asinine thinking.
I am the only one on this stage who was saying "Do not go in to Iraq."
Marco Rubio: 1. What are we doing in the Asian Pacific Region? 2. What are we doing in the Middle East. 3. Rebuild and reinvigorate NATO.
Dr. Carson: No amount of experience really prepares you for doing something that has never been done before. That is where judgement comes in.
John Kasich: We will arm the folks in Ukraine that want to fight for their freedom. We have an opportunity to lead. The world needs us.
Jeb Bush: We need to destroy ISIS and defeat Assad. It is absolutely ludicrous to suggest Russia could be a partner in this thing. I would restore the military. I would have a strategy to defeating ISIS.
Mr. Trump: Jeb is so wrong. You gotta fight ISIS first. You deside what to do after. You can't fight two fights. We've spent 5Trillion on the middle east and have zero to show for it.
Jeb: The very basic fact is Vladimir Putin is not going to be an ally in the Middle East.
Ted Cruz: On day one I will rip to shreds the Iranian nuclear deal. When it comes to ISIS we have got to have a focused strategy. We're not using the tools that we have and it is because the commander in chief is not focused on defeating ISIS.
Donald Trump: As a business man I got along with everybody. I'm self funded. Obviously the war in Iraq was a big fat mistake. We should never have been in Iraq. He (George W. Bush) should have been impeached. They lied. There were no weapons of mass destruction.
Jeb Bush: I'm sick and tired of Barack Obama blaming my brother for every singe problem he has. I am sick and tired of Donald Trump going after my family. While Donald Trump was building a reality tv show my brother was building a security apparatus to keep this country safe.
Mr. Trump: The world trade center came down on your brother's watch.
John Kasich: This is just crazy. We got outselves into Iraq because we thought there were weapons of mass desctruction. We found ourselves in the middle of a civil war. I do not believe that the United States should get involved in civil wars. We should go to war when it is our direct interests.
Marco Rubio: I thank God that it was George W. Bush in the White House on 9/11 and not Al Gore. George W. Bush enforced what the United Nations refused to do.
Mr. Trump: The World Trade Center came is that keeping us safe?
Marco Rubio: The World Trade Center came down because Bill Clinton refused to kill Osama Bin Laden when he had a chance.
Dr. Carson: The current administration turned tail and ran and destabilized the situation (Iraq). Obama says we should bomb tankers because there could be people in them and it could damage the environment. That is just asinine thinking.
GOP Debate: Justice Scalia
Donald Trump: If I were President now I would want to nominate a replacement and I am sure that President Obama is going to want to now. This is a tremendous blow to our country. It is up to Mitch McConnell to stop it. Delay delay delay.
John Kasich: If I were President we wouldn't have the divisions we have here today. Now we are going to see another partisan fight take place.
Dr. Carson: The President should delay. The Constitution doesn't address this particular situation.
Marco Rubio: He will down as one of the great Justices in this history of this Republic. We need to put people on the bench that understand that the Constitution is not a living and breathing document.
Jeb Bush: I will nominate people that have a proven record on the judiciary. The next President needs to appoint someone that is a proven Conservative. Fight and fight for that nomination.
Ted Cruz: Justice Scalia was a legal giant. He changed the arch of legal history. We are one Justice away from a Supreme Court that will strike down every abortion restriction put in place by the states. The Senate needs to stand strong. Confirm principled Constitutionalists to the court.
John Kasich: If I were President we wouldn't have the divisions we have here today. Now we are going to see another partisan fight take place.
Dr. Carson: The President should delay. The Constitution doesn't address this particular situation.
Marco Rubio: He will down as one of the great Justices in this history of this Republic. We need to put people on the bench that understand that the Constitution is not a living and breathing document.
Jeb Bush: I will nominate people that have a proven record on the judiciary. The next President needs to appoint someone that is a proven Conservative. Fight and fight for that nomination.
Ted Cruz: Justice Scalia was a legal giant. He changed the arch of legal history. We are one Justice away from a Supreme Court that will strike down every abortion restriction put in place by the states. The Senate needs to stand strong. Confirm principled Constitutionalists to the court.
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Scalia is a Giant Loss
This man was a devout Constitutionalist who brought great weight to the court. He provided leadership for a generation of Justices dating back to the Reagan years. It will be difficult to replace him and the challenge comes quickly. The outgoing President and his party will likely want to chime in. Whomever Obama selects will be someone the Senate has to resist. This is about to become a major election issue.
