Monday, December 31, 2012

Fiscal Cliff Nonsense

After two years of ceiling arguing, 10 years of Democrats lying about tax rates, a multi-billion dollar Presidential campaign and weeks of wrangling the do nothing US Senate has approved in the final hour of the year a deal to avoid the so called fiscal cliff.  $620Billion in tax hikes and $15Billion in spending cuts.  A country with a tax system that generates $2.5Trillion a year in tax revenue funding a government that is spending $3.7Trillion a year makes a deal that does essentially jack squat about the problem.  But no problem....the House must approve the bill for it to go to the empty chair. 

Hell with this. I say resist!  The House should reject this "deal" and send things over the cliff.  Let if happen.  Raise taxes on everyone and more importantly slash spending accross the board the way the law says is supposed to happen.  Then let these collective liars figure out how to get the tax rates back to where they should be.

I intend to support only candidates who take measures to cut spending regardless of which party they come from.  John Boehner and Harry Reid should both take a long walk off a short pier. 

Happy freakin New Year!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Piers Morgan: "Deport Me?"

Nah. How about F*** YOU instead????!!

I love using my First Amendment right to defend my Second Amendment right that protects my First Amendment right.

Seriously though, why is the MSM giving so much heat time to this idiot who has a viewership of less than .3% of Americans?  

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

David Gregory...Gun Law Violator

As usual NBC proves the point they didn't intend to make.  If you try to ban weapons you don't actually stop lawbreakers.  Irony!!!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Attention "It Takes A Village" Type People

Great.  If you think it takes a village to raise a child I volunteer to provide for the shortage of belt butt whippings that most of you are lacking toward today's precious little monsters.

It doesn't take a village.  It takes a mom and a dad.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Why Do We Need "Assault Rifles"?

We need so called "assault rifles" because true evil exists and it does not follow rules.  Meet Billy Chambers.  Billy Chambers is a murderer. He is a repeat felon.  He has shockingly been in the news several times for very serious crimes including the beating death of Ed Tuba Man McMicheal who used to play his instrument outside of Key Arena before Sonics games.  This young man has twice been sent to big boy jail only to be released thus proving our criminal justice system has no intention of punishing vermin like this and keeping law abiding citizens safe from his kind. 

Earlier this week one of our incredible local Judges nearly released this creature again from his latest stay at tax payers expense..this time over a felon in possession of a firearm charge.  Were it not for the quick words by prosecution Judge Mary Alice Theiler would have put this monster back on the street.  Did I mention that he is a convicted killer?  Oh and he is only 19.  Yep.  That is why.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

ESPN Suspends Rob Parker for Stupidity

It takes effort to be as stupid as constant race baiter Rob Parker of ESPN.  His latest nonsense came Thursday in his "First Take" comments. When asked about Robert Griffin's role as a black quarterback he responded on air "Is he a brother? Or a cornball brother?"  He later went into criticism of what he assumes Griffin's politics to be, his relationship with black team mates and the skin pigmentation of Griffin's fiance. 

In an age in which race politics is constantly thrown forth, Mr. Parker has no productive role to offer.  Criticizing an African American for what he views as assimilating into mainstream society is disgusting.  It is also hypocritical.  Mr. Parker is employed by a major corporate entity in lilly white Connecticut.  He lives a life of privilege where he is enabled to sit in a guilded cage pontificating observations of the efforts of others who put in the actual hard work...and besides a commentator he pretty much sucks.

Yay for ESPN getting it right for once and shutting this clown down.  As for RG3...already on a fast start to the Hall of Fame.  When he retires he may be hailed as the greatest quarterback of all-time.  No black prefix needed.

Gun Control Kills Innocent People

Yesterday's shooting in an elementary school in Connecticut is as awful a moment in American history as we have a capacity for.  There is no possible good outcome I can imagine from such an incident.  That said, as happens whenever there is a shooting in public there are expected reactions that are just too predictable.

Yesterday we saw the President speaking and wiping a tear in public.  Pundits hit the airwaves to tell everyone not to politicize this event as flags lowered nationally.  The White House then released a statement stating the President's continued support of an assault weapons ban.  I guess they didn't consider a political statement to be polticizing things.  A ravenous public then eats such statements up with delight even though very few Americans can tell you what an actual assault weapon is..including the President. 

In the two largest mass shootings in American history now we have seen schools attacked that had weapons bans.  Most government offices around the country ban weapons.  Signs on windows and doors do not keep guns from entering in the hands of someone intending to use them.  They simply act as advertisements to someone intent on committing evil.

The theater shooter in Colorado managed to enter using the wrong entrance.  Yesterday's murderer forced his way thru newly installed security apartus as well.  This proves that people intent on doing something evil will not follow directions if the directions are in their way.

A co-worker yesterday who is in her 60's scolded that "when I was a kid we didn't have these shootings" in her diatribe of gun banning talk.  I reminded her that when she was a kid there were already tens of millions of guns in circulation in this country.  She wanted to blame the gun culture for these violent acts.  I reminded her that the gun culture predates petroleum power so it can't be the presences of millions of guns and in any case no matter how much liberals wishfully hope...there is no way you are ever eliminating all guns from our society.

20 precious children are dead now not because of a lack of gun control.  Yesterday's shooter took the guns that were registered in his mother's name and killed her.  Then he went to the school, broke thru the entrance and went on a shooting spree.  The only possible gun control that would have prevented him from doing this would have been incarceration before the fact.  Unless the left is ready to start incarcerating autistic people this killer would have been killing.

Nope, it isn't a lack of gun control that allows for these events to be so horrific.  Angry moms gathering together to form some sort of MADD group to "just do something" about eliminating guns is not going to keep future such events from happening.  There is only one true absolute way to stop a mass killer who decides he or she is going to do such a thing.  It is not more Brady law, more registration at gun shows, more waiting periods, more lock boxes or anything else like that.  If the real goal is to protect the innocent we need more citizens armed and trained to shoot back.  It is extremely offensive to me that teachers are not armed and ready to protect our kids.  If we as a society seriously believe that our children are precious then we need to act like it.  Not by putting up stupid gun free zone signs and pretending that a grown man can't break thru glass.  We need to do it by allowing public employees to pack hardware.  People entering public places need to expect that if they have evil intentions there is a certainty that someone on board is armed and ready to confront and kill them. The best safety measure we can ever have against any evil is a weapon in the hand of someone who is responsible with using it.  The expeditious application of force where it is needed is universal and works.  Gun control just disarms the innocent.  Disarming the public just makes easy targets.

Real men should be ready at any time to confront the bad guy and if needed to kill the bad guy.  THAT is the American way.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

About that "FREE" Health Care

Next month a number of new taxes go into effect to fund Obamacare.  For an entire generation liberals have decried the reality that people with more money can afford more medical care as somehow "unfair."  They have hailed social medical models in Canada, the UK and elsewhere while trying to shame Conservatives with comments about Cuba.  Since they forced the President's social medical transformation in 2010 I can't tell how many liberals I have read, seen and heard incorrectly claim that we will get free health care while praising this vile President.

I intend to laugh and finger point at these clowns starting January 1, 2013 when hundreds of billions of dollars in new taxes take effect to pay for this terrible social program.  I will also pray for those that would resist this foolishness. 

There is no such thing as a free lunch.  Canada pays for health care.  The reason it is comparatively low is because Canadians do not pay for the research on medications that the American tax payers cover.  Canada has artificially low costs of medications as a result.  We will not see that here. 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Bob Costas and Gun Control Fools

Tonight during an NFL broadcast Bob Costas of NBC sports decided this was a great time to throw his political view into the national conversation following an unspeakably evil act.  Yesterday Kansas City Chiefs player Jovan Belcher in a rage fired 9 shots into his girlfriend after she came home from a concert.  He did so in the home of the couple's 3 month old baby.  Mr. Belcher then went in his car to the Arrowhead stadium parking lot, got out of his car and had a conversation with team officials before taking a different gun and killing himself.

Mr. Costas tonight stated that “if people like Jevon Belcher didn’t own guns, things like this wouldn’t happen”.  This is the typical simplistic reaction whenever a shooting happens.  And while it is sort of intuitive, there are a couple of major flaws with Mr. Costas' point.