Jenrry Joins Illustrious List
Jenrry Mejia's short Major League Baseball career has come to an abrupt end. He was banned for life yesterday following a third failed drug test for PEDs in about a year. Mejia tested positive for a drug that increases muscle mass. His suspension means he cannot play in either MLB or the Minor Leagues. He can sign with an Independent team or play in foreign leagues.
Currently the only other person on the permanent suspension list is Pete Rose. Mejia can apply for reinstatement in one year. Don't hold your breath.
Currently the only other person on the permanent suspension list is Pete Rose. Mejia can apply for reinstatement in one year. Don't hold your breath.
Carrier Plant Moves to Mexico
The announcement that two plants would move to Mexico starting in 2017 was caught on camera and went viral yesterday. The union workers losing their jobs to lower wage Mexican workers is always spoken of but rarely witnessed.
We live in a global economy and all resources are subject to supply and demand effects. This is no different and though it is sad for these employees, every individual needs to safeguard themselves by taking steps to protect against economic shifts that are not to their benefit.
The announcement that two plants would move to Mexico starting in 2017 was caught on camera and went viral yesterday. The union workers losing their jobs to lower wage Mexican workers is always spoken of but rarely witnessed.
We live in a global economy and all resources are subject to supply and demand effects. This is no different and though it is sad for these employees, every individual needs to safeguard themselves by taking steps to protect against economic shifts that are not to their benefit.
Friday, February 12, 2016
Gilmore Goes Goodbye
Jim Gilmore has ended his Presidential campaign having earned no delegates thru New Hampshire. He never really even reached 1% nationally. It is hard to picture any serious role for him in shaping anything in this process. An honorable man will now go into permanent retirement.
Clinton Foundation Being Investigated
Soooo...about that unsourced, irresponsible claim....turns out while Hillary was telling the handful of viewers watching her debate the crazy old guy down the street last week that she was 100% confident that nothing would come of it (the investigation) she knew that the FBI began probing her foundation in 2015. She just lies and lies and lies..and the stupid just keep on cheering.
Soooo...about that unsourced, irresponsible claim....turns out while Hillary was telling the handful of viewers watching her debate the crazy old guy down the street last week that she was 100% confident that nothing would come of it (the investigation) she knew that the FBI began probing her foundation in 2015. She just lies and lies and lies..and the stupid just keep on cheering.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Climate Change Attacks Corrections Officer in Washington State
On Jamuary 28, 2016 Clallam Bay Correctional Facility was placed on lockdown when an officer was attacked by Climate Change. Climate Change was yelling something at the time, but that isn't terribly significant.
The mainstream media remains in bed with the administration.
On Jamuary 28, 2016 Clallam Bay Correctional Facility was placed on lockdown when an officer was attacked by Climate Change. Climate Change was yelling something at the time, but that isn't terribly significant.
The mainstream media remains in bed with the administration.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
About that $15 Minimum Wage
Tonight I needed a quick bite to eat while out. I stopped in an Olive Garden for the first time in ages. At the table was a tablet device. I had no idea! The device allows customers to order food and drinks directly from the kitchen. You can summon wait staff and pay your check.
There were noticeably fewer staff on hand. The server who did come to the table was unfamiliar with the items on the menu when questioned...and she got our drinks wrong. Oh..and there was hair in the soup.
The bill was paid with a low tip after a short talk with the manager (regarding the above mentioned soup hair) and I left. So, even with the electronic replacement of employees the service staff on hand still performed poorly. Welcome to the new economy!
There were noticeably fewer staff on hand. The server who did come to the table was unfamiliar with the items on the menu when questioned...and she got our drinks wrong. Oh..and there was hair in the soup.
The bill was paid with a low tip after a short talk with the manager (regarding the above mentioned soup hair) and I left. So, even with the electronic replacement of employees the service staff on hand still performed poorly. Welcome to the new economy!
Hillarity of the Superdelegate #$(*storm
Last night the Democrats held a primary in New Hampshire. Senator Sanders won in a landslide at the polls. Today we see that due to the Democratic Party rules regarding every vote not being equal..Senator Sanders and Secretary Clinton will come out of New Hampshire with essentially the same number of delegates from that state. The reason of course being that what most people voting thought was an election to apportion the state's really wasn't. It only was to decide 24 delegates. 8 others are decided by super delegates..DNC officials and heroes who get to do whatever they want. Hillary is of course getting all such delegates and thus currently has.after the dead heat in Iowa and her pummeling in New Hampshire..a 250 delegate lead in the Democratic race.