 First there are not a lot of "people like Jevon Belcher."  Namely world class athletes in their physical prime who are loaded up on medications and rage are in short supply.  There really aren't that many people like Jevon Belcher. 

Second major point that he has entirely wrong. Like most lefty gun grabbers he blames the violent action on the presence of a gun.  This is beyond stupid thinking.  The murder and suicide didn't happen because Jevon Belcher owned guns. They happened because for reasons we do not know Jevon Belcher decided to kill his girlfriend and himself.  The guns were just tools used in the action.  The same outcome would have come at his bare hands if he felt the need.  He shot her 9 times.  He was going to kill her regardless of what was handy.

The use of a national sporting event to spout off about a political issue that attacks a basic Consitutional right is foolishness.  Mr. Costas should be sanctioned, though given that his employer is NBC there is no possibility of this happening.

A friend tonight pointed out that no bullets were used to kill Nichole Brown Simpson. is a mental illness.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Costco's Jeff Sinegal is a Liberal Hypcorite

What is this I see?  Costco CEO Jeff Sinegal spoke at the Democratic Convention this summer in favor of tax increases.  Friday Costco announced a special dividend payout of $7 a share purposely being distributed in an effort to dodge potential tax increases coming in January.  I expect to see Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews besides themselves with fake disgust...or gas in the case of Matthews.

Obama and FEMA Give Sandy Victims the Middle Finger

Again, remember how the mainstream media and liberals howled at the Bush administration and FEMA's response to Hurricane Katrina?  How are they now silent on the Empty Chair and FEMA when it comes to Hurricane Sandy?

Imagine the outcry if W had gone on a three week $4,000,000 vacation to Hawaii as the Chosen One is doing.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

May 1 Should Be a National Holiday

we can call it Retribution Day!

Sarah Palin's PAC
Yes I endorse this.  Liberal scum should kiss off if they don't like Sarah.  She should have been President.

Iran Nuclear Bomb Diagram? NO PROBLEM!!!

A diagram of a weapon with a 50KT yield is just another card in the deck of destruction.  This would be a weapon with triple the yield of the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima in 1945.  There is no way that the world can allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons.  There is no legitimate need for Iran sitting on an ocean of oil to have a nuclear reactor.  Personally I am rooting for Israel to settle things by destroying Iran's reactor and taking out key individuals in their WMD program.  Kill this threat!

Monday, November 26, 2012

White House Admits Tax Hikes Slow Economic Growth

but only refers to a study regarding middle class tax rates which are set to increase at the end of this year.  If the Bush tax rates (which liberals have stated for a decade were tax cuts for the rich, despite the fact that they cut taxes for everyone) expire this study shows that Middle class spending will decrease by $200B.

A rational person must wonder then what happens if the people the President insists on raising taxes upon...the so called "rich" who make $250,000 a year.  The top 1% earners in this country earn about 20% of all income and pay 21% of all taxes.  The middle 20% whom the study targets earn about 11% of all income and pay 10% of all taxes.  So, if the middle 20% who earn 11% of all income would have a negative $200B effect on the economy with a tax hike, how is it even possible that the top earners wouldn't have an even larger negative effect on the economy?  The answer of course is that it is not possible.  It is very rational to assume that the top earners would counter a tax hike with diminished spending probably well above $200B.  A loss of $400B in spending would be a drop of 2.7% in other words a recession.

This brings me to this.  The White House constant claim is that raising taxes on the "rich" will generate $1.1Trillion in additional revenue over the next decade.  That is just over $100B a year....or roughly enough cash to run the Federal government for about an hour.   The mystery to me is how adding this much revenue is supposed to do anything to an annual debt which is above $1Trillion every year.  $1.1T in additional revenue simply means that the debt will grow 7% slower, it does not shrink it and we are still on the fast track to $20Trillion in debt.   Obama is in effect asking to trade hundreds of billions in dropped domestic spending by the rich in order to raise $100B in taxes per year...while at the same time ignoring the reality of a little thing we like to call math.  This is just more proof, if we didn't already learn it on November 6, 2012.  There are a lot of really really stupid people in this country, and they vote.  We call them Democrats.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Hey Obama! China Has an Aircraft Carrier that they Land Airplanes On Too!

chinaair.jpgChina has landed it's version of the Russian SU-33 fighter on board it's Kutznetzov carrier Liaoning.  This is happening while we have a dangerous America basher in the White House.  I cannot imagine how this can have a regrettable outcome.  Emphasis sarcastic.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

CCAC Cuts Hours in Response to Obamacare

I just can't stop actually laughing about this.  400 adjunct faculty at Community College of Allegheny County will see their hours cut from 40 hours to under 30 hours in response to Obamacare mandates.  I find this amusing in a mean sort of way that is similar to the reality check that a young child gets the first time they burn their hand touching something they were told not to. 

The new normal will be whiny useless liberal college students spending tens of thousands of dollars worth of tax payer loaned tuition to learn how to repeat what their liberal profs tell them.  And then graduate in order to work two part time jobs and pay out of pocket for their mandated health care.  The outcome of Obamacare will be even fewer employers paying for health coverage.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

How Are the SuperRich Doing Today?

Ever have one of those days when things just don't seem to be going right?  Well if you are just click above and compare your day to say Carlos Slim Helu who a few days ago lost $980m.  I mean, seriously I have an occasional bad day at work and all but I've never lost a billion in a day. 


The linked article details some of the side of the discussion that has been largely getting ignored this week as America faces a post Twinkie world.  (Note: I have zero belief that future diabetics won't be able to get their Twinkie fix since someone will be purchasing the rights to produce those little bundles of death but I digress). 

I am more interested in the viewpoint of some of the workers who are stating that they would rather lose their jobs than to take any further cuts.  There is a quote from one Kenneth Johnson who states that he made $35,000 last year including overtime and that this is down from $45,000 five years ago.  While I can feel for someone who has lost that much of his pay, it is also part of the reality that we live in.  It is irrational to think that this sort of work is really worth $20 an hour.  It does not matter that he has worked for Hostess for over 20 years.  There is no inherent requirement of employers to grant automatic raises endlessly.  No employer should or will pay more for any work than what it costs to replace.  It is a simple reality of economics much like gravity is true to physics. 

Also, what is up with people who do not understand that 1. $35,000 is a lot more than no $ and 2. if you do not think your time is worth what your employer is something else?????  Reality sucks when you are stupid.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

LA Times Refuses to Report on Union Thuggery

The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) are planning to protest by slowing traffic to LAX today from 11AM to 4PM.  For some reason this is not being reported on the Los Angeles Times website on either the front page, or the local page.

What does make the front page?  A silly opinion piece suggesting that more socialism is how we stimulate job growth, A rant about how terrible a Presidential candidate Sarah Palin would be, and advice to the GOP to just love Chris Christie.

GIGO..that is the LA Times.

Update:  Protest supporters are ignorant like 9% of Obama supporters.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

You Can't Have Democ

without the rat

Channeling Stalin

"It's not the people who vote that count: it's the people who count the votes."  This is often attributed to Joseph Stalin.  While I am doubtful that he ever said such a thing, the sentiment remains true.

In St. Lucie County Florida this week an amazing drama has played out.  It has been covered in limited, usually slanted ways, by various national media sources.  In effect the district of Congressman Allen West is being taken by Patrick Murphy via very many dubious means. Mr. Murphy won St. Lucie county by roughly 12,000 votes in an election that he is being certified the winner by 1900 (0.58%).  No big deal.  Close elections happen..except as follows.

1. One precint in St. Lucie County saw 900 ballots cast when only 7 voters are registered.
2. Originally 3 days of early voting ballots were run thru recount.  Rep. West asked thru various legal means to have all 8 days worth of early voting recounted.  Finally Friday it was determined that the other 5 days would be recounted...except that it was then found that there was no way to tell which day the ballots were from..thus all 8 days would be recounted yesterday.
3. Over a 12 hour period 37,000 ballots were successfully run thru voting readers.  A box of 304 ballots was kept apart having been found "in a school" without further comment.
4. Saturday evening supervisors summoned Sheriff's deputies to usher observers out of the mall in which the counting was taking place for fear that they might set off alarms..because Democrats pretend they think that it is incredibly difficult to shut off the alarm system.  OBTW on election night the very same poll workers stayed working at the very exact same location until 2AM.  Apparently with no super impossible issue of alarms going off.  Assurances were made that Sunday morning they would be able to get the 304 ballots left to run thru in time for the noon certification deadline.
5. This morning as teams and observers assembled it was found that the memory cards for the voting machine readers did not work/had been wiped/were glitched etc....bottom recount happening.  By the time they got things working it took 90 minutes to run the final 304 ballots thru..but the noon deadline was missed.