Fiorina's Farewell
Carly Fiorina ended her Presidential campaign today after finishing behind the pack in New Hampshire. Her campaign had some high points but she never really established a consistent base of support. She didn't have establishment credentials. She wasn't a darling of the Evangelicals. She did however force people to think.
Repeatedly on the debate stage Ms. Fiorina showed a command of issues which she articulated with an avalanche of facts. She established herself well understanding of national security issues including the numbers around our shrinking armed forces. She was highly critical of the political class and seemed eager to engage Hillary Clinton on the issues.
Her early flare up with Donald Trump was the only one so far that seemed to damage Mr. Trump and caused him to retreat during her first appearance on the main debate stage. She also managed to run for months without attracting any sort of scandal.
I expect that she will be on the eventual GOP nominees short list for Vice Presidential running mate. She is serious and sensible.
Repeatedly on the debate stage Ms. Fiorina showed a command of issues which she articulated with an avalanche of facts. She established herself well understanding of national security issues including the numbers around our shrinking armed forces. She was highly critical of the political class and seemed eager to engage Hillary Clinton on the issues.
Her early flare up with Donald Trump was the only one so far that seemed to damage Mr. Trump and caused him to retreat during her first appearance on the main debate stage. She also managed to run for months without attracting any sort of scandal.
I expect that she will be on the eventual GOP nominees short list for Vice Presidential running mate. She is serious and sensible.
Christie Caving
For all of his campaign effort to nuke Marco Rubio in New Hampshire, Governor Christie finished in 6th place. He just hasn't carved out a place in the GOP field that is viable as a candidate. The wannabe tough guy New Yorker voters are almost entirely in the Trump camp to stay.
Chris Chistie will probably end his campaign here.
Chris Chistie will probably end his campaign here.
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Jeb's Folly
Tonight New Hampshire is over. Jeb Bush spent $36Million and put on 11,000 television ads in order to essentially tie Ted Cruz who spent 1/60th that much and ran less than 500 ads. So there you go!
Washington State Corrections Crook Resigns
Dan Pacholke's 4 month reign as leader of the Washington State Department of Corrections is ending. He announced his resignation Saturday so he could devote his time to less deadly things no doubt. His tenure was marked by the public discovery that for over a decade his agency had been improperly releasing prisoners early and that in at least two such instances these people committed murders. The mystery is why he and his predecessors are not already in jail themselves.
New Hampshire, Trumpeter Sound of Victory vs. Jeb's Last Stand
Today is New Hampshire. 23 Republican convention delegates are on the line. Polling suggests a resounding win for Donald Trump. Of greater interest is how the "establishment" candidates split votes. Is this the time where one will emerge for the Rockefeller corporatists to rally around? A year ago we were being told that Jeb Bush was a shoe in. A virtual army of donors and GOP insiders would force the process so that he would rise to the top. Anyone not on board would be "responsible for electing Hillary." Now a Jeb campaign mired in low poll numbers that has been marked by his constant attacks on Donald Trump seeming to add momentum to the Trump campaign everytime he opened his mouth.
Tonight I suspect that between Rubio, Bush, Kasich and Christie one will stand out enough that the others probably drop out.
Trump probably wins this one. Cruz should be happy garnering what Conservative votes there are in New Hampshire and then ready for the real contest..South Carolina on the 20th.
On the DNC side...Socialism apparently is popular.
Tonight I suspect that between Rubio, Bush, Kasich and Christie one will stand out enough that the others probably drop out.
Trump probably wins this one. Cruz should be happy garnering what Conservative votes there are in New Hampshire and then ready for the real contest..South Carolina on the 20th.
On the DNC side...Socialism apparently is popular.
Monday, February 8, 2016
Those Crazy North Koreans and the Crazy Things They Do
While Americans were concerned with the important Cam dancing and Beyonce praising Domestic terrorism, Pyongyang launched a rocket into space. The deployed satellite is spinning out of orbit and will eventually re-enter and crash to Earth. So I guess the angry UN condemnations can wait until the next time the DPRK decides to do something begging for a Tomahawk strike.
Sunday, February 7, 2016
NARAL Hates Babies that Like Doritos
A Superbowl ad that features an unborn baby in the womb reacting to dad with Doritos has drawn the ire of the national baby killing alliance or whatever these twits call themselves today. Apparently it is hateful in their Nazi minds to refer to an unborn baby as This is of course insanity.