Which country is this again?  Election workers can simply drag feet and put irrational obstacles in place to prevent a valid counting?  In Florida there are still tens of thousands of ballots that have never been counted in this election, not just in Rep. West's district, but throughout the state!


Rep. West has ended his challenge of the results from November 6.  I must say I am not very happy with this.  It is clear that the Democratic party nationally used it's "ground game" to commit widespread election fraud while the MSM did everything possible to ensure the ignorance of the electorate.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Death Sentence For Miami Man Who Threw Child Into Everglades

Harrel Franklin BraddyI think a just punishment for this rare piece of human trash would be to have him taken and hog tied near the bank of a marsh in the deep Everglades.  Let him experience every sensation and thought of fear that he put that innocent little girl thru. Alligator chow is the right punishment.  Lethal injection is not justice.

Friday, November 16, 2012


Operation Parking Lot ready to go!

Gaza nitwits launch hundreds of rockets into Israel for weeks killing civilians and anyone else they hit. Israel has every right to defend itself. More than that, Prime Minister Netanyahu has an obligation to protect the people of Israel.

Today Israel activated 75,000 reservists.  This possible precursor to invasion of Gaza will likely lead to the usual suspects griping (I am talking to YOU Liberal Democrats).  Just remember, Israel didn't attack until 700 rockets had been fired.

Tonight is a report that rockets have been fired from the Sinai into Israel.

I believe there is a blessing from God to those that bless Israel.  God be with their leaders. God bless their fighting men and women.  God bless Israel.

Update: Saturday there were protest signs being waved in Seattle against the "overreaction" by Israel.  I ask anyone who is complaining to ponder this.  If a militant group in British Columbia was firing rockets regularly into Bellingham Washington that were falling in neighborhoods and at Starbucks, exactly how many and how long would it take before we would insist that Empty Chair go all NFL Blitz all over them?  

FEMA is NO Better Following Sandy

Remember all the rage that was cast at the Bush administration following Katrina by our national media?  Remember all of the griping about how horrible FEMA was?  Now contrast the fawning lovefest that we saw a couple weeks ago following Sandy?  Turns out...not so fast.....FEMA is just as much the governmental red tape machine today that it was in 2005.  Why isn't the MSM calling for the downfall of the Obama administration? 

The End of Hostess
Another example of a union destroying a business.  The Teamsters urged the Bakery union to accept the latest contract offer.  It was instead rejected and Hostess will end production after more than 80 years. 18,500 jobs will be lost.

We are past the tipping point in America when common sense is lost.  Foolish people support business destroying policies and make votes that work against their own best interest in the big picture.  Just completely foolish.  The liberal left will of course gripe about what essentially are ordinary business practices because liberal lefties prefer to function based on how they wish the world worked...while the rest of us actually live in the world that actually exists.  In this world businesses exist first and foremost to generate these things we call profit.  And when a business is unable to do that the business ceases to do business.  The ability of employees to have a job is a side effect of business, not the purpose in and of itself. 

My sincere hope is that the products of Hostess continue to exist in the future...likely in wide production in a right to work state.  I will have no sympathy for any union members who voted to strike against an employer that was on the edge of a cliff.  Enjoy your unemployment you idiots.  You lost.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Ever Wanted to See a Dead Man Walking?

Briana Troyer, the daughter of Pierce County Sheriff's spokesperson Det. Ed Troyer is the subject of an Amber alert. Terrance Powell above with blonde hair is a registered sex offender who is suspected in her disappearance.

I am guessing 50-50 he is dead by dinner time.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Secessionist Petitions

There are currently petitions on the White House website requesting in various language permission to leave the union.  47 states currently have such petitions and by my count over 484000 electronic signatures on those.  Texas, Louisiana and Georgia appear to have reached the 25,000 signature threshold required for the President to respond.  Texas has over 82000 signatures collected.

It is important to note that there is no legal method for a state to withdraw from this country.  Just wanted to make sure I say that here because you never know when empty chair might be watching.

UPDATE:  Friday at 8:37PM Texas is up to 112,867 signatures. 
UPDATE: Sunday at 9:37PM it is up to 114, 846 signatures.  That is an awful lot of fed up angry people and that is just one really really big...really really rich valuable state.

Tuesday Around the News

1. High School Hockey Teams Told to Dump National Anthem

So the Commissioner of the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Hockey League feels that it takes too long to conduct the National Anthem before his games.  Thus he wants schools to stop. “We are recommending the national anthem not be played or sung or whatever it is,”he told FOXNEWS.

Call me crazy, but even in today's world where pop stars try and drag out individual notes I don't see the anthem taking more than two minutes.  I am thinking there are a lot of other things that take up significant time during games that can be looked at like say....prolonged introductions?  Or perhaps stupid announcements by idiots like...the Commissioner of the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Hockey League.

Awesome stuff coming on the day that millions of Americans get to observe Veteran's Day.  Awesome stuff.  And great lesson for the young people!

2. Obama considering John Kerry for job of defense secretary

In a gesture that will tell future historians quite a bit about the current empty chair that occupies the White House, the Washington Post claims that Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass) may be the next Defense Secretary.  This is the same John Kerry who never really addressed (thanks the the non-investigative nature of our current crop of journalists) irregularities in several combat decorations he received for Vietnam service.  The same John Kerry who led the opposition in the Senate to what eventually became Operation Desert Storm! 

This man was on the wrong side of history regarding the Cold War. He was wrong about the Liberation of Kuwait in the 90s. He has been consistently inconsistent on the War on Terror.  He also has never been the head of actually..anything in his life other than a few weeks commanding a Swiftboat 40 years ago.  The idea that this man could somehow lead the largest organization in the US Government is laughable.

Also, John Kerry has a personal networth of somewhere around $750Million (that is 3 Mitt Romneys for any lefties reading this who suck at math).  I am pretty sure we just had the Democrats tell us for several months that having a lot of money was a sign of ripping people off and being basically evil.  Of course the difference being that Mitt Romney actually earned his money in business.  Sen. Kerry essentially has married two extremely rich women to "acquire" his.  He does it the old fashioned Democratic way.  He takes it.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday Morning Observations

1. Massive Voter Fraud in St. Lucie County Florida

Rep. Allen West's quest for re-election is in doubt as one county in Florida has roughly 100,000 more voter cards than registered voters in that county.  Reading around the web Sunday I could not find any reasonable defense for this.  I did see numerous people on the left accusing Congressmen West of whining (he at last count was down 2422 votes).  So this is what we have come to?  This great experiment in self rule is really just about stealing elections?  Amazing.  If one county in Florida can have that much voter fraud, how seriously can we be sure that this sort of thing doesn't repeat on a smaller level in just a handful of precints in a handful of states?  Obama was allegely re-elected with a margin of less than 2.8m votes nationally.  Obama won Ohio by 104,000 votes.  One county in Florida has over 100% voter turnout and was decidedly Democrat.  Obama won Florida by 74,000 votes.  Think about that.

Update:  Congressman West has been declared the loser following the partial recount in his district.  This includes the above mentioned 141% turnout in St. Lucie county.  Keep in mind that there remain many ballots that have never been counted once in this race.  On election night Rep. West was leading by 2,000 votes and then minutes later one update put him 2,000 behind.

We have just had an election in which 330,000 votes in 4 states re-elected the President. It is a lot easier to steal an election than most people are willing to believe.

2. CNN Finally is reporting on Benghazi!

Well kinda sorta.  For the 14 days prior to last Tuesday's election I regularly noted on my Facebook page that CNN had no articles dealing with Benghazi on their front page.  Any comments about Benghazi garnered comments from the left of "stop watching Foxnews!" as if that is an answer to real items being reported.  The problem of course other national news agency was doing any reporting at all about the Benghazi scandal.