A Superbowl ad that features an unborn baby in the womb reacting to dad with Doritos has drawn the ire of the national baby killing alliance or whatever these twits call themselves today. Apparently it is hateful in their Nazi minds to refer to an unborn baby as This is of course insanity.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Santorum Casts His "Support"
After dropping out of the Presidential race today, Senator Rick Santorum stated his support for Senator Marco Rubio for the nomination. I am not sure how much pull Rick will have since he never moved above 5% nationally at any point in his campaign.
Rand Paul is Out
Months of his supporters going insane on social media with how incorrect polling was...despite no money...poor organization and a message that seemed to be summed up in "LEGALIZE POT!, disarm America and Trump is evil." Rand entered Iowa polling under 5% as he had been since the summer. He was insisting that polling was inaccurate..well...looks like the voters were accurate enough though. He is dropping out of the race.
It remains to be seen where the last Libertarians will head in this cycle.
It remains to be seen where the last Libertarians will head in this cycle.
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Women and the Draft
The military services integration of women into all combat duties will take at least 3 years. The services leaders say they will not lower physical standards and studies show that women suffer higher rates of injury. These factors are will need to be considered in planning.
Now the discussion will turn to whether or not women must register for the draft. This is absurd at face value. No nation should have to hide behind it's women in defense. No army in history has been centered upon women serving in combat and the only consideration when forming combat forces is whether or not they can meet mission objectives.
The military services integration of women into all combat duties will take at least 3 years. The services leaders say they will not lower physical standards and studies show that women suffer higher rates of injury. These factors are will need to be considered in planning.
Now the discussion will turn to whether or not women must register for the draft. This is absurd at face value. No nation should have to hide behind it's women in defense. No army in history has been centered upon women serving in combat and the only consideration when forming combat forces is whether or not they can meet mission objectives.
Wounded Warnings
Three years ago I started finding Wounded Warrior Project questionable. What organizations they would allow to raise funds and how they held notable parties at hotels was already becoming a thing. Now we find that WWP tries to silence former employees by fear of lawsuit. I will not endorse this organization in anyway for their mission. There are plenty of legitimate charities that meet the needs of war fighters without mistreating the very group they are sworn to aid. Shame on Wounded Warrior Project.
Three years ago I started finding Wounded Warrior Project questionable. What organizations they would allow to raise funds and how they held notable parties at hotels was already becoming a thing. Now we find that WWP tries to silence former employees by fear of lawsuit. I will not endorse this organization in anyway for their mission. There are plenty of legitimate charities that meet the needs of war fighters without mistreating the very group they are sworn to aid. Shame on Wounded Warrior Project.
Sanders Supporters and Socialism????
This video got a lot of coverage on social media today as CNN reporter Brooke Baldwin asked Sanders supporters among other things if they could define Socialism.
The damning part isn't so much that the young fools couldn't define a word they likely weren't taught about in public schools. We are in a politically correct world where feeling is treated as more important than fact. We have a generation that naturally presumes that "giving" is the mission of government. They draw an equivalent with "fair share" of taxes to charity as if they are one and the same. In decades of following politics I have yet to find one of these progressive idiots that could actually define exactly how much of the "share" actually is "fair."
Bottom line, NOTHING IS EVER FREE!! You do not build progress by ruining the successful. That never has worked and never ever will. Progressive Liberal Socialism is really just the new naming for Communism. They want absolute control. They do not have solutions that actually work.
This video got a lot of coverage on social media today as CNN reporter Brooke Baldwin asked Sanders supporters among other things if they could define Socialism.
The damning part isn't so much that the young fools couldn't define a word they likely weren't taught about in public schools. We are in a politically correct world where feeling is treated as more important than fact. We have a generation that naturally presumes that "giving" is the mission of government. They draw an equivalent with "fair share" of taxes to charity as if they are one and the same. In decades of following politics I have yet to find one of these progressive idiots that could actually define exactly how much of the "share" actually is "fair."
Bottom line, NOTHING IS EVER FREE!! You do not build progress by ruining the successful. That never has worked and never ever will. Progressive Liberal Socialism is really just the new naming for Communism. They want absolute control. They do not have solutions that actually work.
Monday, February 1, 2016
A Tree Falls in Iowa and
no one is listening. Martin O'Malley takes his spectacular 3rd place showing in the Iowa Caucus and goes home.
Iowa Turnout
Is it possible for there to be a high turnout for Democrats and an ordinary turnout for Republicans? Conventional wisdom seems to be that new Dems will swing for Sanders while a high first time voter turnout on the GOP side likely swings for Trump. A high Evangelical turnout may split between Republicans.
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