Of course not reporting on Benghazigate did not prevent CNN's Candy Crowley from butting in and helping President Obama gang up on Mitt Romney during debate #2 when she erroneously fact checked in favor of the President's lie that he called the attack on our Consulate on Sept 11, 2012 terrorism.  CNN after the debate had Candy on and showed a clip of the President's Rose Garden comments the day after and they clipped it in a way to falsely assert again that he called the Benghazi attack terrorism.  Of course transcripts and video of his entire comments are widely available.  The President never called the attack terrorism at all in those comments.

That said!  This weekend of course CNN has re-discovered Benghazi only kinda sorta.  There were more reports on the resignation of CIA Director David Patraeus' due to an affair and not appear before Congress this week for questioning on Benghazi then they reported for two solid weeks before our national election.

BTW Barack Obama was re-elected by less than 3million votes with 8million fewer than he got in 2008.  Did I mention that one heavily Democrat county in Florida had 141% voter turnout??

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Saturday's News Observations


This of course means we will remain dependent on foreign oil for many more years to come.  During the debates President Obama lied about drilling on Federal lands.  Governor Romney called him on it and was essentially ignored by the MSM.  So there you go America!  Sarah Palin said "Drill!  Drill!  Drill!"  The President says windpower so blow blow blow I guess.


There should not be much surprise that businesses are doing what businesses do.  A tax on medical devices could only make sense to someone who has no idea how the economy say...the President?!!!  Anyone who says that Obamacare makes health care free does not know basic math and is evidence that we should have never let children use calculators in school.


Well, DUH!!!!


The question of the day seems to be did he quit over Benghazigate and use the affair as an excuse?  Well the deal is, I do not see how that could make any real sense.  I figure he wanted out and the affair is as good a reason as any.  I can relate to being a military man and not wanting to serve a President who is dangerous for the country.

Besides, it isn't like Gen. Petraeus will avoid answering questions before Congress.  And if he is put under oath the answers still come under the force of law. 

Let us not forget that it was actually Vice President Biden during the VP debate who threw the CIA under the bus over Benghazi.

Friday, November 9, 2012

This is the beginning

I am starting this blog mostly to express my thoughts on all things political.

What a week this has been.  On Monday night I went to bed expecting to see a resounding victory for the Republican party in the national election. I went to work predicting that by 9:15 PST Mitt Romney would be President elect.  I then watched in shock as battleground states one after the other were called for President Obama.

A few thoughts.  The punditocracy is going to go on for months if not years about exit polling.  My understanding is that exit polls do not survey the entire country.  In fact there are no exit polls in several states.  Thus I do not trust much of anything those polls really tell us.  President Obama has been re-elected with 7million less votes than he got in 2008.  Mitt Romney will end up with slightly less votes than John McCain got in the same election.  I do not believe this election proved anything other than more liberal partisan Democrats voted on Tuesday than did conservative partisan Republicans.  Any deeper reading of the electorate beyond this is foolishness.

This is the 2nd consecutive national election in which Republicans tried to distance themselves from the principally social issues that most Conservatives hold close to heart.  The results have been ruinous as Evangelical Christians have in large numbers not supported either Sen. McCain in 2008 or Gov. Romney in 2012.  If the Republican party wants to rule again it must stop trying to appeal to so called moderates and independents.  It must appeal to grass roots Christians.  We have proven that we will not turn out in the numbers needed to win for candidates who are wishy washy on social issues.

The Democrats turned this election, which was supposed to be about the economy, into a referendum on social issues.  Gov. Romney could not present enough of a real contrast to convince Conservatives that he was worth supporting. President Obama appealed to his true believing flock on the left.  And so the nation suffers for another couple of years in darkness.

I expect that a new fight will break out on the budget as we face Taxmageddon next month.  Already the CIA Director Gen. Patraeus and apparently Secretary of State Clinton have resigned.  We will probably see others like Defense Secretary Panetta, Treasury Secretary Geithner and Attorney General Holder in the coming days all stepping aside.

God help us!